Why Do You Believe the Koch Brothers?

Not incredibly, we've seen many of these talking points parrotted on this forum multiple times.

Which begs the question:

Why does the right wing believe these two goons, their ads, and the candidates they support?

Because they never bother to scratch beneath the surface. They just read the headlines.

sounds like the other side too....
Because Soros doesn't have a multimillion dollar PAC that spreads disinformation and lies like AFP.

Of course he does. He has hundreds of them.

His total contributions since 1979 are around 8 million dollars. The Koch's spend that each election cycle.

You're not counting all the money he spends on MediaMatters.org, Think Progress and dozens of others. Here's an comprehensive list:

  1. Advancement Project
  2. Air America Radio
  3. All of Us or None
  4. Alliance for Justice
  5. America Coming Together
  6. America Votes
  7. America's Voice
  8. American Bar Association Commission on Immigration Policy
  9. American Bridge 21st Century
  10. American Civil Liberties Union
  11. American Constitution Society for Law and Policy
  12. American Family Voices
  13. American Federation of Teachers
  14. American Friends Service Committee
  15. American Immigration Council
  16. American Immigration Law Foundation
  17. American Independent News Network
  18. American Institute for Social Justice
  19. American Library Association
  20. The American Prospect, Inc.
  21. Amnesty International
  22. Applied Research Center
  23. Arab American Institute Foundation
  24. Aspen Institute
  25. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
  26. Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
  27. Bill of Rights Defense Committee
  28. Black Alliance for Just Immigration
  29. Blueprint North Carolina
  30. Brennan Center for Justice
  31. Brookings Institution
  32. Campaign for America's Future
  33. Campaign for Better Health Care
  34. Campaign for Youth Justice
  35. Campus Progress
  36. Casa de Maryland
  37. Catalist
  38. Catholics for Choice
  39. Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good
  40. Center for American Progress
  41. Center for Community Change
  42. Center for Constitutional Rights
  43. Center for Economic and Policy Research
  44. Center for Reproductive Rights
  45. Center for Responsible Lending
  46. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  47. Center on Wisconsin Strategy (COWS)
  48. Change America Now
  49. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
  50. Coalition for an International Criminal Court
  51. Common Cause
  52. Constitution Project
  53. Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund
  54. Democracy Alliance
  55. Democracy 21
  56. Democracy Now!
  57. Democratic Justice Fund
  58. Democratic Party
  59. Demos
  60. Drum Major Institute
  61. Earthjustice
  62. Economic Policy Institute
  63. Electronic Privacy Information Center
  64. Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
  65. EMILY's List
  66. Energy Action Coalition
  67. Fair Immigration Reform Movement
  68. Faithful America
  69. Feminist Majority
  70. Four Freedoms Fund
  71. Free Exchange on Campus
  72. Free Press
  73. Funding Exchange
  74. Gamaliel Foundation
  75. Gisha
  76. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
  77. Global Exchange
  78. Grantmakers Without Borders
  79. Green For All
  80. Health Care for America Now
  81. Human Rights Campaign
  82. Human Rights First
  83. Human Rights Watch
  84. I'lam
  85. Immigrant Defense Project
  86. Immigrant Legal Resource Center
  87. Immigrant Workers Citizenship Project
  88. Immigration Advocates Network
  89. Immigration Policy Center
  90. Independent Media Center
  91. Independent Media Institute
  92. Institute for America's Future
  93. Institute for New Economic Thinking
  94. Institute for Policy Studies
  95. Institute for Public Accuracy
  96. Institute for Women's Policy Research
  97. International Crisis Group
  98. J Street
  99. Jewish Funds for Justice
  100. Joint Victory Campaign 2004
  101. Justice at Stake
  102. LatinoJustice PRLDF
  103. Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  104. League of United Latin American Citizens
  105. League of Women Voters Education Fund
  106. League of Young Voters
  107. Lynne Stewart Defense Committee
  108. Machsom Watch
  109. MADRE
  110. Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
  111. Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
  112. Media Fund
  113. Media Matters for America
  114. Mercy Corps
  115. Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
  116. Meyer, Suozzi, English and Klein, PC
  117. Midwest Academy
  118. Migration Policy Institute
  119. Military Families Speak Out
  120. MoveOn.org
  121. Ms. Foundation for Women
  122. NARAL Pro-Choice America
  123. NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund
  124. The Nation Institute
  125. National Abortion Federation
  126. National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
  127. National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
  128. National Committee for Voting Integrity
  129. National Council for Research on Women
  130. National Council of La Raza
  131. National Council of Women's Organizations
  132. National Immigration Forum
  133. National Immigration Law Center
  134. National Lawyers Guild
  135. National Organization for Women
  136. National Partnership for Women and Families
  137. National Priorities Project
  138. National Public Radio
  139. National Security Archive Fund
  140. National Women's Law Center
  141. Natural Resources Defense Council
  142. New America Foundation
  143. New Israel Fund
  144. NewsCorpWatch
  145. Pacifica Foundation
  146. Peace and Security Funders Group
  147. Peace Development Fund
  148. People for the American Way
  149. Physicians for Human Rights
  150. Physicians for Social Responsibility
  151. Planned Parenthood
  152. Ploughshares Fund
  153. Prepare New York
  154. Presidential Climate Action Project
  155. Prison Moratorium Project
  156. Progressive Change Campaign Committee
  157. Progressive States Network
  158. Project Vote
  159. Pro Publica
  160. Proteus Fund
  161. Public Citizen Foundation
  162. Public Justice Center
  163. Rebuild and Renew America Now (a.k.a. Unity '09)
  164. Res Publica
  165. Secretary of State Project
  166. Sentencing Project
  167. Social Justice Leadership
  168. Shadow Democratic Party
  169. Sojourners
  170. Southern Poverty Law Center
  171. State Voices
  172. Talking Transition
  173. Think Progress
  174. Thunder Road Group
  175. Tides Foundation and Tides Center
  176. U.S. Public Interest Research Group
  177. Universal Healthcare Action Network
  178. Urban Institute
  179. USAction Education Fund
  180. Voto Latino
  181. Working Families Party
  182. World Organization Against Torture
  183. YWCA World Office, Switzerland

