Why do women have so many kids with different men?


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav

Thank you and I can tell you from a mans POV, most of the times we just tolerate the rug rats for the sex, thats it. Most of these men are not there to father these kids for the long term.
And mind you I'm not against these women spreading their wings and having multiple sexual encounters I just think they should be using birth control and not just having the kids of any Tom, Dick and Harry. Just my opinion.
Actually some woman like having children for the sake of having children. They think they will fill a void and provide them a family they may not find otherwise. My sister, 20 years your senior, was one of them. My brother married a woman like this....it didn't turn out well. I don't agree with it and haven't seen it as a heathy way to rear kids , but it is what it is. I completely understand your pov.

I'm one of 7 from a two parent but unstable home, so I suspect it comes from feeling of being unloved and lost themselves growing up.

From what I see from women my age or younger they are ok having the kids for the extra benefits, (WIC, TANF) etc and the child support, the kids are a means to end in alot of cases.

Some yes, but I can't actually wrap my brain around believing that of the majority. The fact that they are aided definitely makes having the kids an easier choice. But I sincerely think they want the family, are pro life actually, but fail to understand the difficulty and necessary elements needed to be the caretaker of that family.

This is why you have trouble. The whole underlying morality and social aspect of the situation conflicts with yours...many of us.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
The funny thing I noticed is most of the women who have multiple kids by multiple men are always the ones who can't afford it, you won't meet a woman who is a electrical engineer with 5 kids by 4 different men for example.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
My sons, 27 and 40, are having the same problem.

They have inherited a lot of money recently, I hope that helps them find a decent woman, as they move to big ranches and into he oil country.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.
My wife's mom had 12 kids from 3 different fathers.

Her mother died in the 70s.

This is nothing new.
Was he married to the guys?

Did she collect welfare for all 12?
Who but Republicans cares? Do you know these women? If not, what business is it of your's?
And there's the first PROGTARD post, and right on cue, it's BRAIN DEAD BULL SHIT.

I could analyse it and say, well isn't that just WEIRD this DICK FOR BREATH PROGTARD above would say something like that, when isn't it always assumed REPUBLICANS don't CARE about people, that it's purported that it's the PROGS that CARE. Well it sure the FUCK doesn't sound to me like the low life homo prog above gives a flying FUCK about women with kids and their plight. Did he think out his comment, or was he just trying to be a SMART ASS?

I'll go with he was just trying to be a SMART ASS.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
My sons, 27 and 40, are having the same problem.

They have inherited a lot of money recently, I hope that helps them find a decent woman, as they move to big ranches and into he oil country.

The only advice I can give is try to find a woman with a degree in something and a good job, since your sons will be coming into money women will be after that, so be cautious.
The funny thing I noticed is most of the women who have multiple kids by multiple men are always the ones who can't afford it, you won't meet a woman who is a electrical engineer with 5 kids by 4 different men for example.
Exactly, because those woman are finding fulfillment and the feeling of being needed and useful in more productive (no pun intended) ways.
Who but Republicans cares? Do you know these women? If not, what business is it of your's?
And there's the first PROGTARD post, and right on cue, it's BRAIN DEAD BULL SHIT.

I could analyse it and say, well isn't that just WEIRD this DICK FOR BREATH PROGTARD above would say something like that, when isn't it always assumed REPUBLICANS don't CARE about people, that it's purported that it's the PROGS that CARE. Well it sure the FUCK doesn't sound to me like the low life homo prog above gives a flying FUCK about women with kids and their plight. Did he think out his comment, or was he just trying to be a SMART ASS?

I'll go with he was just trying to be a SMART ASS.
Delta4Embassy is proof the ingestion of semen destroys male brain cells.
I have been single for more than 2 years and I have noticed so many women running around out here with multiple children by several different men, and this stretches across the board with white women, black, latino etc the only ones I see that don't do it as much are the Asians. Trying to find a partner at my age right now (33) is increasingly difficult as it is but I just can't deal with a woman right now who has 2 or more babies fathers, it just doesn't seem like the best lifestyle for those kids, they must get confused seeing all these different men coming around. I am one of 5 siblings but we had the same mother and father in the home, I couldn't imagine my mother having had us each with a different father, has anyone noticed this lately or is it just me? was this practice as common before as it is now? these men are playing these women for fools most of the times, they are not interested in fathering others men children, they are just there for the sex and thats it.

I can't begin to tell you how heartbreaking it is to see so few post such as yours.

Thank you, Grav
My sons, 27 and 40, are having the same problem.

They have inherited a lot of money recently, I hope that helps them find a decent woman, as they move to big ranches and into he oil country.

The only advice I can give is try to find a woman with a degree in something and a good job, since your sons will be coming into money women will be after that, so be cautious.
I don't have to be cautious, they do.

I tell them to follow their great-granddaddy's advice, and marry LAND.

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