Why do Conservatives Allow the Liberals to Tell Them What Words They Can Use?

Why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?

  • Because they are gutless cowards

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • Because they want to be sensitive to the political feelings of others

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Because they are mindless lemmings who follow the guy with the microphone

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Because they obey their corporate masters.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • I dunno, who's playing on the TV?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It is ridiculous, how so many conservatives are so afraid of offending liberals with their vocabulary. As soon as some new word is deemed racist by the left, these 'conservative' immediately abandon the use of the word or phrase. And so often the phrase isnt racial in origin so much as it is simply an inconvenient phrase that carries an idea that the libtards want to diminish or hinder by refusing to let people use a concise word or phrase.

'Anchor baby' is one such phrase, and were it not for Trump refusing to censor himself, this phrase was going to go the way of 'Tar Baby'. Other phrases like 'picininny', 'negro' (despite the National Negro college fund), and 'nappy head' have long been used in our language but are now taboo, among hundreds of other phrases and words that might give offense to some tiny tribe in Asia.

Why are conservatives so pussified?

It seems that there is a kind of conservative that wants to get media air time and advance a political career and who thinks that the word usage of the future is defined by the left of today, so they dont even engage in debate on these things, they just go with it. If the libtards say that 'Tar Baby' is racist, then it's racist and they see no point to arguing about it.

Such people have always disgusted me. These morons think that 'conservatism' is all about abstract concepts. They think that it doesnt matter how many jobs get exported to China, or how fast the population shrinks, as long as the GDP grows and the Stock Market goes up, all is well. They remind me of the joke about the accountant who put one foot in a bowl of ice water and the other foot in a bowl of boiling water so he could enjoy some average room temperatures. IT DONT WORK THAT WAY, DUDE! But they know this, so why do they do it?

Months ago I searched for a term to describe these kind of conservatives and came across 'cuckservative'. As soon as I saw it I liked it. The term 'cuck' comes from the cuckoo bird that doesnt tend to its own eggs, but lays them in the nests of other birds and lets them tend to them. It became a euphemism for men who are so 'in love' with a woman that they allow her to cheat on them openly and wont stop it or leave the woman. This is the kind of guy who has no pride, no shame and debases themselves for the sake of the woman who rejects them and despises them.

Conservatives Are Holding a Conversation About Race

Wow, this sounds pretty darned close to what I am looking for.

The #cuckservative is a doomed animal

BUT, hold everything. Movement conservatives are afraid of using the word because it angers the liberals in the press! And they have invented this whole rationale for not using the term; it is disgusting and racist. (Yes, that word again). You see, there is a genre of porn where some guy likes to watch his wife getting 'mounted' by other men. (There is a kind of porn for just about any weirdness you can imagine, lol) And these dudes claim that since OFTEN this kind of porn has a white male being the cuckolded man who lets a black guy 'mount' his wife or girlfriend, it is therefore a racist word, which is complete bullshit. The term cuckold NEVER had ANYTHING to do with race until now.

And of course the White Nationalists are all over this word 'cuckservative'. Some claim that the word came from their movement, but I dont see how that can be proven one way or the other, nor why it is relevant. I guess if the concept of mathematical zero was imagined by a white nationalist we would still be using Roman Numerals they way the conservative movement leaders think. Truth is Truth and whether the White Nationalists made up the word or not, it is a damned useful and appropriate word for the way 'conservative' leaders cave on us repeatedly, like the cuck Paul Ryan just did this past week on the budget battle.

But why abandon this word to the White Nationalists? It only makes them look more respectable as it strikes directly to the heart of what is wrong with the Republican Party, it is controlled by cucks, idiots that are quite happy to fuck over their own constituents in order to placate the liberal establishment in Washington DC.

So after months of reading and watching the word use climb, I think it is a watershed moment. Really the only people in the conservative movement afraid of the word cuckservative are the cuckservatives themselves!

So why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?
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Saloon ran an article on it in its typical sexually obsessed and Marxist perspective.

The secret history of “cuckservative”: The fetish that became a right-wing rallying cry
White men saw themselves as the naturally dominant group in the United States from its founding to the present. The idea of white male privilege as “normal” and a given remains inexorably compelling — especially to the “angry” and aggrieved white men who are the base of the Republican Party in the post-civil rights era.

The legacy of the South’s planter class — the 1 percent its time, who profited from the blood of the slave plantations, work camps, tenant labor, sharecropping fields, and chain gangs — is also seen in the contemporary Republican Party. When the Republican Party’s leaders and media elites talk about “makers and takers” and “lazy” American workers, when they wage war on the poor and the social safety net, what we’re seeing is the new political economy of neoliberalism mated with the philosophical legacy of the planter class.