In addition to those organizations that are funded directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OSI), there are also numerous "secondary" or "indirect" affiliates of the Soros network. These include organizations which do not receive direct funding from Soros and OSI, but which are funded by one or more organizations that do.

  1. Center for Progressive Leadership
  2. John Adams Project
  3. Moving Ideas Network (MIN)
  4. New Organizing Institute
  5. Think Progress
  6. Vote for Change
  7. Working Families Party

Nope didn't miss a one. And it still doesn't change the amount of his donations.

Open Secrets has Soros at $13,000,000 to political candidates, since 98, and that doesn't include all the other political organizations he contributes to. You are lying.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
It's a fair question. They've got their grubby little hands in every aspect of American business, politics, and life. Riding on the coattails of Citizens United, their PAC, Americans For Prosperity, spent $45 million dollars on the 2012 elections - supporting Tea Party candidates and producing a slew of commercials.

Their influence, therefore, is wide. But is it honest?

PolitiFact recently took a look at the claims made by the Kochs in their most recent ads. The best they could get was two "Half True's". The rest? Scary.

At PolitiFact, we’ve tracked various ads from Americans for Prosperity since the 2010 midterms. With the renewed focus on the organization and its financial backers, we decided to review the group’s history on our Truth-O-Meter and explore more recent trends of their ad messaging leading up to the 2014 elections.

While Americans for Prosperity has weighed in on a variety of issues throughout the years, its most frequent targets are President Barack Obama’s health care law and environmental and energy regulations. Considering the Koch brothers’ holdings and stated positions, that’s no surprise. The organization often cuts an ad and tweaks it slightly so it can run in multiple districts or states.

