Why few if any try and stop illegal immigration?

money for one, votes for another.
For ordinary Americans, watching the unending flow of illegal aliens into America leads to an inevitable question: Why is no one showing the political will to stop it? It turns out that more institutions and people than just the Democrat party benefit from that flood of humanity, drugs, and crime.

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Image: Illegal aliens entering the U.S. YouTube screen grab.

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One of the big drivers of illegal immigration is the pernicious Chamber of Commerce, once a “Main Street” organization. Big Business in America needs workers.

I've been arguing this for years.
Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.

The tard herd is continually bombarded by their propagandists with Darkies Behaving Badly news stories accompanied by doom music to keep their confirmation biases well fed.

We are going to need more immigrants, folks. Our birth rate is declining, and our economy will suffer if we don't take in more immigrants.

We badly need immigration reform to meet our labor demand with the correct labor supply.

It's also a fact immigrants do a lot of jobs Americans won't do.

If we built a three mile high wall on the southern border, it would have ZERO impact on our problems.

Every prosperous nation has a large immigrant labor pool to do the shit jobs.
For ordinary Americans, watching the unending flow of illegal aliens into America leads to an inevitable question: Why is no one showing the political will to stop it? It turns out that more institutions and people than just the Democrat party benefit from that flood of humanity, drugs, and crime.

One of the big drivers of illegal immigration is the pernicious Chamber of Commerce, once a “Main Street” organization. Big Business in America needs workers. Illegal immigrants swell the worker pool, doing many of those supposed “jobs Americans won’t do.” You know, those in the construction industry, hotels, farming, etc. To the degree that Big Business can employ illegal immigrants at wages below those wages for legal American workers, illegal immigration is a winning issue for them.

Another pro-illegal institution is the Catholic Church. It not only solicits funds from parishioners but also generates hundreds of millions of dollars annually for supporting the illegal alien invasion.

The Chamber and the Vatican are only part of the cabal of businesses, NGOs, and government agencies that have built an ecosystem around the illegal immigrant trade. Illegal aliens are profitable for everyone but the American worker.

Somebody has to sell the cell phones the government is giving to illegals. Companies must facilitate the tens of billions of dollars illegal aliens send home yearly. Someone has to provide the gasoline for planes to fly immigrants around the country.


Schools get bigger budgets—to the tune of $59 billion. Hospitals earn almost $20 billion a year. Even hotels get into the mix, with one upscale Times Square hotel that has rooms going for $400 a night completely booked with illegal immigrants, some of whom spend their time beating their spouses, doing drugs, drinking, throwing out food, and having sex in the stairways.


Image: Illegal aliens entering the U.S. YouTube screen grab.

And of course, tens of thousands of bureaucrats across the country at all levels must be hired to deal with the onslaught. Their salaries must be paid for by the government, which means by taxpayers. Beyond all of that, we’re even paying $6 million a day to defense contractors to NOT build a wall on our southern border!

The amounts involved are simply staggering: well over $100 billion annually (or $200 billion, depending on who’s counting). In fact, that’s surely a severe undercount when considering those dollar figures don’t count the “enforcement“ of the border element of the equation. Every single year

There’s worse. While your money goes into the pockets of the illegal alien empowerment cabal, it’s only money. There are other, far more vicious costs.

One tragic cost was paid by the families of the 100,000 Americans who died last year from fentanyl overdoses. (It’s a drug that almost exclusively comes over the southern border.) Plus, there were many times that number of addicts who didn’t succumb but continued to wreak havoc in their homes and communities.


Then there are the tens of thousands of women and children who suffer from sex trafficking across the border. And there’s the price paid in life and treasure by the victims of illegal alien crime. And Democrats whined when Trump wanted to spend a few billion to build a wall…

Exactly how many illegal immigrants are in the country? Numbers are all over the map. In 2021, a DHS report estimated that the number of illegal aliens in 2018 was 11 million. Not surprisingly, that’s essentially the exact same number the government has been claiming for decades!

