Why Don't Women Support Cynthia McKinney from the Green Party?

You post mindboggling stupid comments that you can't back up, then feign offense when I call it stupid.

You don't know shit about what black voters know, or knew, then now or ever. I could post lots of articles in and on black media about Obama long before Iowa and easily demonstrate black voters knew who he was before Iowa. If you knew what you were talking about you would have also recognized that many black voters didn't support him until after Iowa because they didn't believe he could win white votes and Iowa proved them wrong ..

.. but you sir don't seem to have the capacity for honest debate as many others on this site do .. so I'll just keep having fun with your comments .. and it's OK if you keep whining.

You aren't voting for Obama? Why????:eek::eek::eek:
You aren't voting for Obama? Why????:eek::eek::eek:

Wall Street
He's weak and easily manipulated.
He's a centrist and seems to have never met an issue he can't take both sides on.
Democrats will have full control of the government and I don't believe they're any better at that than republicans
He's a fraud

That being said .. I applaud and salute Obama for pulling off what has to be one of the most calculated lives in human history. I believe he knew he was going to be president even before he entered college and he has calculated his every move to get there.

He beat the most powerful political family in America in the last 40 years and raised the most money in American political history .. and he did it while being black and not even completely serving one term in the Senate.

That is an amazing accomplishment .. I applaud his astounding journey .. but this isn't about one man's personal rise to glory .. this is about the future of America.
But if my opinons were solely shaped by race, wouldn't I be voting for Obama? Wasn't it you who suggested that blacks are only voting for Obama because he's black .. thus proclaiming all blacks stupid and incapable of deciding what is in their best interest. ....

I never said all blacks, just a large percentage of them are voting for Obama simply because he's black. By my crude estimate, since 90% voted for him over Hillary, and Hillary has an nearly identical platform, then simple math tells me that 45% are voting for Obama simply because he's black. :eusa_whistle:

That being said .. I applaud and salute Obama for pulling off what has to be one of the most calculated lives in human history. I believe he knew he was going to be president even before he entered college and he has calculated his every move to get there.

He beat the most powerful political family in America in the last 40 years and raised the most money in American political history .. and he did it while being black and not even completely serving one term in the Senate.

That is an amazing accomplishment .. I applaud his astounding journey .. but this isn't about one man's personal rise to glory .. this is about the future of America.
War is good, as it is responsible for the freedom of millions throughout the world.

We agree on Obama's brilliance with respect to cunning. If he wasn't black, however, he could never had pulled it off.

In other words, you're the idiot I said youi were .. incapable of anything outside of the 8th grade.

"politics outside of skin color" .. you mean like not voting for someone LIKE OBAMA .. whom I share the same skin color with?




no, sorry.. in other words you have a melanin common denominator reason to think that the African American Ralph Nader should mean shit to someone outside of your ethnic demographic. Good luck with that.

Again, the irony is rich when you cry about name calling.. yet call someone names to make some ghetto fabulous point.

and no, I mean like voting FOR someone like (excuse me while I laugh in your fucking face) Cynthia "Race Card to the White House" Mckinney.

I never said all blacks, just a large percentage of them are voting for Obama simply because he's black. By my crude estimate, since 90% voted for him over Hillary, and Hillary has an nearly identical platform, then simple math tells me that 45% are voting for Obama simply because he's black. :eusa_whistle:

Please share the algorithm you used to come up with your figures .. because from where I sit Hillary destroyed her own campaign and it wasn't just blacks who abandoned her AND you haven't factored in that Obama won the nomination on one issue .. the Iraq War. Had he ben in the Senate at the time, he would have voted for the Iraq Resolution and Hillary would be the nominee. Had Hillary apologized and regretted her Iraq vote, she would be the nominee.

Your math ignores critical factors, thus is seriously flawed .. and your exact words were "Blacks are voting him because he's black"

Seriously flawed analysis .. hope you don't think this is an insult.
War is good, as it is responsible for the freedom of millions throughout the world.

We agree on Obama's brilliance with respect to cunning. If he wasn't black, however, he could never had pulled it off.

War is insane and evil .. and is responsible for millions of deaths of innocent people .. and children .. and babies .. whom you probably see as collateral damage only.

War is good? .. Your war in Iraq has empowered the Iranians more than they could have possibly empowered themselves

Your war has drained and broken the US military.

Your war has drained the US Treasury of 10 billion dollars every month.

Your war has tremendously damaged American power. influence, respect, and stature all over the world in ways that no terrorist group or organization could have ever accomplished.

Your war is why republicans are on their way to becoming the Whigs.

War is insane and quite often, mindlessly stupid.

