Why Do Republicans Lie?

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Gold Member
Mar 4, 2013
Another Republican putting out a silly video supposedly with Obama calling him, telling him to stay away from Obamacare.

Why support someone who'd lie like this?

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Another Republican putting out a silly video supposedly with Obama calling him, telling him to stay away from Obamacare.

Why support someone who'd lie like this?


Probably the same reason Democrats, Greens, and ...well hell everybody lies....for power, money, influence, votes. I just find it amusing that you wail about the 'pubs and ignore everyone else....which makes you.....a LIAR! :lol::lol::lol:
Why Do Republicans Lie?

Because most of their dogma and policy positions won’t hold up when exposed to the truth.

With regard to the ACA, for example, many on the partisan right are afraid the reforms will be successful, consequently they contrive lies concerning the Act for some perceived political gain.
Why do the GOP lie? Endlessly?
Because that's ALL they've got.
Pathetic really...

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Why do the GOP lie? Endlessly?
Because that's ALL they've got.
Pathetic really...

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I believe they're more prone to lying because their followers are too dumb to realize otherwise.
Why do the GOP lie? Endlessly?
Because that's ALL they've got.
Pathetic really...

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I believe they're more prone to lying because their followers are too dumb to realize otherwise.

Howey your precious little party lies just as much.....and if you cant see that,maybe you should ask yourself why.....if you cant figure it out,let me know,i can tell you why you cant....
Another Republican putting out a silly video supposedly with Obama calling him, telling him to stay away from Obamacare.

Why support someone who'd lie like this?


Back when Newt Gingrich was the Speaker of the House ..and long before he got run out of the House he and others convinced his party that the only way they could wrestle power away from the dems was to demonize them in EVERY way possible in EVERY opportunity that presented itself.

The Christian division of the republican party claimed some moral authority to fight "evil" any way they could as the dems gave refuge to gays and women fighting to offset the christian anti abortion faction. The republicans threw in the defense of gun rights into the pot which further upset many republicans that believed that they would defend the right to bare arms with as much vitriol as the "morals" defenders pushed their themes.

With full support of those "guns, god and gays" wingnuts Gingrich had a willing audience to promote his verbal scorched earth policy of calling dems evil and lying about them and lying in support of any argument they and the dems engaged in.

Politicians have always stretched the truth but the republicans under Gingrich's leadership took the practice to a new and much higher level.

They got away with it while Reagan was president and there was little media attention when Ronnie apologized for his blatant lying about Iran gate and his involvement with the Contras of Central America.

The primary actors of the Iran/Contra affair were sold to the public as heros and are still being promoted as such.

As it turned out lying was effective and the right wing media(Fox..Rupert Murdocdh) cosigning the lies was effective.

Republicans lie because they are disgusting traitorous pieces of shit... and it has made men like Cheney wealthy.
Why do people still lie to themselves and pretend Obamacare is a good thing? Higher premiums. Higher copays. Higher Deductables. Less meds. More unemployed. and this is a good thing?

I'd hate to see what they would do if they wanted to hurt us.
Why do the GOP lie? Endlessly?
Because that's ALL they've got.
Pathetic really...

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I believe they're more prone to lying because their followers are too dumb to realize otherwise.

Howey your precious little party lies just as much.....and if you cant see that,maybe you should ask yourself why.....if you cant figure it out,let me know,i can tell you why you cant....

"Just as much?" ROFL! libturds lie 1000 times more than anyone. Virtually everything they say is a lie. The sleaziest scumbag Republican is an angel compared to your typical liberal Democrat. The people Democrats idolize are the biggest liars of all.
Another Republican putting out a silly video supposedly with Obama calling him, telling him to stay away from Obamacare.

Why support someone who'd lie like this?


Here's a link where you can find Obama lies:

21 Lies Obama has Told you Directly to your FaceEndAllDisease.com

Why support someone who'd lie like this?

Obama tries to help America. Republicans block him. Call him a liar. So what's new? At least he tried. What are Republicans trying to do?
This thread made me spit my milk out on my computer screen. LOL! Next to lie in the dictionary will soon be Obama's portrait. The man just cant tell the truth for the life of him. I mean he had to know in advance that peoples selected policies would be cancelled.

This was just a ploy to pumy up the enrollment numbers.

Obamafuscate - To diliberately mislead the American public into believing bad is good.
Another Republican putting out a silly video supposedly with Obama calling him, telling him to stay away from Obamacare.

Why support someone who'd lie like this?


Here's a link where you can find Obama lies:

21 Lies Obama has Told you Directly to your FaceEndAllDisease.com

Why support someone who'd lie like this?

Obama tries to help America. Republicans block him. Call him a liar. So what's new? At least he tried. What are Republicans trying to do?

People call him a liar because he lies. If he doesnt want to be called a liar, it's probably better not to lie.

And if he wants to help people, he would be wise to learn that helping people means you make the lives of people better, not worse.
This thread made me spit my milk out on my computer screen. LOL! Next to lie in the dictionary will soon be Obama's portrait. The man just cant tell the truth for the life of him. I mean he had to know in advance that peoples selected policies would be cancelled.

This was just a ploy to pumy up the enrollment numbers.

Obamafuscate - To diliberately mislead the American public into believing bad is good.

What's funny is he has a tell. It's quite obvious when he is lying about something because he stutters. If he really believes something he doesn't. (of course, the fact that he believes something doesn't mean it's right).
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