In 13 fact checks, Americans for Prosperity has never received higher than a Half True from the PolitiFact national team. The majority of their claims have registered as False or Mostly False. (A state chapter of the group did receive a Mostly True for a claim about Georgia’s civil forfeiture laws.)

And...it's getting worse, not better.

Millions of Americans are "paying more and getting less" under Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity, Monday, March 17th, 2014.


Says Alaska Sen. Mark Begich "is on record supporting a carbon tax, even pushing Harry Reid to make it a priority."
Americans for Prosperity, Friday, February 21st, 2014.


Says Kay Hagan "supports waivers for friends of Obama and special treatment for Congress and their staffs."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, October 29th, 2013.


Says "new mandates are already reducing full-time employment."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, October 29th, 2013.


Patrick Murphy voted for Obamacare in 2010, "yet he reversed himself and voted to delay" the employer mandate and the individual mandate.
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013.


Says health insurance premiums will rise under Obamacare.
Americans for Prosperity, Sunday, July 7th, 2013.


Says President Obama said of the national debt, "If I don't have this done in three years, then there's going to be a one-term proposition."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, August 14th, 2012.


Montana Democratic Sen. Jon Tester is "the largest recipient of lobbyist money."
Americans for Prosperity, Monday, June 18th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "tens of millions of dollars to build traffic lights in China."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "half a billion to an electric car company that created hundreds of jobs in Finland."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "$1.2 billion to a solar company that's building a plant in Mexico."
Americans for Prosperity, Thursday, April 26th, 2012.


"(President Barack Obama gave) half a billion in taxpayer money to help his friends at Solyndra, a business the White House knew was on the path to bankruptcy."
Americans for Prosperity, Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011.


"A government panel that didn't include cancer specialists says women shouldn't receive mammograms until age 50...If government takes over health care, recommendations like these could become the law for all kinds of diseases."
Americans for Prosperity, Tuesday, March 16th, 2010.


I honestly don't understand what you are complaining about. Didn't Obama raise 770 million dollars in 2008 ( McCain raised 370 million, those awful Kochs!) and in 2012 Obama raised near a billion dollars?

Why, yes he did.

Obama unlikely to break billion-dollar fundraising mark - The Washington Post

Why are you upset about the Koch's? Obama had a hell of a lot more billionaires and millionaires supporting him, look at McCain's donations over Obamas. Get over it.
And yet, you give Soros a free pass because he's a progressive like you. I suggest you look up what happened to your fellow homosexuals after the NAZI's took over....you DO realize that the gay community embraced the NAZI's right? Ernst Rohm was a high ranking member of the SA till the "night of the long knives".

That's when the rulers got rid of those they felt were a weakness in their movement. Care to guess who it was that died? And what was Soro's claim when he was asked about turning his fellow Jews over to the NAZI's? "It was the happiest time of my life"

So you support a group that will use you and then murder you and you're so fucking stupid that you have never read a book to see what the future holds for you:cuckoo:

George Soros "The Happiest Time in My Life" - YouTube
The Nazis put homosexuals in death camps along with Jews, Socialists, trade unionists, and Gypsies.
And yet, you give Soros a free pass because he's a progressive like you. I suggest you look up what happened to your fellow homosexuals after the NAZI's took over....you DO realize that the gay community embraced the NAZI's right? Ernst Rohm was a high ranking member of the SA till the "night of the long knives".

That's when the rulers got rid of those they felt were a weakness in their movement. Care to guess who it was that died? And what was Soro's claim when he was asked about turning his fellow Jews over to the NAZI's? "It was the happiest time of my life"

So you support a group that will use you and then murder you and you're so fucking stupid that you have never read a book to see what the future holds for you:cuckoo:

George Soros "The Happiest Time in My Life" - YouTube
The Nazis put homosexuals in death camps along with Jews, Socialists, trade unionists, and Gypsies.