That 11 million, of course, is a lie. Also, in 2018, Yale and MIT estimated the number at 22 million and potentially as high as 29 million. Way back in 2005, Bear Sterns estimated the number was 20 million, with another 3 million coming in annually. If that assessment was accurate, then 18 years later, we’d have another 52 million illegals in the country for a total of 72 million!

The one thing we know is that the government has been telling us the number is 11 million since the 90s, so it’s obviously lying, for that is impossible. In just the last 22 months, 5.2 million people illegally crossed into the United States, and that doesn’t include the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who eluded detection. The exact number of illegal aliens in our midst is impossible to know for certain, but the most likely number is 35 million or more.

Given that illegal aliens seem to make up almost 10% of our population, the question is again: Why doesn’t someone stop this invasion? The real answer is actually quite simple: Power.

The reason this is not stopped is that illegal aliens flock to large cities in Democrat strongholds. It’s not because they vote, although no doubt some of them do illegally. No, it’s all about numbers. We’ll start with the proportions reported by Pew Research in 2019 about where illegal aliens live. As the report parrots the government’s lie of 11 million, we’ll triple their stated numbers. Doing so gives us 33 million illegal aliens spread over all 50 states.

Importantly however, 80% of those 33 million are located in large metropolitan areas in just 15 states: AZ, CA, FL, GA, IL, MD, MA, NJ, NY, NC, TX, VA & WA. That’s approximately 24 million people, with 14.5 living in Democrat states and 9.1 living in GOP states. The fact that they are people but not citizens is critical because Congressional representation is based on population, not citizens. The number of people each Congressional district represents is approximately 735,000.

Of the 15 states listed above, eight have majority Democrat Congressional delegations (CA, IL, MD, MA, NJ, NY, VA, WA), four have majority Republican delegations (AZ, FL, GA, TX), and one (NC) is even. California, with its estimated 6.6 million illegal aliens, has between eight and nine more seats than it would without illegal aliens. New York, with its 2.1 million illegal aliens, has approximately three more Congressmen than it should, while Texas, with its 4.8 million illegal aliens, has six or seven extra congressmen. When you do the math, those 24 million illegal aliens living in those 15 states result in a net positive of six Congressional seats for Democrats.

If six seats don’t sound like much, think again. In four of the last 13 Congressional elections, had the minority party had just six more seats, it would have been the majority party. And with that majority comes power. As the government has accumulated more power, as Washington has increased its control over the everyday lives of the American people, and as the leviathan of the bureaucracy has grown, the value of each and every illegal alien increases.

Money and power. Probably not news, but there it is. Those are the driving forces behind the refusal to stop this invasion of illegals and, instead, to encourage it. It’s interesting too that the cabal who are abetting this invasion are the familiar faces pushing the policies behind much of the dystopian chaos that our biggest cities are suffering through today: Activist NGOs, big business, bureaucrats and, of course, the Democrat party.

Hiding their avarice behind the fig leaves of “compassion” and “empathy,” the members of this cabal increase their bank accounts and their power with little regard for the benefit or desires of the legal citizens of the United States. But the truth is, why should they? They are all but declaring war on the United States and the American people, yet—somehow—they keep “winning” elections. Who says insurrection doesn’t pay?

Follow Vince on Twitter @ImperfectUSA

Well, Trump tried with the wall. Being a threat as he was to the power structure, of course they had to attack him non-stop to be sure he was never elected again.

These people in charge could care less that they have empowered Drug cartels to set up shop even more inside the U.S..... its hard to count all the ways they are doing damage to our society, becaus ethere are so many. It's funny though how you see Democrats like AOC so enthused to announce they have jobs just waiting for all these "immigrants" even as Americans are being laid off now and other Americans are still being paid to stay home and not work..Wouldnt it be great if instead of looking for foreign nationals from all over the world to hand over the remaining jobs to.... we would find ways to encourage our own to get off their asses and work? Democrats however love to have certain segments of society reliant on assistance.
Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.

