Why do our politicians insist on stoking racial tensions?

Race is only important for two things, politics and health care

In health care, you have genetic tendencies based upon race that should be screened for, but in politics, the question has to become, why should it ever be important?

When slaves first arrived from Africa in the US at Jamestown, there were also white slaves. However, the white and black slaves joined forces for a revolt, which scared the powers that be at Jamestown. So they decided to divide and conquer but releasing the white slaves and only concentrating on black slaves.

After all, spotting the color of their skin was easy, and who would ever try to help them once the conditioned people to believe they were so much different because they were another color. No one ever tried to help free the slaves again after that. It worked.

There was also the issue of grabbing all the land in the US from Indians. Again, race became useful as the Indians were shown as savages and whitey was civilized.

It rather simple to do because people are basically stupid and naturally hate what they don't understand or what is different from them. In addition, the white race had access to many more men and weaponry to take the land from the Indians, so they would eventually be on the winning side.

However, today those of color outnumber those who are white, and will someday take over the land that whitey once conquered. Now the powers that be are getting behind them to take it all back.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

But the last thing the political elite want is, for people of all color to join hands as one and oppose those who are evil enough to manipulate people to act wickedly based on the simply difference of skin color.

After all, if politicians were to treat us all the same and not give certain groups perks based on subtle differences, who would send them all their money and support?
Nice “anti racist” racist screed. :rolleyes:
Don't pretend that loser represents the right wing, conservatism, or anything of the GOP. He is just a random pussy weakling racist. There is no political orientation to his uselessness.
lol dude come on. He definitely represents the RW. It doesn’t have to be for everyone of them. Just a huge representation.
Race is only important for two things, politics and health care

In health care, you have genetic tendencies based upon race that should be screened for...
That's perhaps the lessor reason "race" is of any importance in health care.
Well, you are certainly stupid and pointless, and you don't take any pride for being white. What a shame, because you don't have much of anything else to bring you any pride.

The truth of the matter is that people should feel pride based upon the positive things they do in this world and not just some happenstance of birth. Feeling pride over sowing division doesn't cut it.
Not much pride to be had in the historical context of “white pride”. Unless of course that’s your jam. ;)
For blacks…is there “much to be had” in the current context of “black pride”?
Absolutely. A polar opposite in intention and goal. There was always “much to be had” in the way of equality. Quite a lot of ground to be made up.
Not Trump, but you’ll never understand because in your world everything is about Trump. Duopoly dupes can’t help it.
That judge sure has y’all riled. This sure feels like exactly the type of outlet y’all need right now.
Why would a politician conduct a press conference and allow someone to stand next to them in a “NYC Black Pride” shirt? What do they think will become of such antics?
Close your eyes and imagine the backlash that would come from Trump holding a press conference with a guy standing next to him in a “Florida White Pride“ shirt.
Is this another one of those bizarre double standard / reverse racism things that are somehow acceptable among the Twilight Zone folks?

why has there been a spike in violence against blacks gays Asians minorities trans ever since Trump was first nominated, and why do such attacks more than double in an area after Trump has one of his rallies? You're out of your tiny uninformed misinformed brainwashed functional racist mind....

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