Why globalists


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

hate populism. No total or near total centralized control.
These Globalists have been infiltrating this country for years. Trying to push their own agenda on us. That they have infiltrated groups and have them sign pledges in return for bribes. That these bribes are the Globalists insurance policies that is if one of them decides not to fulfill their obligations.

They only put into office or power people with sick depraved minds. It is because in the past, they have learned that people that had Christian's morals and values always left them high and dry. That they have chosen to do what is right over wrong at the end.

But people don't believe in demons or demonic forces at play. But in history, it shows them at work. But these demons cover up the acts of those who were caught in the act by saying that those were the dark eras of man, but now we have evolved from those days. And will say let's move on and forget about the past.

But God is showing us that it never stops. That demons are real.


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