Why Don't Liberals Blame Biden for the Big Jump in COVID Cases and Deaths After Biden Took Office?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Recently some liberal posted a thread that blamed Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, ignoring the fact that state governors were the ones who determined their respective state's lockdown measures, and ignoring the fact that COVID cases and deaths vastly increased after every blue state, and some red states, imposed draconian lockdown measures that needlessly forced the shutdown of tens of thousands of businesses and put millions of people out of work.

If liberals blame Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, why do they not blame Biden for the big hikes in COVID cases and deaths in January-February 2022?

According to Worldometer and USA Facts, In early January 2022, new COVID cases rose by nearly 800,000 per day. There were 143,000 new cases per day as of December 10, 2021, but as of January 7, new cases per day skyrocketed up to 914,000 (LINK: LINK). On January 26, 2022, new COVID deaths rose to 3,600 per day, dwarfing the 564 new deaths per day recorded on June 27, 2021 (LINK: LINK).

The largest number of new cases in one day under Trump was 311,000--on January 8, 2021 (LINK; LINK). The largest number of new cases in one day under Biden was 914,000--on January 7, 2022 (LINK; LINK). Yet, Democratic governors did not rush to wreck the economy again by reimposing their draconian 2020 lockdown measures.

You would have never known these facts if you only got your news from legacy media outlets, whereas these same outlets deluged us with almost-hourly coverage of every increase in new cases and deaths in 2020.

BTW, the states that only imposed moderate or light lockdown measures fared just about as well as, or better than, the states that imposed draconian lockdown measures.
Recently some liberal posted a thread that blamed Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, ignoring the fact that state governors were the ones who determined their respective state's lockdown measures, and ignoring the fact that COVID cases and deaths vastly increased after every blue state, and some red states, imposed draconian lockdown measures that needlessly forced the shutdown of tens of thousands of businesses and put millions of people out of work.

If liberals blame Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, why do they not blame Biden for the big hikes in COVID cases and deaths in January-February 2022?

According to Worldometer and USA Facts, In early January 2022, new COVID cases rose by nearly 800,000 per day. There were 143,000 new cases per day as of December 10, 2021, but as of January 7, new cases per day skyrocketed up to 914,000 (LINK: LINK). On January 26, 2022, new COVID deaths rose to 3,600 per day, dwarfing the 564 new deaths per day recorded on June 27, 2021 (LINK: LINK).

The largest number of new cases in one day under Trump was 311,000--on January 8, 2021 (LINK; LINK). The largest number of new cases in one day under Biden was 914,000--on January 7, 2022 (LINK; LINK). Yet, Democratic governors did not rush to wreck the economy again by reimposing their draconian 2020 lockdown measures.

You would have never known these facts if you only got your news from legacy media outlets, whereas these same outlets deluged us with almost-hourly coverage of every increase in new cases and deaths in 2020.

BTW, the states that only imposed moderate or light lockdown measures fared just about as well as, or better than, the states that imposed draconian lockdown measures.

Nobody started dying until it was Cadaver Joe's vaccine they were taking.

That worked out well in our red states.
This was the evil doctor Fauci`s plan all along.
Did it occur to you that any comparison involving Florida must consider the fact that Florida has an enormous retiree population?

And did you catch these huge qualifiers that the researchers provided about the study? Let's read them:

The researchers note that their study has several limitations, including the chance that political party affiliation "is a proxy for other risk factors," such as income, health insurance status and chronic medical conditions, along with race and ethnicity.

The study focused only on registered Republicans and Democrats; independents were excluded. And because the researchers drilled into data in Florida and Ohio, they warn that their findings might not translate to other states.