They did put some homosexuals in the camps but [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] is correct. Gay men did embrace Hitler. Do you know who the founding father of Nazism is? Ernst Rohm a homosexual.

Under Röhm, the SA also often took the side of workers in strikes and other labor disputes, attacking strikebreakers and supporting picket lines. SA intimidation contributed to the rise of the Nazis and the violent suppression of left-wing parties during electoral campaigns, but its reputation for street violence and heavy drinking was a hindrance, as was the open homosexuality of Röhm and other SA leaders such as his deputy Edmund Heines.[5][6] One American journalist would later write, "[Röhm's] chiefs, men of the rank of Gruppenfuehrer or Obergruppenfuehrer, commanding units of several hundred thousand Storm Troopers, were almost without exception homosexuals. Indeed, unless a Storm Troop officer were homosexual, he had no chance of advancement."[7] In 1931, the Münchener Post, a Social Democratic newspaper, obtained and published Röhm's letters to a friend discussing his homosexual affairs.

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors that Hitler himself was homosexual.[7] Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" rather than "mein Führer."[6]

As Hitler rose to national power with his appointment as Chancellor in 1933, SA members were appointed auxiliary police and marched into local government offices forcing officials to surrender their authority to the Nazis

The Night of the Long Knives began two days later. At dawn on 30 June, Hitler flew to Munich and drove to Bad Wiessee, where he personally arrested Röhm and the other SA leaders, who were all consigned to Stadelheim prison in Munich. From 30 June to 2 July 1934 the entire leadership of the SA was purged, along with many other political adversaries of the Nazis.

Hitler was hesitant in authorizing Röhm's execution, and gave him the option of suicide.

Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is fascinating... there is another story about the history of Gay Fascists. Ill find it and post it.
This piece was written by a gay man, Johann Hari, for Huffington Post, everything he writes is historically accurate.

The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists

The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay. It's time to admit something. Fascism isn't something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is - in part, at least - a gay thing, and it's time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.

Just look at our own continent over the past decade. Dutch fascist Pim Fortuyn ran on blatantly racist anti-immigrant platform, describing Islam as "a cancer" and "the biggest threat to Western civilisation today." Yet with two little fluffy dogs and a Mamma complex, he was openly, flamboyantly gay. When accused by a political opponent of hating Arabs, he replied, "How can I hate Arabs? I sucked one off last night."

Jorg Haider blasted Austria's cosy post-Nazi politics to rubble in 2000 when his neo-fascist 'Freedom Party' won a quarter of the vote and joined the country's government as a coalition partner. Several facts always cropped up in the international press coverage: his square jaw, his muscled torso, his SS-supporting father, his rabid anti-Semitism, his hatred of immigrants, his description of Auschwitz and Dachau as "punishment centres". A few newspapers mentioned that he is always surrounded by fit, fanatical young men. A handful went further and pointed out that several of these young men are openly gay. Then one left-wing German paper broke the story everybody else was hinting at. They alleged Haider is gay.

Rumours of an Indian waiter with "intimate details" of Haider's body broke into the press. The Freedom Party's general manager Gerald Miscka quickly quit, amid accusations that he was Haider's lover. Haider's close gay friend Walter Kohler - who has been photographed showing off a holstered pistol while Haider chuckled - declared his opposition to outing politicians. Haider - who was married and has two children - kept quiet while his functionaries denied the rumours. The revelation that he died after leaving a gay bar suggests these rumours were true.

On and on it goes. If you inter-railed across Europe, only stopping with gay fascists, there aren't many sights you'd miss. France's leading post-war fascist was Edouard Pfieffer, who was not batting for the straight side. Germany's leading neo-Nazi all through the eighties was called Michael Kuhnen; he died of AIDS in 1991 a few years after coming out. Martin Lee, author of a study of European fascism, explains, "For Kuhnen, there was something supermacho about being a Nazi, as well as being a homosexual, both of which enforced his sense of living on the edge, of belonging to an elite that was destined to make an impact. He told a West German journalist that homosexuals were 'especially well-suited for our task, because they do not want ties to wife, children and family.'"

it is a very long article, the rest here:

Johann Hari: The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists
CaféAuLait;8936531 said:
And yet, you give Soros a free pass because he's a progressive like you. I suggest you look up what happened to your fellow homosexuals after the NAZI's took over....you DO realize that the gay community embraced the NAZI's right? Ernst Rohm was a high ranking member of the SA till the "night of the long knives".

