Why do some think the Government owns your money


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
We have had several threads recently and a lot in the past where different posters have declared things like " if the Government lowers taxes, shouldn't we know what the money is spent on" or "lower taxes are stealing from the Government".

Are people not aware that the Government taxes THEIR money, the Government does not possess any money it self it takes from the citizens via taxes and fees. When taxes are lowered the Government is not GIVING anyone money, they are just not taking as much as before.

The Government has the right to tax, and taxes are needed to run essential services. But where did this concept that the Government is giving you money if they lower taxes come from?

Where did the concept that if the Government takes less of your money they should be able to make you tell them what you spend your money on come from? Or the thought that any money the Government does not collect is still the Governments money that they just let you use?
Since taxes are withheld, the people dont actually see how much money they are paying out. Therefore, the government can get away with the lie that the money isnt ours.
We have had several threads recently and a lot in the past where different posters have declared things like " if the Government lowers taxes, shouldn't we know what the money is spent on" or "lower taxes are stealing from the Government".

Are people not aware that the Government taxes THEIR money, the Government does not possess any money it self it takes from the citizens via taxes and fees. When taxes are lowered the Government is not GIVING anyone money, they are just not taking as much as before.

The Government has the right to tax, and taxes are needed to run essential services. But where did this concept that the Government is giving you money if they lower taxes come from?

Where did the concept that if the Government takes less of your money they should be able to make you tell them what you spend your money on come from? Or the thought that any money the Government does not collect is still the Governments money that they just let you use?
The attitude in Chinese society revolved around worship of central government (emperor) and societies in which the hierarchical structure is like a pyramid with many at the base and only one at the top.

Some people want to tear up the founders' constitution and structure a pyramid government because it is easier to do what one person wants rather than share power.

Dumbing Americans down through teaching pyramid doctrine as desirable is the end means for converting our shared republic into a pyramid oligarchy with one above it all to have his whims catered to and say sweet words to eager, worshipful ears.

We had that here once. King George III. He decided he didn't need our input, kept putting us off as somehow not worth his time to discuss representation in his court. And just to teach us a lesson we wouldn't soon forget, levied a high tax on tea.

The subsequent tea party is still hated by pyramidicissies.

And they're getting their pink slips in November. :muahaha:
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You ARE the Government

It is part of being a US Citizen
We have had several threads recently and a lot in the past where different posters have declared things like " if the Government lowers taxes, shouldn't we know what the money is spent on" or "lower taxes are stealing from the Government".

Are people not aware that the Government taxes THEIR money, the Government does not possess any money it self it takes from the citizens via taxes and fees. When taxes are lowered the Government is not GIVING anyone money, they are just not taking as much as before.

The Government has the right to tax, and taxes are needed to run essential services. But where did this concept that the Government is giving you money if they lower taxes come from?

Where did the concept that if the Government takes less of your money they should be able to make you tell them what you spend your money on come from? Or the thought that any money the Government does not collect is still the Governments money that they just let you use?

What I find interesting is your post clearly shows that you see the Government as something separate from the People.

maybe thats the fundamental difference here.

I see the Government as something I am a part of, something that does MY bidding, not as something thats doing things TO me.

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We have had several threads recently and a lot in the past where different posters have declared things like " if the Government lowers taxes, shouldn't we know what the money is spent on" or "lower taxes are stealing from the Government".

Are people not aware that the Government taxes THEIR money, the Government does not possess any money it self it takes from the citizens via taxes and fees. When taxes are lowered the Government is not GIVING anyone money, they are just not taking as much as before.

The Government has the right to tax, and taxes are needed to run essential services. But where did this concept that the Government is giving you money if they lower taxes come from?

Where did the concept that if the Government takes less of your money they should be able to make you tell them what you spend your money on come from? Or the thought that any money the Government does not collect is still the Governments money that they just let you use?

What I find interesting is your post clearly shows that you see the Government as something separate from the People.

maybe thats the fundamental difference here.

I see the Government as something I am a part of, something that does MY bidding, not as something thats doing things TO me.


So you subscribe to the theory that the Government owns your money and out of the kindness of its heart allows you to keep some? Sure sounds like it. Same with Rightwinger.

It is simple the Government is a construct run by people, rules and laws. It is supposed to do our bidding. But it does NOT own our money, our time or our lives. It may as needed acquire those things for proper and needed reasons. But taxes are not something the Government creates , earns or makes. It is OUR money taken for supposedly specific reasons.

It is simple if a tax decrease is authorized it is NOT the Government giving you money, it is the Government taking less of YOUR money.

The idea that getting a tax decrease should be followed by a requirement for the citizenry to provide any information to the Government on what they CHOSE to spend their own money on is anti-theme to Democracy and our Republic. It flies in the face of who controls what and what the Government is allowed to do by the Constitution and Constitutional laws passed to run said Government.

It amazes me how anyone can actually think the Government owns us and our labor.
No Sgt.

I subscribe to the theory that *I* own the Government. And that *I* demand services from it, and for those services, *I* am charged a fee. Its an interesting theory that was first proposed in the Declaration of Independence and then codified in the Constitution. Perhaps youve heard of them?

