Why do debate moderators allow GOP candidates to get away with their lies?

what do you mean by getting away with? what have they gotten really?
The Republicans are right. We in the media do suck.

It is amazing what these people are getting away with!
At a guess, the goal is to let them hang themselves with their own words. The intelligent voter will do follow-up research (and that's where the media's role is crucial) and recognize the lies, as the intelligent posters here have been doing since the debate.

The sheep, of course, are unteachable, which is why they'll blame their candidate's defeat on "the MSM" (a designation that annoys the spit out of me: It's "mainstream," one word, you pinheads!).
Because the lies come so fast and furious that it's nearly impossible to keep the truth straight.

Donald Trump blatantly lied. The moderator took one of his quotes directly from his website and yet he claimed the moderator was making it up.

Ben Carson blatantly lied about his involvement with that crooked pharmaceutical company.

These people live in the Republican bubble where math, science and facts matter not because their base of evangelicals and teabaggers just want pandering, not real ideas.

Until Reagan, this party wore big boy pants. After ceasing any involvement with NBC and Telemundo now, it's obvious they wear Pampers.

Republicans are okay with grilling Hillary Clinton for 11 hours and okay with her having to spend her whole debate talking about her e-mails and Benghazi, but they get insulted by having to merely explain how they can take on the debt with tax cuts, a great big wall on the border, and even more defense spending.

The GOP are a bunch of whiner and crybabies now. You don't have to agree with Hillary Clinton, but at least she didn't throw a tantrum over getting a series of tough questions.
It was promoted as an economic policy debate.


It was just another left wing whack job whack a republican debate.

And they were so over the top they got busted!

Totally so.
The GOP candidates want softball questions:

"Mr. Trump,how many tuxedos you you own?"
"Mr. Carson, how many people have you saved through your neurosurgery?"

You know, questions like that. The GOP has become the party of Charlie Brown.


Cruz was asked a question on the recent budget agreement and he launched into a whining, crying diatribe....

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