That's when the rulers got rid of those they felt were a weakness in their movement. Care to guess who it was that died? And what was Soro's claim when he was asked about turning his fellow Jews over to the NAZI's? "It was the happiest time of my life"

So you support a group that will use you and then murder you and you're so fucking stupid that you have never read a book to see what the future holds for you:cuckoo:

George Soros "The Happiest Time in My Life" - YouTube
The Nazis put homosexuals in death camps along with Jews, Socialists, trade unionists, and Gypsies.

They did put some homosexuals in the camps but [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] is correct. Gay men did embrace Hitler. Do you know who the founding father of Nazism is? Ernst Rohm a homosexual.

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors that Hitler himself was homosexual.[7] Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" rather than "mein Führer."[6]

As Hitler rose to national power with his appointment as Chancellor in 1933, SA members were appointed auxiliary police and marched into local government offices forcing officials to surrender their authority to the Nazis

The Night of the Long Knives began two days later. At dawn on 30 June, Hitler flew to Munich and drove to Bad Wiessee, where he personally arrested Röhm and the other SA leaders, who were all consigned to Stadelheim prison in Munich. From 30 June to 2 July 1934 the entire leadership of the SA was purged, along with many other political adversaries of the Nazis.

Hitler was hesitant in authorizing Röhm's execution, and gave him the option of suicide.

Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is fascinating... there is another story about the history of Gay Fascists. Ill find it and post it.
Political Junky never said that homosexuals embraced Hitler.
CaféAuLait;8936531 said:
The Nazis put homosexuals in death camps along with Jews, Socialists, trade unionists, and Gypsies.

They did put some homosexuals in the camps but [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] is correct. Gay men did embrace Hitler. Do you know who the founding father of Nazism is? Ernst Rohm a homosexual.

Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors that Hitler himself was homosexual.[7] Röhm was the only Nazi leader who dared to address Hitler by his first name "Adolf" rather than "mein Führer."[6]

The Night of the Long Knives began two days later. At dawn on 30 June, Hitler flew to Munich and drove to Bad Wiessee, where he personally arrested Röhm and the other SA leaders, who were all consigned to Stadelheim prison in Munich. From 30 June to 2 July 1934 the entire leadership of the SA was purged, along with many other political adversaries of the Nazis.

Hitler was hesitant in authorizing Röhm's execution, and gave him the option of suicide.

Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is fascinating... there is another story about the history of Gay Fascists. Ill find it and post it.
Political Junky never said that homosexuals embraced Hitler.

Forgive me [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION], I read the quote wrong, I should have tagged [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION].
Last edited:
CaféAuLait;8936568 said:
CaféAuLait;8936531 said:
They did put some homosexuals in the camps but [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION] is correct. Gay men did embrace Hitler. Do you know who the founding father of Nazism is? Ernst Rohm a homosexual.

Ernst Röhm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is fascinating... there is another story about the history of Gay Fascists. Ill find it and post it.
Political Junky never said that homosexuals embraced Hitler.

Forgive me [MENTION=19507]Political Junky[/MENTION], I read the quote wrong, I should have tagged [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION].

Yes, this is all well known history. Well, if you read a book that is.
Nope didn't miss a one. And it still doesn't change the amount of his donations.

Open Secrets has Soros at $13,000,000 to political candidates, since 98, and that doesn't include all the other political organizations he contributes to. You are lying.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

But if he lies long enough, maybe someone will believe him.

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