The Republican Party’s fetish for guns, its knee-jerk defense of white-on-black-and-brown police violence and abuse, and its theocratic Christian politics also have many wellsprings in the American South. The right’s desperate efforts to control women’s bodies and reproductive freedoms are likewise a legacy and reminder of how white men’s power has historically extended to their (supposed) ownership over women’s sexuality and health.

Thus, white male anxieties spoken to by those who authored and circulated the “cuckservative” meme are really just evoking a misdirected feeling by some white men that they have lost political power and potency — that they have been, so to speak, castrated.

If the Republican Party is a southern party, with all of the social, political, cultural, and racial baggage such a lineage entails, then the power and threat embodied by Barack Obama, the United States’ first black president, cannot be ignored. If the men on the white right are fearful of a loss of power — be it through metaphors and analogies such as “cuckservatives” or more basic castration anxieties — we cannot forget the (almost exclusively) Southern tradition of the lynching tree and the “strange fruit” it yielded.

The phallocentric, racist, and misogynistic obsessions of those on the White Right are reminders of how black men’s bodies were routinely burned, dismembered, how their genitals cut off — all of these things while the victims of such white racial bloodlust were often still alive. The spectacular lynching and torture of black people was a ritual designed to remove Black Americans from political life and to reaffirm white power. The black body was and remains a threat; because of that fact, it has been subjected to gross and cruel disciplines and technologies of punishment and control in the United States and the West more broadly.

So if you use the term 'cuckservative', according to Saloon you are in favor of lynching black men and selling women as sex slaves, roflmao.

Can libtards get any more wackadoodle than that?

Why is it that cuckservatives are OK with this kind of libtard anti-white racism?

Dear White America: Your toxic masculinity is killing you

White America is suffering from a type of cancer. .... If you want the truth, this is it: toxic white masculinity, and the backward right-wing politics which nurture and protect it, are hurting millions of you every year...

For many of you, the very idea that there is such a thing as toxic white masculinity is both surprising and enraging. .... Toxic white masculinity is a fear of the world changing to the disadvantage of white men, and where what too many white men take as natural rights are actually going to be exposed as unfair advantages, advantages which were gifted by a lottery of genetics and fortune of birth, as opposed to earned merit.

Toxic white masculinity defaults to violence as a means of maintaining social and political control. It clings to guns as a symbol of “real” male identity. It fears women as equals; it lashes out at non-whites who are somehow “stealing” white men’s jobs and power. Toxic white masculinity sees “liberals,” “progressives,” “social justice,” and “feminism” as enemies — out of a fear that “white masculinity” will somehow be made obsolete or extinct. The dream worlds and paranoid fantasies of angry white men are distractions that look to some type of Other as the preeminent threat to America’s safety and security. The reality is of course, very different.

In reality, right-wing domestic terrorists and mass shooters are the number one threat to America’s safety and security since September 11, 2001.

Roflmao, I'd bet that more whites have been killed by blacks than blacks killed by whites and yet to this retard, it is all about white males being toxic.

If some dude wrote this at National Review and talked about 'toxic black males' they would have been hounded out of their jobs right now. But libtard morons like this guy can get away with this because of the cuckservatives that run the GOP and the movement conservatives.

They are lap dogs for the liberals and shy away from defending the interests of their won race and kind - thus 'cuckservative' fits them.

They are the perennial Paul Ryans who fight to let the OTHER SIDE WIN instead of their own side.

Why do we accept these losers as conservative leaders, even better yet HOW did they become conservative movement leaders?

It is ridiculous, how so many conservatives are so afraid of offending liberals with their vocabulary. As soon as some new word is deemed racist by the left, these 'conservative' immediately abandon the use of the word or phrase. And so often the phrase isnt racial in origin so much as it is simply an inconvenient phrase that carries an idea that the libtards want to diminish or hinder by refusing to let people use a concise word or phrase.

'Anchor baby' is one such phrase, and were it not for Trump refusing to censor himself, this phrase was going to go the way of 'Tar Baby'. Other phrases like 'picininny', 'negro' (despite the National Negro college fund), and 'nappy head' have long been used in our language but are now taboo, among hundreds of other phrases and words that might give offense to some tiny tribe in Asia.

Why are conservatives so pussified?

It seems that there is a kind of conservative that wants to get media air time and advance a political career and who thinks that the word usage of the future is defined by the left of today, so they dont even engage in debate on these things, they just go with it. If the libtards say that 'Tar Baby' is racist, then it's racist and they see no point to arguing about it.

Such people have always disgusted me. These morons think that 'conservatism' is all about abstract concepts. They think that it doesnt matter how many jobs get exported to China, or how fast the population shrinks, as long as the GDP grows and the Stock Market goes up, all is well. They remind me of the joke about the accountant who put one foot in a bowl of ice water and the other foot in a bowl of boiling water so he could enjoy some average room temperatures. IT DONT WORK THAT WAY, DUDE! But they know this, so why do they do it?

