Zone1 Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Anyone other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?



Murder victims.

I realize that dealing with FACTS is way too hard for those who incessantly whine RACISM as the root of all their problems rather than working on solutions.

TRY, or quit your sorry excuses.
My solution: Move to a tiny Midwest farming town with a very white population.

Black people without attitude do exist. Candace Owens. Morgan Freeman. Larry Elder. Ben Carson. Just the beginning of the list. They are the ones who have the drive and the will to make life better for blacks everywhere, and the vast majority of the rest are crabs in a bucket who will kill their own savior.

Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Anyone other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?



Murder victims.

I realize that dealing with FACTS is way too hard for those who incessantly whine RACISM as the root of all their problems rather than working on solutions.

TRY, or quit your sorry excuses.
Democrats never solve problems. They simply create issues....which is the same as creating problems.
If there were no Democrats in America this would be a much better country to live in.

Prime example....the story below. Have you noticed that there aren't any all-white families in commercials anymore? It's because white people ARE THE DEVIL!!! Well....this is a problem that the left wants to address:

Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Anyone other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?



Murder victims.

I realize that dealing with FACTS is way too hard for those who incessantly whine RACISM as the root of all their problems rather than working on solutions.

TRY, or quit your sorry excuses.
Not all black people are victims because they dont live in the Blue ran inner cities, but suburbs like a lot of other law abiding citizens. Only well indoctrinated blacks who cannot leave the plantation stay victim to the rules of Marxism. They will continue to fail until they leave it.

Many are only interested in bling, and they want white people to pay them off for not committing crimes. They're con artists and extortionists. The black middle class needs lots of violent hood rats in order to extort bennies for themselves.
Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Anyone other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?



Murder victims.

I realize that dealing with FACTS is way too hard for those who incessantly whine RACISM as the root of all their problems rather than working on solutions.

TRY, or quit your sorry excuses.

Ironically, you fall victim to the same allegation you make of others. You whine about the apparent facts you provide, but don't offer any explanation or solution. You should have at least provided income levels and family circumstance with this data.

Are you suggesting that it's genetic? The solution is fairly simple to point to but extremely difficult to solve, and I guarantee you some don't even want to solve it: primarily poverty and social influences. I could probably also add family unit and covert police "encouagement", but let's stick with the two obvious ones.

Socially it's Music (especially), movies, video games and the like, all contribute to the formation the mind and attitude of a young person.

Poverty ensures that all of the above influences are even more relevant. Poverty is more apt to contribute to broken homes, inadequate parenting, nutrition, well being, self esteem and self reliance/leadership.

I could go on and on, but that's how I view it. Will movies suddenly all become the sterile and predictable movies of the 1950s? Will music that encourages violence and make-believe gangsterism be outlawed?

Poverty is self explanatory. I guarantee you that there was more crime committed by poor, white folks in the turn of the century when new immigrants from Europe headed to America then the 3rd generation American.

Why? Poverty, broken homes, poor influences etc. Music and movies may not have been as bad, but I bet you the poor of the 1930s loved movies about Al Capone and Irish gangsters.

I make no excuse for a 30 year old who commits murder. There might be an causal explanation but rarely an excuse. The chances of a much younger person with access to a gun committing serious crime is far higher in the wrong circumstances, some might even be more excusable or the rationalization of the irrational. Start by asking those who have lived there and "got out".
Here is the solution:

1) Recognize and communicate that blacks are just as capable as succeeding as whites - and that they are capable of moving from poverty to middle-class success in a single generation, as have other persecuted minorities.

2) We can help accomplish the above by getting rid of preferential standards to admit blacks to colleges they would not get into if white and quotas for hiring and promotions. These practices transmit to blacks that they are either 1) incapable of competing with whites on their own merits, or 2) the hapless victims of non-existent systemic racism.

3) We also need to get harsh with punishment of crime (rather than go the opposite way that the Dems are). This would show blacks, who commit a disproportionate amount of crime, that their decision to be criminals will crime with a stiff punishment.

4) Speaking of the above, blacks need to ADMIT that they have problems with both 1) a substantially higher crime rate and 2) out-of-wedlock birthrates. Both of course are correlated with higher rates of failure in society.

5) Finally, blacks need to stop with the “more whites crime” and “welfare goes mostly to whites” dishonest excuses - given that there are 4x as many whites as blacks - and admit that blacks are much more likely to be non-productive members of society (defined as being on welfare) than whites. To help blacks off welfare, along with others of course, we must institute work requirements before an adult sees a penny of food stamps, rent subsidies, Medicaid, EBT cards, etc.


1) Abolish preferential treatment for blacks
2) Hand down harsh punishment for crime
3) Institute work requirements for any able-bodied adult on welfare
Ironically, you fall victim to the same allegation you make of others. You whine about the apparent facts you provide, but don't offer any explanation or solution. You should have at least provided income levels and family circumstance with this data.

Are you suggesting that it's genetic? The solution is fairly simple to point to but extremely difficult to solve, and I guarantee you some don't even want to solve it: primarily poverty and social influences. I could probably also add family unit and covert police "encouagement", but let's stick with the two obvious ones.

Socially it's Music (especially), movies, video games and the like, all contribute to the formation the mind and attitude of a young person.

Poverty ensures that all of the above influences are even more relevant. Poverty is more apt to contribute to broken homes, inadequate parenting, nutrition, well being, self esteem and self reliance/leadership.

I could go on and on, but that's how I view it. Will movies suddenly all become the sterile and predictable movies of the 1950s? Will music that encourages violence and make-believe gangsterism be outlawed?

