Why Does Anyone Vote for Democrats ?

Democrats suck but republicans super suck. Seriously, not everyone responds favorably to plutocracy, meanness and constant predictions of doom.
You need to be more specific. You got something to say, say it. And back it up.
Quit acting as if you don't know what I am talking about. Republicans have no talent at all for being optimistic about the future. All they have is negativity. We can't do this, we can't afford that, we have to retreat on all polices that make life better for Americans. Then there's the meanness, you know that thrill you get when one of your politicians basically says "fuck them motherfuckers"? That shit repels a lot of people who are not filled with hatred.

You black folk can't get along without our protection.
You women folk can't get along without our protection.
You gay folk can't get along without our protection.
You (insert any demographic group) folk can't get along without our protection.
The rich are stealing your money.
The seas are rising.
The seas are drying up.
The polar bears are dying.
We're all going to burn to a crisp.
We're all going to die!!!

Yep, those Democrats have the market on positivity cornered.
while all but spitting on the working class,

That is exactly what the Democrats do by >>

1. Supporting IMMIGRATION (legal & illegal), thereby taking millions of jobs away from American workers and reducing wages.

2. Supporting AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, thereby taking jobs away from the great majority of Americans, as wellas job promotions, college admisions, college financial aid, and business loans.
while all but spitting on the working class,

That is exactly what the Democrats do by >>

1. Supporting IMMIGRATION (legal & illegal), thereby taking millions of jobs away from American workers and reducing wages.

2. Supporting AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, thereby taking jobs away from the great majority of Americans, as wellas job promotions, college admisions, college financial aid, and business loans.
AA, giving the good shit to stupid *******, gooks, *****, and wetbacks. I'm shocked they aren't big GOP supporters.
Them folks vote for democrats because there isnt a want or need that taxpayers should deny them...
It takes a village of socialists to show how much they really "care"....
Govt dependency can be such a noble virtue ! Lol
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform

Most of the stuff you criticize Republicans for the Democrats are just as guilty of, yet you think one is actually better than the other.
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform

Most of the stuff you criticize Republicans for the Democrats are just as guilty of, yet you think one is actually better than the other.
People usually prefer their bastards to the other guy's.
because republican policies have thrown us into corporate oligarchy.

Hillary Clinton is republican light.
because republican policies have thrown us into corporate oligarchy.

Hillary Clinton is republican light.
If one doesn't like corporate contributing (AKA legal bribery), they can forget Clinton. Better vote for Trump. He is contribution clear.
That is what the angry old Conservative white dudes keep telling us.
No.. Pakistan, ISIS, Iran, Al Sharpton, Obama, Huma Abedin, Mohammed Morsi, Louis Farrakhan, Francisco Sanchez, San Francisco supervisors, Marilyn Mosby, Stephanie Rawlings, the Brown family, Black Lives Matter, La Raza ("the race"), millions of illegal aliens, Mexico, China, India, Microsoft, and many others are who keep telling you. You just happen to be politically tone deaf, that's all. :biggrin:
Other than a few groups like illegal aliens, gays, and people working in abortion clinics, what possible reason does anyone ever have to vote for a Democrat ? Since they are against so many things that we as Americans need, it is puzzling why anyone would vote for them.

Hillary Clinton is going against national security in various ways from the Benghazi scandal, to her connection with Huma Abedin, to the use of her own server and erasure of classified information on her emails, yet she still get Democrats to support her. WHY ?

Dear protectionist

1. for people like my friend D I asked about this
he explained that the rightwing is so oppressive and will not respond to reason or anything else,
that it takes supporting the Democrats as a powerful lobby to tell the other side NO.

The more the right pushes, the more this creates the equal and opposite EXTREME.
We all know we can't stand either the far right or the far left pushing that far extreme through govt,
but they both create the other evil. Intolerant and hostile to each other, to make sure the
other side doesn't get away with pushing their agenda on everyone else!

Now, if we just had a unilateral AGREEMENT that NO political beliefs can be
pushed through govt, either by vote or by court ruling, without violating First
and Fourteenth Amendment equal protections of people of ALL other beliefs,
we could check these various extremes.

Until we call a truce, as long as one side is gunned up with ammo, the
other side has to do the same to cancel each other out. So we are stuck in the middle
of two loaded guns aimed at blowing the other off the map.

I honestly do not approve of this approach that kills relations
and wastes resources we need to inves tin solutions, not
hostile campaigns that cancel each other out anyway, costing twice as much to run for the same offices
instead of creating more jobs for people sharing the work that needs to be done anyway.

2. My reason for supporting and voting for Democrats
is to work with the leaders that owe the restitution for what the Democrats
have done. Both parties are responsible for the actions and abuses of their
candidates they used the party system to get elected by collective lobbying.

