Why Does Anyone Vote for Democrats ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Other than a few groups like illegal aliens, gays, and people working in abortion clinics, what possible reason does anyone ever have to vote for a Democrat ? Since they are against so many things that we as Americans need, it is puzzling why anyone would vote for them.

Hillary Clinton is going against national security in various ways from the Benghazi scandal, to her connection with Huma Abedin, to the use of her own server and erasure of classified information on her emails, yet she still get Democrats to support her. WHY ?
Democrats suck but republicans super suck. Seriously, not everyone responds favorably to plutocracy, meanness and constant predictions of doom.
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform
Democrats suck but republicans super suck. Seriously, not everyone responds favorably to plutocracy, meanness and constant predictions of doom.
You need to be more specific. You got something to say, say it. And back it up.
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform
This is a beautiful post, wish I could use it as my signature, it's to long though.
You have asked a very good question. Its a chance for some of these adamant Democrats to step forward and defend Mrs. Clinton.
Democrats suck but republicans super suck. Seriously, not everyone responds favorably to plutocracy, meanness and constant predictions of doom.
You need to be more specific. You got something to say, say it. And back it up.
Quit acting as if you don't know what I am talking about. Republicans have no talent at all for being optimistic about the future. All they have is negativity. We can't do this, we can't afford that, we have to retreat on all polices that make life better for Americans. Then there's the meanness, you know that thrill you get when one of your politicians basically says "fuck them motherfuckers"? That shit repels a lot of people who are not filled with hatred.
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform

1. it PROTECTS America from the danger of nuclear annihilation and terrorist attack

2. It PROTECTS America from sex pervert lunacy

3. it PROTECTS workers from annihilation of the ability to get jobs and have livelihoods

4. it PROTECTS the rights of Whites and males to not be discrimianted against in Affirmative action

5. it communicates as much as anyone else (nobody has ever cut of communication more than Harry Reid)

6. Women are not discriminated against in the workforce. Just the opposite, they get preference with affirmative action

7. I would like to see responsible gun control too, but democrats want to restrict gun rights excessively, as in New York City where you can't even carry a pepper spray.

8. Pregnant women are not the only involved in the abortion issue. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claims abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! It involves a third person also. The unborn person, whose voice is heard by Republicans.
Quit acting as if you don't know what I am talking about. Republicans have no talent at all for being optimistic about the future. All they have is negativity. We can't do this, we can't afford that, we have to retreat on all polices that make life better for Americans. Then there's the meanness, you know that thrill you get when one of your politicians basically says "fuck them motherfuckers"? That shit repels a lot of people who are not filled with hatred.
No, I DON'T know what you're talking about, and don't tell me that I do. See Post # 9.
OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform

1. it PROTECTS America from the danger of nuclear annihilation and terrorist attack

2. It PROTECTS America from sex pervert lunacy

3. it PROTECTS workers from annihilation of the ability to get jobs and have livelihoods

4. it PROTECTS the rights of Whites and males to not be discrimianted against in Affirmative action

5. it communicates as much as anyone else (nobody has ever cut of communication more than Harry Reid)

6. Women are not discriminated against in the workforce. Just the opposite, they get preference with affirmative action

7. I would like to see responsible gun control too, but democrats want to restrict gun rights excessively, as in New York City where you can't even carry a pepper spray.

8. Pregnant women are not the only involved in the abortion issue. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz claims abortion is a matter between a woman and her doctor. FALSE! It involves a third person also. The unborn person, whose voice is heard by Republicans.
Danger of nuclear annihilation? What the hell? LOL.
Terrorist attacks? Yeah, tell the right wingers to calm down.. Opinion In U.S. right wing extremists more deadly than jihadists - CNN.com
Sex pervert lunacy? LOL, that's all I need to hear, right wing hack.
Who wants to remove the ability to get decent paying jobs? Not democrats.
Rights of whites? Wut?
Women are not discriminated against? Oh lord..
The voice of fetuses?
I rest my case, the republican party relies on single issue voters who are ignorant.
Democrats suck but republicans super suck. Seriously, not everyone responds favorably to plutocracy, meanness and constant predictions of doom.
You need to be more specific. You got something to say, say it. And back it up.
Republicans talk tough, but they're wimps at heart.

hmm....I wouldn't say they are all wimps at heart ...no way.

it's like saying all liberals are bleeding hearts .....not all are.... only 95%

Brilliance in 3 parts

Part I:
A. Allow those men who want to marry men, marry men.

B. Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.

C. Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, abort their babies.

D. In three generations, there will be no Democrats.

Part II:

10 Poorest Cities in America (How did it happen?)

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level

1. Detroit , MI 32.5%

2. Buffalo , NY 29.9%

3. Cincinnati , OH 27.8%

4. Cleveland , OH 27.0%

5. Miami , FL 26.9%

5. St. Louis , MO 26.8%

7. El Paso , TX 26.4%

8. Milwaukee , WI 26.2%

9. Philadelphia , PA 25.1%

10. Newark , NJ 24.2%

What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?

Detroit, MI - (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn't elected a Republican mayor since 1961

Buffalo, NY - (2nd) hasn't elected one since 1954

Cincinnati, OH- (3rd) not since 1984

Cleveland, OH- (4th) not since 1989

Miami, FL - (5th) has never had a Republican mayor

St. Louis, MO- (6th) not since 1949

El Paso, TX- (7th) has never had a Republican mayor

Milwaukee, WI- (8th) not since 1908

Philadelphia, PA- (9th) not since 1952

Newark, NJ- (10th) not since 1907

Einstein once said, 'The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.'

It is the poor who habitually elect Democrats....... Yet they are still POOR.

Part III:

"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.

You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."

Abraham Lincoln

"Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him had better take a closer look at the American Indian."

Henry Ford

Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason.

S. L. Clemens
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OK I'll bite. Why won't I ever vote for a Republican, particuarly a Conservative Republican? Because I'm not rich. No Republican has my interests at heart. I prefer a cleaner environment. No Republican will take care of the environment if it means losing a little profit in the bargain. I support the rights of all American citizens. Republicans have fought tooth and nail to deny rights to their fellow Americans because they find their lifestyles 'icky'.

I think everyone who works deserves an equal shot at equal pay for equal work. Republicans see women as bargains in the workforce. I would prefer voters to chose their elected officials. Republicans prefer to gerrymander their districts so the elected representative actually

Chose the voters. I see labor as people, families, communities. Conservatives see labor as a commodity to be bought at the cheapest price possible. I like my federal government to work on a daily basis. Republicans close down the government at the drop of a hat in a fit of political pique.

I like civil discourse, communication, compromise. Those are concept that are anathema to Conservatives. I would like to see reasonable, responsible gun control legislation to stem the tide of shootings and gun violence. Republicans seem to think that the way to put out those fires is to add more guns.

I've yet to see Conservatism triumph other than to harass women who simply want to control their reproductive systems. Republicans would abolish the right to chose and punish any woman who desires that simple freedom.

I would like to live in peace and not project American power without good reason. Conservatives have never seen a situation that they would not drop bombs upon before considering the long term ramifications.

Why would anyone support the authoritarian, greedy, xenophobic Conservative platform
This is a beautiful post, wish I could use it as my signature, it's to long though.
It WAS, until I refuted the crap out of it in Post # 9. :biggrin:
You refuted nothing, you've simply proven your idiocy.
They have to be suffering from some sort of brain tumor, or perhaps the THRILL OF FREE SHIT is just too much for them to understand it's unsustainable!

Quit acting as if you don't know what I am talking about. Republicans have no talent at all for being optimistic about the future. All they have is negativity. We can't do this, we can't afford that, we have to retreat on all polices that make life better for Americans. Then there's the meanness, you know that thrill you get when one of your politicians basically says "fuck them motherfuckers"? That shit repels a lot of people who are not filled with hatred.
No, I DON'T know what you're talking about, and don't tell me that I do. See Post # 9.
Then eat shit you dense ignoramus, you are the exact kind of voter the republicans like, someone who has never questioned their party and still thinks they are good.
Other than a few groups like illegal aliens, gays, and people working in abortion clinics, what possible reason does anyone ever have to vote for a Democrat ? Since they are against so many things that we as Americans need, it is puzzling why anyone would vote for them.

Hillary Clinton is going against national security in various ways from the Benghazi scandal, to her connection with Huma Abedin, to the use of her own server and erasure of classified information on her emails, yet she still get Democrats to support her. WHY ?
Boy that was detailed, maybe it's the air?

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