The researchers' data also did not specify a cause of death, and it accounts for some 83.5% of U.S. deaths, rather than the entire number. And because data about the vaccination status of each of the 538,159 people who died in the two states wasn't available, researchers could only go as granular as the county level in assessing excess deaths and vaccination rates.
Recently some liberal posted a thread that blamed Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, ignoring the fact that state governors were the ones who determined their respective state's lockdown measures, and ignoring the fact that COVID cases and deaths vastly increased after every blue state, and some red states, imposed draconian lockdown measures that needlessly forced the shutdown of tens of thousands of businesses and put millions of people out of work.

Yes, Trump fucked it all up, we've been over this, Mormon Mike.

If liberals blame Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, why do they not blame Biden for the big hikes in COVID cases and deaths in January-February 2022?

Because that spike started in December, after Trump let the disease saturate the country. Also because Trump fucked up the Vaccine Rollout, they weren't getting shots into arms fast enough.

Final point, when Biden did get fully in control of the effort, starting in March 2021, the numbers started dropping, fast.
Did it occur to you that any comparison involving Florida must consider the fact that Florida has an enormous retiree population?

And did you catch these huge qualifiers that the researchers provided about the study? Let's read them:

The researchers note that their study has several limitations, including the chance that political party affiliation "is a proxy for other risk factors," such as income, health insurance status and chronic medical conditions, along with race and ethnicity.

The study focused only on registered Republicans and Democrats; independents were excluded. And because the researchers drilled into data in Florida and Ohio, they warn that their findings might not translate to other states.

The researchers' data also did not specify a cause of death, and it accounts for some 83.5% of U.S. deaths, rather than the entire number. And because data about the vaccination status of each of the 538,159 people who died in the two states wasn't available, researchers could only go as granular as the county level in assessing excess deaths and vaccination rates.

They don't ever see the qualifiers because they don't want to.

That's the leftist disease -- it renders them incapable of seeing anything their owners tell them not to see.

That's your answer for the double-standard??? That's no answer. Trump urged everyone to get vaxxed.
Actually, like most things Trump, his endorsement was lukewarm.
Trump refused to allow himself and his wife to be videoed getting the vaccine. His endorsement was you can get vaccinated if you feel like it. He pandered to the anti-vax nuts
Actually, like most things Trump, his endorsement was lukewarm.
Trump refused to allow himself and his wife to be videoed getting the vaccine. His endorsement was you can get vaccinated if you feel like it. He pandered to the anti-vax nuts

"You can get the vaccine if you want to"

Sounds like him saying "You have a choice here".

Try harder.

Did it occur to you that any comparison involving Florida must consider the fact that Florida has an enormous retiree population?

And did you catch these huge qualifiers that the researchers provided about the study? Let's read them:

The researchers note that their study has several limitations, including the chance that political party affiliation "is a proxy for other risk factors," such as income, health insurance status and chronic medical conditions, along with race and ethnicity.

The study focused only on registered Republicans and Democrats; independents were excluded. And because the researchers drilled into data in Florida and Ohio, they warn that their findings might not translate to other states.

The researchers' data also did not specify a cause of death, and it accounts for some 83.5% of U.S. deaths, rather than the entire number. And because data about the vaccination status of each of the 538,159 people who died in the two states wasn't available, researchers could only go as granular as the county level in assessing excess deaths and vaccination rates.
New Jersey had the highest mortality rate of any state in the US.....
And for those who still believe that the draconian lockdown measures were necessary and valid, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have reached a different conclusion based on 34 previous studies on the subject:

A new study out of Johns Hopkins University is claiming that worldwide pandemic lockdowns only prevented 0.2 per cent of COVID-19 deaths and were “not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic.”

“We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality,” reads the paper, which is based on a review of 34 pre-existing COVID-19 studies. (LINK)

The study also found that shutting down “non-essential businesses” brought down COVID death rates by no more than 10%, and that this was “likely to be related to the closure of bars.”

Regarding Florida’s light lockdown measures:

Florida, for example, was much-maligned for its hands-off approach to the pandemic.

“Florida Man Leads His State to the Morgue,” a New Republic headline blared.

