Why Does This Board Have So Many MSNBCbot Spiders?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
I don't see Fox News bot spiders here, or The Heritage Foundations, or WND's.

Why is the ultra left wing, liberal, lame stream media hack MSNBC the only one with bot spiders all over this board?

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prbably because fox and heratige foundations and the rest of the ultra right blame street media just have memebrs repeating their talking points so no need for spiders.......

just a theory......
prbably because fox and heratige foundations and the rest of the ultra right blame street media just have memebrs repeating their talking points so no need for spiders.......

just a theory......

Thank you, for that bubble headed, leftist spin... :eusa_hand:
I actually saw someone on MSNBC last night mention my Pee Wee defence joke.

made me laugh
I actually saw someone on MSNBC last night mention my Pee Wee defence joke.

made me laugh

Why would anyone watch MSNBC knowing full well they're nothing more than a left wing hack job and obama campaign head quarters?

Other than a brain dead moron like you that is.
ya ya ya

and Fox is like the library of congress huh?

Jesus you cons are brainwashed
I have to admitt it kinda blew me away.

I had no ideas just how much this site gets out.

I have seen arguments I made be used a coupld of months later by someone on TV and who knowswhere they got the ideas but the Pee Wee defense just struck me as to much a stretch.

I am sure it came from someone purusing this site.

I have never heard it from anywhere other than me.
Oh brother, there is plenty of posters using ideological friendly resources here from both sides of the aisle.
It's not just the left and it's not just the right!
Hell, I'm guilty as I use centralist non partisan resources because, that's what I is!
:iagree: :lol:

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