Months ago I searched for a term to describe these kind of conservatives and came across 'cuckservative'. As soon as I saw it I liked it. The term 'cuck' comes from the cuckoo bird that doesnt tend to its own eggs, but lays them in the nests of other birds and lets them tend to them. It became a euphemism for men who are so 'in love' with a woman that they allow her to cheat on them openly and wont stop it or leave the woman. This is the kind of guy who has no pride, no shame and debases themselves for the sake of the woman who rejects them and despises them.

Conservatives Are Holding a Conversation About Race

Wow, this sounds pretty darned close to what I am looking for.

The #cuckservative is a doomed animal

BUT, hold everything. Movement conservatives are afraid of using the word because it angers the liberals in the press! And they have invented this whole rationale for not using the term; it is disgusting and racist. (Yes, that word again). You see, there is a genre of porn where some guy likes to watch his wife getting 'mounted' by other men. (There is a kind of porn for just about any weirdness you can imagine, lol) And these dudes claim that since OFTEN this kind of porn has a white male being the cuckolded man who lets a black guy 'mount' his wife or girlfriend, it is therefore a racist word, which is complete bullshit. The term cuckold NEVER had ANYTHING to do with race until now.

And of course the White Nationalists are all over this word 'cuckservative'. Some claim that the word came from their movement, but I dont see how that can be proven one way or the other, nor why it is relevant. I guess if the concept of mathematical zero was imagined by a white nationalist we would still be using Roman Numerals they way the conservative movement leaders think. Truth is Truth and whether the White Nationalists made up the word or not, it is a damned useful and appropriate word for the way 'conservative' leaders cave on us repeatedly, like the cuck Paul Ryan just did this past week on the budget battle.

But why abandon this word to the White Nationalists? It only makes them look more respectable as it strikes directly to the heart of what is wrong with the Republican Party, it is controlled by cucks, idiots that are quite happy to fuck over their own constituents in order to placate the liberal establishment in Washington DC.

So after months of reading and watching the word use climb, I think it is a watershed moment. Really the only people in the conservative movement afraid of the word cuckservative are the cuckservatives themselves!

So why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?
Conservatism is reactive by nature. They let the trotskyites dictate the game. Additionally, the modern conservative has given up and lives only for his own personal gain. In the decades after ww2 the conservatives devised a hope that they could stem social progression by stemming economic progression. This has had limited success. But instead of trying to devise an actually effective system, they've lulled themselves by sticking to this old plan. It only oppresses young people and calls constantly for more immigration, but the conservatives are far to set in their ways to adjust.
It is ridiculous, how so many conservatives are so afraid of offending liberals with their vocabulary. As soon as some new word is deemed racist by the left, these 'conservative' immediately abandon the use of the word or phrase. And so often the phrase isnt racial in origin so much as it is simply an inconvenient phrase that carries an idea that the libtards want to diminish or hinder by refusing to let people use a concise word or phrase.

'Anchor baby' is one such phrase, and were it not for Trump refusing to censor himself, this phrase was going to go the way of 'Tar Baby'. Other phrases like 'picininny', 'negro' (despite the National Negro college fund), and 'nappy head' have long been used in our language but are now taboo, among hundreds of other phrases and words that might give offense to some tiny tribe in Asia.

Why are conservatives so pussified?

It seems that there is a kind of conservative that wants to get media air time and advance a political career and who thinks that the word usage of the future is defined by the left of today, so they dont even engage in debate on these things, they just go with it. If the libtards say that 'Tar Baby' is racist, then it's racist and they see no point to arguing about it.

Such people have always disgusted me. These morons think that 'conservatism' is all about abstract concepts. They think that it doesnt matter how many jobs get exported to China, or how fast the population shrinks, as long as the GDP grows and the Stock Market goes up, all is well. They remind me of the joke about the accountant who put one foot in a bowl of ice water and the other foot in a bowl of boiling water so he could enjoy some average room temperatures. IT DONT WORK THAT WAY, DUDE! But they know this, so why do they do it?

Months ago I searched for a term to describe these kind of conservatives and came across 'cuckservative'. As soon as I saw it I liked it. The term 'cuck' comes from the cuckoo bird that doesnt tend to its own eggs, but lays them in the nests of other birds and lets them tend to them. It became a euphemism for men who are so 'in love' with a woman that they allow her to cheat on them openly and wont stop it or leave the woman. This is the kind of guy who has no pride, no shame and debases themselves for the sake of the woman who rejects them and despises them.

Conservatives Are Holding a Conversation About Race

Wow, this sounds pretty darned close to what I am looking for.

