Why do so many guys seem to want a maid for a wife?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
I've noticed this for a while now but never really thought to question it until now. Why do so many of my fellow guys want a woman to cook for them and clean up after them and just generally act like their mother? Is it something Freudian or what?
Tradition. Women by nature are more nurturing and take care of house and family. Men work outside the home for money. House and kids are women's domain. Over the past 50 years or more that traditional role changed when in WWII many women were looked to take the place of men who left their jobs for the service. When they returned women kept their jobs and liked being able to provide and with many more industrial helps they were not cloistered in the kitchen making everything from scratch which took a good part of their day. There were also washing machines so beating your britches on rock was no longer an all day task
If a woman spoils her sons, they will make demands of their wives.

As a kid, I learned to cook clean sew make beds do dishes take out the trash change diapers do the laundry etc. etc.

There's nothing I can't or won't do other than have a babby and breast feed. And there's nothing I haven't done other than those two.

I was the male head of household when I was 14 and took care of my three younger siblings. In 33 years of marriage, I never made a single such demand on any of my 7 wifes.

(j/k - 2)
I've noticed this for a while now but never really thought to question it until now. Why do so many of my fellow guys want a woman to cook for them and clean up after them and just generally act like their mother? Is it something Freudian or what?
i only do that for division of labor purposes if i can make more money than her, in the non-porn sector. otherwise, i don't mind helping out if i have plenty of time on my hands.
My bro in law is a great guy, hard working father, has an awesome sense of humor but... a first class asshole.

He does not do a goddamn thing around the house. Ever. He's almost hoping that he loses his job so he can "retire" and have my sister go "get a job". God I hate that fucker.
I have always known that cleaning, laundry, dishes, shopping, yard work, bill paying and cooking were my job. I do not cook as much now my husband does that and my capabilities are limited in that capacity due to health problems. If a woman does work then it should probably be negotiated duties. That was not the case when I worked and was married to someone else. I did all that I listed and worked a 10 hour a day job. He often worked short days and spent days off with his family. I didn't have that opportunity unless I finished the chores. It just depends how someone is raised that often determine their household role
There's nothing wrong with a woman doing for her man but it's nice when the man helps out, doesn't make you feel that your being taken advantage of then, and that they appreciate what you do for them

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My bro in law is a great guy, hard working father, has an awesome sense of humor but... a first class asshole.

He does not do a goddamn thing around the house. Ever. He's almost hoping that he loses his job so he can "retire" and have my sister go "get a job". God I hate that fucker.
I'm sorry to hear that she has found someone that acts this way, I once had an asshole, but he was none of the things you said your bro n law is, this man is horrible, not many people can stomach him, not even his family. I hope that things change for your sister soon, life is too short to be treated this way

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In any smooth-running operation, people and machines have their individual responsibilties and duties. If any of those individuals or machines stop performing thise duries the entire operation shuts down.

Society and the family work the same way..... a place for everyone and everyone in their place. Men and women are like opposite sides of a coin. Without both in a relationship the whole has no value. Just like a coin the two faces look in opposite directions..... His looks out into the workd and hers looks into the home. Any other design is a worthless failure.
I've noticed this for a while now but never really thought to question it until now. Why do so many of my fellow guys want a woman to cook for them and clean up after them and just generally act like their mother? Is it something Freudian or what?

Have had girlfriends try that. Think they must grow up with it being maids at home. Always made me feel incredibly uncomfortable though. Guilty for sitting there while she'd try and tidy up or something. I'll do it I'd say and get up to do whatever.
I take care of our baby and do the vast majority of the cooking and cleaning while my wife is at school or studying at home. I'm semi-retired and she's going to medical school full time.

Actually I've found that I really enjoy cooking.
My wife and I both work, and we have hired a maid to be the maid.

She comes in every two weeks and we pay her $85 to do the thorough cleaning that neither of us want to do.

In between, we all pitch in to keep the house neat.

I probably do more housework than my wife because I work at home and she works away from home.
I've noticed this for a while now but never really thought to question it until now. Why do so many of my fellow guys want a woman to cook for them and clean up after them and just generally act like their mother? Is it something Freudian or what?

I can only speak for myself and I think it's an "old school" concept.
I don't think as many younger/modern men expect that of their wives - but I know that I was not much of a cook or "Susie Home Maker" but, hubby had a high expectation of that to be done. I'm much better than I used to be, but I had to make a lot of changes to keep peace in the home.

My cooking is right on time, but, I'm still not the housekeeper he would like me to be.....
I've noticed this for a while now but never really thought to question it until now. Why do so many of my fellow guys want a woman to cook for them and clean up after them and just generally act like their mother? Is it something Freudian or what?
I only do that when I am the only one working.
It's still your job as the provider though.
I would fit right in at the 50s wife. I always felt it was my place to stay home and make a home and take care of the kids. I stopped working when I had a child and did just that. Before I had a child I worked and did everything else except mow the grass. My then spouse did not treat me very well because I didn't contribute financially and was treated as less than because of it. I stopped working to take care of our child but I also had the added burden of a chronic disease that I began to have two years before but still worked even though I was carried to and from my place of work....literally carried, dressed and taken to my seat then picked up 10 hours later and u dressed and put into bed at night. It was a though time. I still think staying home for children and doing all household duties is the woman's job. I just wish there was not a stigma now that comes with it that a woman is less than for not working also.

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