The tard herd is continually bombarded by their propagandists with Darkies Behaving Badly news stories accompanied by doom music to keep their confirmation biases well fed.

We are going to need more immigrants, folks. Our birth rate is declining, and our economy will suffer if we don't take in more immigrants.

We badly need immigration reform to meet our labor demand with the correct labor supply.

It's also a fact immigrants do a lot of jobs Americans won't do.

If we built a three mile high wall on the southern border, it would have ZERO impact on our problems.

Every prosperous nation has a large immigrant labor pool to do the shit jobs.

Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.
Hundreds of thousands of "gottaways" have also crossed the border... those are the ones who tried to avoid border agents... who are tied up dealing with the other ones.
You have to realize that many of these either are working for cartels... are runners, are other foreign nationals other than latin America... and god knows who else.
Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.

The tard herd is continually bombarded by their propagandists with Darkies Behaving Badly news stories accompanied by doom music to keep their confirmation biases well fed.

We are going to need more immigrants, folks. Our birth rate is declining, and our economy will suffer if we don't take in more immigrants.

We badly need immigration reform to meet our labor demand with the correct labor supply.

It's also a fact immigrants do a lot of jobs Americans won't do.

If we built a three mile high wall on the southern border, it would have ZERO impact on our problems.

Every prosperous nation has a large immigrant labor pool to do the shit jobs.

How about we teach our own people how to work hard instead and get off their lazy asses?
It's definately not all of them, we have a lot of hard workers.... but also millions who are doing nothing.
How about we teach our own people how to work hard instead and get off their lazy asses?
It's definately not all of them, we have a lot of hard workers.... but also millions who are doing nothing.

The claim is false and misleading. People will work these jobs. They just won't for a low pay employers can get illegals to do it for.

Low pay, no overtime, no benefits, etc.

American's won't work is actually American's won't work for what we want to pay them.
The only people who want illegal immigration stopped, are 'mom and pop' conservatives. 'Mom and mom' Dimocrats on the other hand have this bleeding heart problem that wants to flood the country and kill the current demographics in this country.

Business owners both Republican and Dimocrat will always look for illegal labor, and of course the corporate world loves slave labor.

Bottom line is, for years Dimocrats have put the welcome mat out, and nothing on the horizon looks like anything will change that.
The only people who want illegal immigration stopped, are 'mom and pop' conservatives. 'Mom and mom' Dimocrats on the other hand have this bleeding heart problem that wants to flood the country and kill the current demographics in this country.

Business owners both Republican and Dimocrat will always look for illegal labor, and of course the corporate world loves slave labor.

Bottom line is, for years Dimocrats have put the welcome mat out, and nothing on the horizon looks like anything will change that.

If "mom and pop Conservatives really wanted it stopped they would quit voting for politicians that do nothing about the business owners always looking for illegal labor.
It has a lot to do with global agendas, and the UN agenda 2030. Our contribution is the regurgitation of the old North American Union, which didn't go away. To facilitate the flow of people and goods across borders, and adopt common values (laws). A narco state to the south, a blossoming authoritarian state to the north, and a dysfunctional war based conglomerate of people that hate each other in the middle. This baby will be ugly. Declaration of North America (DNA) | The White House
Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.
Hundreds of thousands of "gottaways" have also crossed the border... those are the ones who tried to avoid border agents... who are tied up dealing with the other ones.
You have to realize that many of these either are working for cartels... are runners, are other foreign nationals other than latin America... and god knows who else.
You have to realize the vast, vast, vast majority of illegals came here to escape abject poverty and build better lives for their families. Your head is being filled with bullshit.