You are under the misconception that people actually believe the nonsense that you ascribe to us. You are incorrect.

We, the People, own the Government. Not the other way around.

Its because you see the Government as something other than yourself that you hate it and seek to destroy it and our way of life with it.

The failing is yours.
No Sgt.

I subscribe to the theory that *I* own the Government. And that *I* demand services from it, and for those services, *I* am charged a fee. Its an interesting theory that was first proposed in the Declaration of Independence and then codified in the Constitution. Perhaps youve heard of them?

You are under the misconception that people actually believe the nonsense that you ascribe to us. You are incorrect.

We, the People, own the Government. Not the other way around.

Its because you see the Government as something other than yourself that you hate it and seek to destroy it and our way of life with it.

The failing is yours.


The same people who claim to defend the Constitution despise the very government that it establishes
The same people who claim to defend the Constitution despise the very government that it establishes
That's because "When the Gov't fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the Gov't, there is Tyranny".

People fear the Gov't, and for good reasons:

Patriot Act
Fast and Furious

Just to name a few.
The same people who claim to defend the Constitution despise the very government that it establishes
That's because "When the Gov't fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the Gov't, there is Tyranny".

People fear the Gov't, and for good reasons:

Patriot Act
Fast and Furious

Just to name a few.

and therein lies the truth...more than you know even.

But the rest of us dont live our lives in fear.
The same people who claim to defend the Constitution despise the very government that it establishes
That's because "When the Gov't fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the Gov't, there is Tyranny".

People fear the Gov't, and for good reasons:

Patriot Act
Fast and Furious

Just to name a few.

and therein lies the truth...more than you know even.

But the rest of us dont live our lives in fear.
Obama seems to be counting on people living their lives in fear with his rhetoric
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, once wrote that the government could take 100% if your income, if they wanted.. That's the kinda guy Obama is too! All your hard earned $$ belongs to him! But whatever is accomplished with that money.. That's not your accomplishment. You didn't build that.
Obama's mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, once wrote that the government could take 100% if your income, if they wanted.. That's the kinda guy Obama is too! All your hard earned $$ belongs to him! But whatever is accomplished with that money.. That's not your accomplishment. You didn't build that.

Saying that is COULD is a fact, saying that it SHOULD is a completely different thing.

I suspect you know the difference but admitting theres a difference wont help you Obama bash will it?
That's because "When the Gov't fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the Gov't, there is Tyranny".

People fear the Gov't, and for good reasons:

Patriot Act
Fast and Furious

Just to name a few.

and therein lies the truth...more than you know even.

But the rest of us dont live our lives in fear.
Obama seems to be counting on people living their lives in fear with his rhetoric

Inflammatory ridiculous posts not based in fact don't suit you, Meister. Don't live in fear, my friend, the stress will kill you.
The same people who claim to defend the Constitution despise the very government that it establishes
That's because "When the Gov't fears the People, there is Liberty. When the People fear the Gov't, there is Tyranny".

People fear the Gov't, and for good reasons:

Patriot Act
Fast and Furious

Just to name a few.

The government fears the people because the Constitution gave the people a powerfull weapon......it was not the gun......but the vote

We get the government we have selected
and therein lies the truth...more than you know even.

But the rest of us dont live our lives in fear.
Obama seems to be counting on people living their lives in fear with his rhetoric

Inflammatory ridiculous posts not based in fact don't suit you, Meister. Don't live in fear, my friend, the stress will kill you.

Vidi, he's running his campaign on fear. Open up your eyes.
War on Women
War on Medicare
War on old people
War on Hispanics
Mitt is an extremist

Not one of those are in the top 10 on what the people think are important.
I stand by my prior post, Vidi.
No Sgt.

I subscribe to the theory that *I* own the Government. And that *I* demand services from it, and for those services, *I* am charged a fee. Its an interesting theory that was first proposed in the Declaration of Independence and then codified in the Constitution. Perhaps youve heard of them?

You are under the misconception that people actually believe the nonsense that you ascribe to us. You are incorrect.

We, the People, own the Government. Not the other way around.

Its because you see the Government as something other than yourself that you hate it and seek to destroy it and our way of life with it.

The failing is yours.

Again read the opening post and the one you just responded to. This thread is addressing the idea that somehow if the Government gives a lower tax rate we the people that receive that rate should then provide to the Government details on how we chose to spend our money.

This thread is about the people that think the Government gives them money when taxes are lowered.

You are off in some wild tangent that is not even close to whyat I am discussing.

I neither hate nor fear my Government. That you think me telling you the Government does not own our money or us means that means YOU have a major disconnect with reality.

I know full well what the Constitution and Declaration of Independence say. You seem to have a problem with them, ascribing a construct that is created to interact with the Several States, provide the Common Defense and interact with foreign Governments as a person that owns us and our possessions.

Money is not made by the Government. Our labors make money and the Government taxes a portion of that to pay for needed things. It sometimes requires our time and service as well. But it NEVER owns any of that. The idea that the big benevolent Government would give us money by taxing us less is preposterous. The Government does not own my labor, my time or my freedom. Even when I served as a Marine the Government did not own me.

That you think our labor is property of the Government is simply amazing.

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