Why Haven’t We Kicked the UN Out Of America?

Sudan is a better location.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights.

ABSTAIN: Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, and United Kingdom

UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters - UN Watch
Why would we kick the US out of the U.S.?
The UN is 100% corrupt... only a fucking retard would trust that organization

You have never been a champion of the rights of women at home or abroad. All we have ever heard from you is that you are a cheap fundie.
Sudan is a better location.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights.

ABSTAIN: Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, and United Kingdom

UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters - UN Watch
Why would we kick the US out of the U.S.?
The UN is 100% corrupt... only a fucking retard would trust that organization

You have never been a champion of the rights of women at home or abroad. All we have ever heard from you is that you are a cheap fundie.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded… Look in the mirror
Sudan is a better location.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights.

ABSTAIN: Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, and United Kingdom

UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters - UN Watch

The only viable way to make the UN useful, is to remove their headquarters from the U.S. and for the US to resign as an active member.
Become more of an Investigator of the UN rather than a member of the UN. That keeps us from being regarded as an equal and forces
the remaining members to kinda vote like we would want them to, or risk alienating us from their countries.

Their peacekeeping forces have become useless. They refuse to take tough stances. They constantly try to be like a Civil Court
and give both parties something of value. Korea ended the UN as a useful organization. It is a waste of our time and money
to be associated with that group. We'd get more out of them by looking over their shoulder and going our own way with foreign
policy than being handicapped by them. Take Iran, for a current example. As an Independent Country all we would have to do
is ask other countries for support in protecting shipping in the Persian Gulf. There would be Destroyers from 50 countries
escorting ships in that waterway tomorrow, rather than risk what the US could do to Iran, if we had to go it alone.

No Country in the World is on equal footing when they are dealing with us at the White House, but they have an equal seat
when placed alongside of us at the UN. They are not our equal and they need to be reminded of that, daily.
Pohoho they talking about your Israel snowflakes ? They are criminals that's what they are...deal with it. And dont forget to send them your tax dollars while your own vets are homeless.
Let's get rid of your illegals first.
Illegals contribute to the 3conomu, Israelis they only take and they dont give.

Do you have any idea how much Israeli intel has helped the U.S. in their wars in the region?

Do you have any idea of the magnitude of how the U.S.-Israel FTA as ratified in 1985 has helped bolster American jobs? 17 million have been directly supported just between 2009 and 2014.

Every single state in the U.S.A. has economic ties and partnerships with the Jewish state. Every one.

You know nothing.
We give them billions of dollars that we dont have and cant afford. Is being also documented that they steal and spy on US...US politicians and future presidents have to get the approval of AIPAC. So much for America first.
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Pohoho they talking about your Israel snowflakes ? They are criminals that's what they are...deal with it. And dont forget to send them your tax dollars while your own vets are homeless.
Let's get rid of your illegals first.
Illegals contribute to the 3conomu, Israelis they only take and they dont give.

Wass iss diss "3conomu'?

Yeah, we should kick the UN out of NY.
Sudan is a better location.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Pakistan were among members of the UN’s 54-nation economic and social council, a principal organ of the world body, who voted to single out and condemn Israel yesterday as the only country in the world that violates women’s rights.

ABSTAIN: Brazil, Cameroon, Germany, Jamaica, Mexico, Romania, Togo, Ukraine, and United Kingdom

UN Singles Out Israel as World's Only Violator of Women's Rights; Iran, Saudi Arabia & Yemen Among the Voters - UN Watch

Wow what a load of horse shit.

Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Yemen are all Sharia law countries where women are nothing more than slaves.

We should kick the UN out. Its a totally useless organization. All they do is sign resolutions which no one pays any attention to.

The UN building is sitting on prime land. The building could be turned into shops, apartments and stores. The city could make a fortune with that building.

Send the UN somewhere else. Let some other country baby sit the idiots.
Do you have any idea how much Israeli intel has helped the U.S. in their wars in the region?

Do you have any idea of the magnitude of how the U.S.-Israel FTA as ratified in 1985 has helped bolster American jobs? 17 million have been directly supported just between 2009 and 2014.

Every single state in the U.S.A. has economic ties and partnerships with the Jewish state. Every one.

You know nothing.
Lefties aren't always as stupid as they act..

America-Haters naturally hate America's allies.

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