Poverty is self explanatory. I guarantee you that there was more crime committed by poor, white folks in the turn of the century when new immigrants from Europe headed to America then the 3rd generation American.

Why? Poverty, broken homes, poor influences etc. Music and movies may not have been as bad, but I bet you the poor of the 1930s loved movies about Al Capone and Irish gangsters.

I make no excuse for a 30 year old who commits murder. There might be an causal explanation but rarely an excuse. The chances of a much younger person with access to a gun committing serious crime is far higher in the wrong circumstances, some might even be more excusable or the rationalization of the irrational. Start by asking those who have lived there and "got out".
What I hear from your reply is that the OP must pick a set of statistics that agree with your bias.

You wish to talk about poverty and how it affects violence. Yet, when talking about violence in America, the left speaks ONLY in terms of 'White man bad" and "It is a racial issue"

The OP's number speaks "DIRECTLY" to that. When speaking of violence, if you don't want to address the race aspect of it, then start a thread that deals with any other aspect of violence. However, when you DO start that thread, ensure that the conversation remains on ONLY with that aspect of it.

Your reply here is exactly why solutions are never suggested. None of you can remain on the stated topic.
Ironically, you fall victim to the same allegation you make of others. You whine about the apparent facts you provide, but don't offer any explanation or solution. You should have at least provided income levels and family circumstance with this data.
My thread was a question to those here who constantly, annually, post about racism being the reason for the facts I posted rather than working toward solutions. Are you one of those people?

The demographic groups covered are race, age, and sex. If you want a thread coving only income levels, you are most welcome to do so. What do you believe including income would show? I can tell you with certainty that it will vividly demonstrate that there is one major reason for a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty line.


What caused the collapse of the black family unit? Formerly one of the strongest family units in our society?
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Poverty is self explanatory. I guarantee you that there was more crime committed by poor, white folks in the turn of the century when new immigrants from Europe headed to America then the 3rd generation American.
I'm a third-generation American. All four of my grandparents came from Norway or Denmark. shortly before the end of the nineteenth century. They came through Ellis Island. At the time one needed a sponsor to immigrate to America. Someone who would vouch for you and guarantee that you would not become dependent on the government for your support.

I know nothing about my Ol' Man's father, he passed before I was born. His wife owned a small Norwegian delicatessen in Chicago. My Mother's, father came here with a fourth-grade education and flat broke. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He then drove streetcars for the city of Chicago and later buses. When he passed, after more than fifty years of marriage, they owned several apartment buildings in Chicago. His wife never worked outside the home and never learned to drive, that was men's work. She thought it was the craziest thing she had ever heard of when she began getting Social Security benefits.

They were all extremely proud to become Americans. My Ol' Man changed his given name when he went into the Army in 1941 to "Americanize" it.
the solution is to burn America's political and cultural system down (figuratively), and start from scratch
Why do many on this forum refuse to post SOLUTIONS instead of droning on incessantly that blacks are the downtrodden, the victim, whiney babies?

A recent episode of "The FIRST 48" focused on a 14-year-old black male who had been murdered by a 16-year-old black male. The lead detective was black. The motive was that the 16-year-old had been disrespected by the 14-year-old kid. The murderer confessed and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Racism played no part, whatsoever, in that tragedy. The lives of dozens of loved ones were irreparably destroyed because a child perceived that A GUN AND MURDER were the best solutions for having been DISRESPECTED. In tears, the child begged for his mama.

In another episode, a 20-year-old black male responded in exasperation, "HELL, I've got six brothers on my father's side that I hardly know"! Is that NOT a huge part of the problem in black communities? Specifically, how is that the fault of anyone else? Anyone other than legislation inspired by President Lyndon Johnson (D) and his "War on Poverty" and "Great Society"?

Specifically, how is RACISM at fault because this happens?



Murder victims.

I realize that dealing with FACTS is way too hard for those who incessantly whine RACISM as the root of all their problems rather than working on solutions.

TRY, or quit your sorry excuses.
Well over 70% of black families in the US are without a father.

Once this happens, it is virtually impossible to escape poverty, and then they kids will find their father figure on the streets which will lead to crime.

The solution for the Left is abortion. If you look, you will see abortion centers strategically centered around black communities, and in New York City there have been more abortions than births. Also, democrats foster crime with black on black violence, leading to more murdering in democrat run cities than anywhere else in the US.

It's a type of self genocide, and the kicker is they have blacks voting for them in mass to this day.
I'm a third-generation American. All four of my grandparents came from Norway or Denmark. shortly before the end of the nineteenth century. They came through Ellis Island. At the time one needed a sponsor to immigrate to America. Someone who would vouch for you and guarantee that you would not become dependent on the government for your support.

I know nothing about my Ol' Man's father, he passed before I was born. His wife owned a small Norwegian delicatessen in Chicago. My Mother's, father came here with a fourth-grade education and flat broke. His first job was driving a horse-drawn milk wagon. He then drove streetcars for the city of Chicago and later buses. When he passed, after more than fifty years of marriage, they owned several apartment buildings in Chicago. His wife never worked outside the home and never learned to drive, that was men's work. She thought it was the craziest thing she had ever heard of when she began getting Social Security benefits.

They were all extremely proud to become Americans. My Ol' Man changed his given name when he went into the Army in 1941 to "Americanize" it.
When your people came here, were black American decendants of slaves allowed by the government, or even society in general, to own things like delcatessens?
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