Why Does Nancy Pelosi Think She's President???


For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???


As I've posted before, the Trumpanzee set, along with the Callous Conservative set will continue to attack the character of Democrats. One may have noticed that Mudwhistle does this regularly as part of his hate and fear agenda in which he proffers in threads and posts for the biddable.

No educated and/or thinking person takes him seriously.

Democrats, AKA leftists have no character. They lie,cheat, and steal, their goal is to accomplish their agenda by any means necessary.

That's not the way to do business, and if push comes to shove? They're done like a shoeleather steak.

I don't take take Wry Catcher seriously, because although he may have some words, he has no common sense whatsover. It appears to me he's a leftist shill on this here messageboard.

Mary, mary, mary, You got me. I'm a paid agent provocateur by Mr Soros, educated by Karl Marx himself, and I seek to establish here in America an idyllic Heaven on Earth.

Every think will be free, no taxes will be assessed and all dogs will live four score and ten years. The Garden of Eden will thrive with healthy plant based grub; all of which tastes like the diners choice: Prime Steak, Fresh Salmon, Mary's Chicken (not your chicken Mary) and Pasta, with rich sauces and garlic bread.

Every think, aye? Your way of thinking brings nothing save misery.

You sir, are a leftist shill.

You don't stand for the America the Founding Fathers envisioned.

Your goal is to tear that America down and replace it with one with hordes of lemming citizens and crushing government ruling them all.
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It's not unusual for people with dementia or Alzheimers to have delusions and hallucinations
Well, delusions of grandeur would make sense as to why of all the past House Speakers, she's the only one who's intimated that she is more important than the President of the United States.

Her life seems to becoming an article of pathos. Her family needs to rein her in. Very soon.

For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???

All Democrats are asking for is that Republicans investigate Trump the same way they investigated Hillary. With same the scrutiny and with the same amount of detail.

Trump complained that Hillary is a criminal. And Republicans investigated her for 30 years. In fact, many are still insisting she be investigated.

So now, because of questionable relationships with Russians, we are giving Trump a chance to prove it's all completely innocent.

I have no doubt, Republicans want the same treatment.

Am I right?


Nothing else would be fair and we all know Republicans want fair.

Think North Carolina.
It's not unusual for people with dementia or Alzheimers to have delusions and hallucinations
Well, delusions of grandeur would make sense as to why of all the past House Speakers, she's the only one who's intimated that she is more important than the President of the United States.

Her life seems to becoming an article of pathos. Her family needs to rein her in. Very soon.

Seems you have no evidence to support your character assassination of Speaker Pelosi. And, BTW. where were you when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House?

BTW2, Donald Trump's Major Speech today was filled with false pathos.

For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

She's making these trips overseas, visiting with world leaders and visiting the military in the middle of a shutdown, essentially shirking her responsibilities by leaving the country. What's so pressing that she felt she had to leave the US?

Isn't this against the Logan Act????

The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with France in 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.​

Pelosi felt this trip was so import that after Trump cancelled her military flight, she had to go commercial, and then lied about Trump tipping off the enemy when she booked the flight. What the Hell is so pressing that she has to make this trip regardless how badly it looks? In the middle of a shutdown???


As I've posted before, the Trumpanzee set, along with the Callous Conservative set will continue to attack the character of Democrats. One may have noticed that Mudwhistle does this regularly as part of his hate and fear agenda in which he proffers in threads and posts for the biddable.

No educated and/or thinking person takes him seriously.

Democrats, AKA leftists have no character. They lie,cheat, and steal, their goal is to accomplish their agenda by any means necessary.

That's not the way to do business, and if push comes to shove? They're done like a shoeleather steak.

I don't take take Wry Catcher seriously, because although he may have some words, he has no common sense whatsover. It appears to me he's a leftist shill on this here messageboard.

Mary, mary, mary, You got me. I'm a paid agent provocateur by Mr Soros, educated by Karl Marx himself, and I seek to establish here in America an idyllic Heaven on Earth.

Every think will be free, no taxes will be assessed and all dogs will live four score and ten years. The Garden of Eden will thrive with healthy plant based grub; all of which tastes like the diners choice: Prime Steak, Fresh Salmon, Mary's Chicken (not your chicken Mary) and Pasta, with rich sauces and garlic bread.

Every think, aye? Your way of thinking brings nothing save misery.

You sir, are a leftist shill.

You don't stand for the America the Founding Fathers envisioned.

Your goal is to tear that America down and replace it with one with hordes of lemming citizens and crushing government ruling them all.

I caught your captious, and will correct "every think" to "every thing".

Happy now Cowgirl?