“How did Florida get so badly hit by Covid-19?” asked the BBC.

“Ron DeSantis Plays Disaster Politics as Florida Again Reels From Coronavirus,” thundered US News.

Yet as the Wall Street Journal editorial board noted, Florida ranked 6th overall, 3rd for educational outcomes, 13th for economic outcomes, and 26th—pretty middle-of-the-pack—for COVID mortality. (Despite having a disproportionately elderly population!)

California, meanwhile, ranked 40th for its economic outcomes and 50th for education outcomes because it so heavily restricted its economy and kept its schools closed for so long. However, it ranked 27th for COVID mortality, marginally worse than Florida despite all the lockdown damage California inflicted on itself.

New York and New Jersey fared similarly dismally. (LINK)

Some other worthwhile research:

The Czech Republic Has the Highest COVID Mortality in the World, Despite Strict Lockdowns (fee.org)

The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless - Washington Examiner

COVID-19 Lockdowns in Africa Have Been Deadlier than the Disease (fee.org)
Recently some liberal posted a thread that blamed Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, ignoring the fact that state governors were the ones who determined their respective state's lockdown measures, and ignoring the fact that COVID cases and deaths vastly increased after every blue state, and some red states, imposed draconian lockdown measures that needlessly forced the shutdown of tens of thousands of businesses and put millions of people out of work.

If liberals blame Trump for the rise in COVID cases and deaths in 2020, why do they not blame Biden for the big hikes in COVID cases and deaths in January-February 2022?

According to Worldometer and USA Facts, In early January 2022, new COVID cases rose by nearly 800,000 per day. There were 143,000 new cases per day as of December 10, 2021, but as of January 7, new cases per day skyrocketed up to 914,000 (LINK: LINK). On January 26, 2022, new COVID deaths rose to 3,600 per day, dwarfing the 564 new deaths per day recorded on June 27, 2021 (LINK: LINK).

The largest number of new cases in one day under Trump was 311,000--on January 8, 2021 (LINK; LINK). The largest number of new cases in one day under Biden was 914,000--on January 7, 2022 (LINK; LINK). Yet, Democratic governors did not rush to wreck the economy again by reimposing their draconian 2020 lockdown measures.

You would have never known these facts if you only got your news from legacy media outlets, whereas these same outlets deluged us with almost-hourly coverage of every increase in new cases and deaths in 2020.

BTW, the states that only imposed moderate or light lockdown measures fared just about as well as, or better than, the states that imposed draconian lockdown measures.
I'm going to have to think about that question. There's got to be a reason. I wonder what it could be? If we all put our heads together maybe the answer will come to us.
A chart of deaths by week data is available here.

The January peaks are consistent, it's the summer of 2021 that stands out as states eased their restrictions on public gatherings.

Summer 2021 was particularly deadly in the South. In July 2021 Louisiana hit weekly high of 126 deaths per 100,000 residents. Mississippi set a new high with 110 as did Florida with 101. Hawaii and Oregon also set highs that July with 47 and 39 respectively.

With another occupant in the White House the couldn't lead, things did get worse.
It was FJB's party that kept the country shut down much longer than necessary to the point dem states have basically wrote off a generation of school children. Then again I guess they depend on the stupid for their future voting base.

Be safe.

Go get your booster.

We wouldn't want anything to happen to you.


Let me take you back to that time

All four men died in August of coronavirus. A fifth conservative radio host, Bob Enyart, died on 13 September, weeks after he told his listeners to boycott vaccines that were “immorally developed”.

The death of the men, just weeks apart, illustrated both the depth of anti-vaccine feeling among some conservatives, but also hinted at the problems rightwing talk radio, along with other conservative media, is causing as vaccination rates in the US have slowed.

So at least 5 people who died of covid were right wing radio hosts who didn't get vaccinated. Explain this. Did you forget about them? Probably because you guys ignored them when I posted this back then.

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