Obama being black is not an asset and he's been running from his being black since he won the nomination.
Please share the algorithm you used to come up with your figures .. because from where I sit Hillary destroyed her own campaign and it wasn't just blacks who abandoned her AND you haven't factored in that Obama won the nomination on one issue .. the Iraq War. Had he ben in the Senate at the time, he would have voted for the Iraq Resolution and Hillary would be the nominee. Had Hillary apologized and regretted her Iraq vote, she would be the nominee.

Your math ignores critical factors, thus is seriously flawed .. and your exact words were "Blacks are voting him because he's black"

Seriously flawed analysis .. hope you don't think this is an insult.

Wow I thought it was self-explanatory, but here goes: 90%/2 = 45%. :cuckoo:
War is insane and evil .. and is responsible for millions of deaths of innocent people .. and children .. and babies .. whom you probably see as collateral damage only.

War is good? .. Your war in Iraq has empowered the Iranians more than they could have possibly empowered themselves

Your war has drained and broken the US military.

Your war has drained the US Treasury of 10 billion dollars every month.

Your war has tremendously damaged American power. influence, respect, and stature all over the world in ways that no terrorist group or organization could have ever accomplished.

Your war is why republicans are on their way to becoming the Whigs.

War is insane and quite often, mindlessly stupid.

Obama being black is not an asset and he's been running from his being black since he won the nomination.

If you were so concerned about babies then you wouldn't support liberal policies of abortion. I won't bother to address the remainder of your rant as they have been addressed in other threads.

Actually, Obama's been running from the issues since he began his campaign. If he was a white dude with his level of experience and scandals he'd never had beaten poor old bag Hilary.
If you were so concerned about babies then you wouldn't support liberal policies of abortion. I won't bother to address the remainder of your rant as they have been addressed in other threads.

Actually, Obama's been running from the issues since he began his campaign. If he was a white dude with his level of experience and scandals he'd never had beaten poor old bag Hilary.

Hillary beat herself. She assumed she the coronation before it happened.

Your analysis is still flawed. but at least we finally got around to civil discourse between us.

I apologize for what you thought were insults.
Hillary beat herself. She assumed she the coronation before it happened.

Your analysis is still flawed. but at least we finally got around to civil discourse between us.

I apologize for what you thought were insults.

Yes I do agree that Hillary fucked up by doing that. But you can't argue with my analysis; all you can do is dismiss it and hope that it goes away.

The record clearly shows that I have always been civil when others are truthful and civil towards me, and then even when some are less so.

I see that you've developed a Clintonian method of apology. You apologize for me being unable to understand you; therefore claiming that the one who was wrong is me. :lol:
because she has no shot at winning. because she is a 9/11 "troother"
Yes I do agree that Hillary fucked up by doing that. But you can't argue with my analysis; all you can do is dismiss it and hope that it goes away.

The record clearly shows that I have always been civil when others are truthful and civil towards me, and then even when some are less so.

I see that you've developed a Clintonian method of apology. You apologize for me being unable to understand you; therefore claiming that the one who was wrong is me. :lol:


I apologized, is something more required? My point was that everything you claimed was an insult was not .. but I apologized for it anyway. I even said in one of my posts to you "hope you don't see this as an insult" because you claim insult so easily. Free yourself from your ideological trap and you'd see the world more clearly.

Hope you don't see that as an insult.

Your analysis is seriously flawed. 90%/2 is an arbitrary conclusion not supported by anything close to being real data.

Frankly, I saw your comment that blacks are only voting for Obama because he's black as an insult .. but I don't sweat the small stuff.

I apologized, is something more required? My point was that everything you claimed was an insult was not .. but I apologized for it anyway. I even said in one of my posts to you "hope you don't see this as an insult" because you claim insult so easily. Free yourself from your ideological trap and you'd see the world more clearly.

Hope you don't see that as an insult.

Your analysis is seriously flawed. 90%/2 is an arbitrary conclusion not supported by anything close to being real data.

Frankly, I saw your comment that blacks are only voting for Obama because he's black as an insult .. but I don't sweat the small stuff.

A liberal apologizes by saying something like "I'm sorry that you misunderstood me" or "I'm sorry that you felt you were insulted". This way the liberal doesn't have to admit that he did wrong or take responsibility for it. An actual apology requires one to admit that they were wrong and except responsibility.

I doesn't matter because I never asked for an apology. All I did was expose the fact that you insulted me.

You are right, friend, I think my analysis may have been wrong, so let me give it another try. 90% of Democrat blacks voted for Obama and the remaining 10% for Hillary. Their respective platforms are nearly identical, therefore the expected distribution should have been close to 50% - 50%. So 90% - 50% = 40% of blacks used race as a determining factor.

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