I stand very much with the founders, those who signed COTUS. I've posted many times their vision statement and mission statement for our leaders are contained in the Preamble to COTUS.

Notice how well Trump&Co. have worked so hard to "form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"

Neither did I!
For some strange reason Nancy Pelosi has been talking and acting like SHE'S the real president, and that Trump is just an imposter. Why is that?

You can always tell who is spanking conservatives the hardest by observing who the latest "I'm so butthurt!" threads are about.

Congress is an equal branch of the government. Deal with it. You Trump cultists may think the president is a dictator who can not be challenged, but the liberty-minded don't see it that way.

She's making these trips overseas,

With the authorization and blessing of the US government. Why did you make up crazy stories about Pelosi just flitting off independently?

You conservatives effectively ran against Pelosi in 2018, and got reamed as a result. Why do you think doing the same thing again will bring different results? Pelosi's positions are much more popular than your positions. And while nobody in congress is popular, Pelosi is much more popular than Republicans in congress.

"Congress is an equal branch of the government." Speaker of the House does not pass laws, and she has turned herself into a howling dowager in the past 10 years. Her entitling herself to use of military airplanes to do her political saboteuring of Republicans overseas is a pretty damn sick joke on the American taxpayer. If she had had honest objectives that benefit all Americans instead of being the political hitman she forces on political opponents, there would not be all the rancor in present-day Washington, D.C. under her tutelage. She's now gone hit-man happy, touting how important she is in the scheme of things. The American people were wise enough to leave the Senate in power, as there are two houses of Congress, and the deciders, so to speak, are members of the Senate.

I'm sorry to see anybody endure dementia or Alzheimer's, but delusions of grandeur are part and parcel of some cases, and Ms. Pelosi needs to retire rather than continue on as the shameful hitman of the left who doesn't know when enough is enough.
It's not unusual for people with dementia or Alzheimers to have delusions and hallucinations
Well, delusions of grandeur would make sense as to why of all the past House Speakers, she's the only one who's intimated that she is more important than the President of the United States.

Her life seems to becoming an article of pathos. Her family needs to rein her in. Very soon.

Seems you have no evidence to support your character assassination of Speaker Pelosi. And, BTW. where were you when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House?

BTW2, Donald Trump's Major Speech today was filled with false pathos.
Project much?
Democrats LACK THE POWER to impeach Trump

Democrats LACK THE POWER to go on overseas trips

Democrats LACK THE POWER to fund the government.

It's not unusual for people with dementia or Alzheimers to have delusions and hallucinations
Well, delusions of grandeur would make sense as to why of all the past House Speakers, she's the only one who's intimated that she is more important than the President of the United States.

Her life seems to becoming an article of pathos. Her family needs to rein her in. Very soon.

Seems you have no evidence to support your character assassination of Speaker Pelosi. And, BTW. where were you when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House?

BTW2, Donald Trump's Major Speech today was filled with false pathos.

Again....dont care, troll breath

Eventually you'll tire of me mocking your insignificance
It's not unusual for people with dementia or Alzheimers to have delusions and hallucinations

Sadly, that explains you.

Still stinging you found out nobody takes your BS trolling serious?

They don't ya know. You offer nothing but worn out left loon taliking points.

Now, I'm not the topic, Pelosi is so why don't you focus on that and lose the middle school static?

I've never been stung, not by you and not by other bitter and hateful others. Pelosi is not the topic, she is the target, something thinking people will understand, and you will laugh at.

Of course not, one would have to have a sense of self-awareness for that to happen, and not be a vapid cretin.
"Congress is an equal branch of the government." Speaker of the House does not pass laws, and she has turned herself into a howling dowager in the past 10 years. Her entitling herself to use of military airplanes to do her political saboteuring of Republicans overseas is a pretty damn sick joke on the American taxpayer. If she had had honest objectives that benefit all Americans instead of being the political hitman she forces on political opponents, there would not be all the rancor in present-day Washington, D.C. under her tutelage. She's now gone hit-man happy, touting how important she is in the scheme of things. The American people were wise enough to leave the Senate in power, as there are two houses of Congress, and the deciders, so to speak, are members of the Senate.

I'm sorry to see anybody endure dementia or Alzheimer's, but delusions of grandeur are part and parcel of some cases, and Ms. Pelosi needs to retire rather than continue on as the shameful hitman of the left who doesn't know when enough is enough.

Quote back edited to display original post.. Was taken out of the larger context of the original quote. @mammoth

That's some fine Pelosi Derangement Syndrome. Thanks for the votes. You did notice that Republicans ran on PDS in 2018 and got pasted, no? What makes you think it will work better if you just crank up the PDS even more?