So with the Democrats, I don't find that many people standing up and taking responsibility.

I am one of the few. I saw John Cusack speak out publicly about wrongs that need to be
addressed with federal overreaching of powers, and Cornell West has gotten statements
into the media criticizing Obama.

The Democrats are expected to fall in line and support leaders no matter what,
and in cases of elected positions are not allowed to endorse another party candidate
if someone from their own party is running for that position. So this gets abused to silence the criticism.

This has allowed abuses to go unchecked,
so I am trying to invest my own resources in addressing and correcting abuses
done by Democrat leaders playing corporate politics at the expense of taxpayers and constituents who
have been betrayed, and rights violated, in order to go with what is politically popular for power and financing campaigns.

Since Democrats will only listen to fellow Democrats
I am called to work within the party to address and correct
the abuses from within, set up solutions and means of restitution,a
and then compel more party members and leaders to invest in solutions
to pay back for past damages and debts.

Anyone who continues the same pattern of "conspiring to violate equal civil rights"
will eventually be held to answer, if not by petition or public demand, then by lawsuit.

So I will challenge my fellow Democrats to take sides,
either be on the side of corrections and investing in restitution for civil wrongs and political abuses
done in the name of winning elections; or that means you are enabling and supporting
the civil rights violations, by funding and supporting people who allow that to go unchecked.

Take a side and either be with the plaintiffs suing for corrections
or be the parties being sued for enabling if not committing and prolonging the abuses.

That is the process I see going on.
And the only way to compel change is to be on the side of corrections,
where Republicans take responsibility for paying back for abuses of that party,
the Democrats take responsibility for theirs, etc.

That's the only way people will listen and do what is right, it has to come from them.
Each has to answer for their own.

If we keep letting parties push their political beliefs and agenda down the throats of
others by abusing govt, then we are guilty of collusion in the same as accessories.

Govt is NOT supposed to be abused to push political beliefs or creeds.
It is supposed to remain neutral and open to ALL people and represent the public
NOT whichever special interest pays the bigger candidate to win office.

we have forgotten our basic core values of Constitutional representation, due process
equal representation and protection of the laws when we let govt get sold out to the highest bidder.

the parties will have to start listening to their own constituents and the leaders
who can form policies and solutions that represent and satisfy ALL interests, not just their own party
that gets them nominated.

We need to do better, by setting a better example of what our party leaders
candidates and officials in govt NEED to be doing, not this political gameplaying for quick points and wins.

We need sustainable solutions that all sides AGREE to invest in and build over the longterm.
We can't build collaborative plans by fighting over who is going to be in charge of everything.

We need all parties to organize their own programs, resources, representatives and constituents
and participate as EQUALS. Then we can solve all the problems but delegating them to the best teams.

The Democrats are one of the teams.
The Republicans, the Greens, the Libertarians
even the Occupy and Tea party all have roles to play that nobody else can.

We need to work together, not tear the nation apart.
there isn't one single party or person who isn't part of the solution.
we need to piece this together and work in harmony and unison,
not in division with infighting and sabotage. We can't afford that anymore.

I happen to be called to work on the Democrat team.
It's a tough job cleaning up messes while people are in complete
denial about it. Trying to teach any kind of Constitutional law gets very interesting
and challenging. But this work is necessary to correct problems at the root, instead
of letting a whole party exploit members for their lack of education and training in
business management and govt that would allow them to operate self-sufficiently.

The Greens actually have more track record of sustainable solutions,
that if integrated through the influential networks of the Democrats could spell success.
But the power grabbing power play has to stop.

So that is where I'd say we need to call a TRUCE on political beliefs,
have an agreement among parties NOT to push beliefs as govt agenda,
check each other at the door, and help make each party successful in developing
its own programs independently and not force them on everyone else through govt.

If the power mongering stops, then maybe we have a chance to
work together civilly on solutions we'd actually support in common without having to fight.
this idea of sharing credit and creating more jobs for everyone to run for office
is a better use of our resources than blowing millions of dollars lobbying to destroy each other.
what problems does that solve?
why not invest those billions directly into building the health and educational
facilities we need for sustainable govt and economy WITHOUT depending on
more and more taxes, grants or handouts. why not collect restitution or credits
for past wrongs and invest THAT money (that taxpayers already paid for in the past)
to fund what our money SHOULD have paid for in the first place.

Repurpose the credits and fund solutions that all parties agree
will reform prisons and health care, immigration VA and public schools
to WORK instead of failing at taxpayer expense. why not work in teams?
where the challenge is to make things right, make things work,
not make the other side fail.
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