The GOP is really blowing this one. Our southern neighbors are deeply religious, hard working, and family oriented. Everything the GOP claims to be, but isn't.
How about we teach our own people how to work hard instead and get off their lazy asses?
It's definately not all of them, we have a lot of hard workers.... but also millions who are doing nothing.
We have full employment. Nice try.
You have to realize the vast, vast, vast majority of illegals came here to escape abject poverty and build better lives for their families. Your head is being filled with bullshit.

The GOP is really blowing this one. Our southern neighbors are deeply religious, hard working, and family oriented. Everything the GOP claims to be, but isn't.

Those people who come across the border from latin America has to put money in the pockets of Drug Cartels on the way, they are also being used and abused by them. The proper thing is to apply for assylum in your country of origin, NOT rush the U.S. border.
You good with putting women and children in danger , daily? because thats exactly whats happening.
Seems so cruel to you to tell people to wait, the border is closed, but that would be the most humane thing. That Mexican people, or Central Americans can be good workers isnt even the point. I know they are, I've worked with them. It doesnt make illegal immigration right... and it doesnt make exceeding the amount of people we can take in at a time, right or acceptable. Plus border crossers are coming from all over the world, your kidding yourself if you think they are all from Latin America.
What Biden did by urging people to crash the border was reckless and politically motivated
Illegals commit less crime than citizens. That's a fact.

The tard herd is continually bombarded by their propagandists with Darkies Behaving Badly news stories accompanied by doom music to keep their confirmation biases well fed.

We are going to need more immigrants, folks. Our birth rate is declining, and our economy will suffer if we don't take in more immigrants.

We badly need immigration reform to meet our labor demand with the correct labor supply.

It's also a fact immigrants do a lot of jobs Americans won't do.

If we built a three mile high wall on the southern border, it would have ZERO impact on our problems.

Every prosperous nation has a large immigrant labor pool to do the shit jobs.

You bought the commie propaganda hook, line and sinker. The real problem is Democrats have conditioned people to stay home over getting a job.

Dementia has increased food stamps to the highest percentage since the program began. As soon as he got in he signed the bill to provide federal unemployment benefits on top of state unemployment giving people more money to sit home than work. He expanded the child tax credits giving people a reason to stay home. Government will even pay $50.00 of your cable/ internet bill if you make under 200% of poverty wages; $27,100 for a single person.

The only reason an American is not working is because they don't have to. But we all need food and shelter to survive. If they are not working, they are getting those funds from somewhere.

The solution is not bringing in people to do the jobs Americans won't do, the solution is to drastically cut funding to social programs for people mentally and physically capable of working so they will do these jobs. The Republicans are working on that right now with work requirements.

As for crime, if my neighbor goes out and kills somebody while robbing a store, there is nothing we can do about that since you have to commit the crime first to be arrested and charged. If a foreigner robs a store and kills somebody, that crime could have been prevented by not having them here in the first place.

You bought the commie propaganda hook, line and sinker. The real problem is Democrats have conditioned people to stay home over getting a job.

Stay home like you do. We know how you do it but when asked we never get an answer as to how all these people are just able to stay home and not work.

Dementia has increased food stamps to the highest percentage since the program began. As soon as he got in he signed the bill to provide federal unemployment benefits on top of state unemployment giving people more money to sit home than work. He expanded the child tax credits giving people a reason to stay home. Government will even pay $50.00 of your cable/ internet bill if you make under 200% of poverty wages; $27,100 for a single person.

That happened under Trump and it has ended.

The only reason an American is not working is because they don't have to. But we all need food and shelter to survive. If they are not working, they are getting those funds from somewhere.

The solution is not bringing in people to do the jobs Americans won't do, the solution is to drastically cut funding to social programs for people mentally and physically capable of working so they will do these jobs. The Republicans are working on that right now with work requirements.

As for crime, if my neighbor goes out and kills somebody while robbing a store, there is nothing we can do about that since you have to commit the crime first to be arrested and charged. If a foreigner robs a store and kills somebody, that crime could have been prevented by not having them here in the first place.

I say we start with disability. I can guarantee there is a job out there you can do.

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