Why Hasn't Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Been PERP WALKED Yet?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Perhaps Liberals and their media are hoping that this will all go quietly away if nothing is ever mentioned again about how the former DNC Chairwoman-turned-Hillary Campaign Worker ran her own Pakistani spy ring, damaged national security by giving spies access to classified House files - even after an espionage investigation had been opened and they had been banned from the House, and gave them access to DNC e-mails along with the e-mail account usernames and passwords...

Media / Govt SILENT.....

'Latest' News:

Blowback from staffer scandal burns Wasserman Schultz

DWS should be in cuffs by now.
Jeff is having a hard time getting the liberal DOJ staff to do their jobs. Its obvious that as the DOJ gets their house in order indictments will be flowing...eventually...

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