Non-retard -- that is, non-conserative -- America is smarter than that. They know you're making stories up about Pelosi out of sheer butthurt.
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"Congress is an equal branch of the government." Speaker of the House does not pass laws, and she has turned herself into a howling dowager in the past 10 years. Her entitling herself to use of military airplanes to do her political saboteuring of Republicans overseas is a pretty damn sick joke on the American taxpayer. If she had had honest objectives that benefit all Americans instead of being the political hitman she forces on political opponents, there would not be all the rancor in present-day Washington, D.C. under her tutelage. She's now gone hit-man happy, touting how important she is in the scheme of things. The American people were wise enough to leave the Senate in power, as there are two houses of Congress, and the deciders, so to speak, are members of the Senate.

I'm sorry to see anybody endure dementia or Alzheimer's, but delusions of grandeur are part and parcel of some cases, and Ms. Pelosi needs to retire rather than continue on as the shameful hitman of the left who doesn't know when enough is enough.

Quote back edited to display original post.. Was taken out of the larger context of the original quote. @mammoth

That's some fine Pelosi Derangement Syndrome. Thanks for the votes. You did notice that Republicans ran on PDS in 2018 and got pasted, no? What makes you think it will work better if you just crank up the PDS even more?

Non-retard -- that is, non-conserative -- America is smarter than that. They know you're making stories up about Pelosi out of sheer butthurt.
Very well, if you're certain she is not suffering from some human illness, then there's only one other reason why Speaker Pelosi would (1) Brag and overrate her power in congress as more important that the power of the President, the power of the Senate, and the powers of the Supreme Court.

She is creating another Christine Blasey Ford scenario to achieve an end to her power supreme in the land. All those lawyers and Constitution specialists in the Democrat Party are going to let this sort of intolerant, intransigent behavior stand?

I am disappointed in Speaker Pelosi's fluffers.
The problem is, Schumer and Pelosi are part of the problem--they expect everyone else in the world to dance while they fiddle. :boohoo::boohoo:


January 22, 2019
Nancy Pelosi's $2 million in travel junkets is starting to get noticed
By Monica Showalter
Not only was President Trump's masterly counter-move against House speaker Nancy Pelosi an expert power play against the speaker's bid to take the television set away from him at the State of the Union, but it drew attention to something that doesn't get much attention, the fact that she's got some Imelda Marcos-style spending habits in state-financed travel.

According to the Daily Caller, citing Judicial Watch:

Pelosi's trip to Italy and Ukraine from July 30 to Aug. 6, 2015, cost the Air Force $184,587.81, according to documents released Saturday under a 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit by Judicial Watch. Her delegation was made up of nine other members of Congress, including Democratic Reps. Anna Eshoo of California and Marcia Fudge of Ohio.

Four family members, including Pelosi's husband Paul Pelosi, were on the trip. The delegation dined at restaurants including James Beard American Restaurant in Milan, where a five-course meal cost up to $190, according to Fine Dining Lovers. The lawmakers also toured the Vatican and met up with Italian dignitaries, including President Sergio Mattarella and then-Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, according to their itinerary.

It gets worse. According to Judicial Watch itself:

Beginning in 2009, after the media failed to follow up on concerns raised about Nancy Pelosi's use of luxury Air Force jets to travel between her congressional district and DC, Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information act requests exposed her abuse of this travel perk. Judicial Watch uncovered that Pelosi's military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period – $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.

Two million bucks? Presumably coming out of the Air Force budget? This is the act of an unaccountable elite at its very worst. It's quite obvious this taxpayer-paid tour was chock-full of sightseeing and shopping for the relatives, given their obvious uselessness as to the mission of the tour. I seem to recall that Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) got an indictment for using his own campaign money this way, which is an affront to his donors.

Nancy Pelosi wouldn't dream of stiffing her donors. For her, it's all about stiffing taxpayers – and getting away with it.

It goes to show just how right President Trump was to cut off the government spigot for her – and those reported 93 relatives she was taking with her to Brussels, Afghanistan, and Egypt, which columnist Kurt Schlichter aptly skewered in one of his latest). Pelosi's howls about not being able to go on it because it would have to be a commercial flight and Trump spilled the beans for suggesting she do it are disingenuous. Seems she's always citing security concerns these days – whether it's the wall, the state of the union address or her next junket. Security, security, security.

What we have here is a bid to feast at the trough with zero accountability. Trump was right to cut off Pelosi's travel in that latest junket. One hopes he will keep doing that to ensure debate about whether Pelosi is entitled to all those free rides for shopping. Trump couldn't have done us a better favor than by shining a light on this scam.

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