The #cuckservative is a doomed animal

BUT, hold everything. Movement conservatives are afraid of using the word because it angers the liberals in the press! And they have invented this whole rationale for not using the term; it is disgusting and racist. (Yes, that word again). You see, there is a genre of porn where some guy likes to watch his wife getting 'mounted' by other men. (There is a kind of porn for just about any weirdness you can imagine, lol) And these dudes claim that since OFTEN this kind of porn has a white male being the cuckolded man who lets a black guy 'mount' his wife or girlfriend, it is therefore a racist word, which is complete bullshit. The term cuckold NEVER had ANYTHING to do with race until now.

And of course the White Nationalists are all over this word 'cuckservative'. Some claim that the word came from their movement, but I dont see how that can be proven one way or the other, nor why it is relevant. I guess if the concept of mathematical zero was imagined by a white nationalist we would still be using Roman Numerals they way the conservative movement leaders think. Truth is Truth and whether the White Nationalists made up the word or not, it is a damned useful and appropriate word for the way 'conservative' leaders cave on us repeatedly, like the cuck Paul Ryan just did this past week on the budget battle.

But why abandon this word to the White Nationalists? It only makes them look more respectable as it strikes directly to the heart of what is wrong with the Republican Party, it is controlled by cucks, idiots that are quite happy to fuck over their own constituents in order to placate the liberal establishment in Washington DC.

So after months of reading and watching the word use climb, I think it is a watershed moment. Really the only people in the conservative movement afraid of the word cuckservative are the cuckservatives themselves!

So why are conservatives letting the libtard left tell them what words that they can use?

I voted Because They're Gutless Cowards.

I myself am deliberately Political Incorrect at every and all opportunities, publically and without shame. I believe in Free Speech and as such I'll say what I want and when I want.

Fuck Political Correctness, Just Say No and Speak The TRUTH....The Leftists FEAR the TRUTH....always REMEMBER:

Saloon ran an article on it in its typical sexually obsessed and Marxist perspective.

The secret history of “cuckservative”: The fetish that became a right-wing rallying cry
White men saw themselves as the naturally dominant group in the United States from its founding to the present. The idea of white male privilege as “normal” and a given remains inexorably compelling — especially to the “angry” and aggrieved white men who are the base of the Republican Party in the post-civil rights era.

The legacy of the South’s planter class — the 1 percent its time, who profited from the blood of the slave plantations, work camps, tenant labor, sharecropping fields, and chain gangs — is also seen in the contemporary Republican Party. When the Republican Party’s leaders and media elites talk about “makers and takers” and “lazy” American workers, when they wage war on the poor and the social safety net, what we’re seeing is the new political economy of neoliberalism mated with the philosophical legacy of the planter class.

The Republican Party’s fetish for guns, its knee-jerk defense of white-on-black-and-brown police violence and abuse, and its theocratic Christian politics also have many wellsprings in the American South. The right’s desperate efforts to control women’s bodies and reproductive freedoms are likewise a legacy and reminder of how white men’s power has historically extended to their (supposed) ownership over women’s sexuality and health.

Thus, white male anxieties spoken to by those who authored and circulated the “cuckservative” meme are really just evoking a misdirected feeling by some white men that they have lost political power and potency — that they have been, so to speak, castrated.

If the Republican Party is a southern party, with all of the social, political, cultural, and racial baggage such a lineage entails, then the power and threat embodied by Barack Obama, the United States’ first black president, cannot be ignored. If the men on the white right are fearful of a loss of power — be it through metaphors and analogies such as “cuckservatives” or more basic castration anxieties — we cannot forget the (almost exclusively) Southern tradition of the lynching tree and the “strange fruit” it yielded.

The phallocentric, racist, and misogynistic obsessions of those on the White Right are reminders of how black men’s bodies were routinely burned, dismembered, how their genitals cut off — all of these things while the victims of such white racial bloodlust were often still alive. The spectacular lynching and torture of black people was a ritual designed to remove Black Americans from political life and to reaffirm white power. The black body was and remains a threat; because of that fact, it has been subjected to gross and cruel disciplines and technologies of punishment and control in the United States and the West more broadly.

So if you use the term 'cuckservative', according to Saloon you are in favor of lynching black men and selling women as sex slaves, roflmao.

Can libtards get any more wackadoodle than that?

The entire article is full of horsecrap.

Can they get any more wackadoodle? Oh come on, it's the Leftists, of course they can get more wackadoodle.
Conservatism is reactive by nature.

IT depends on your definition of 'conservatism'. I am most comfortable witht he political ideology, if it can be called that, of the New Deal Democrats, but that makes me a conservative in our time because I oppose the self-destructive policies of the new Marxist left. And yet I have been called a conservative enough that I am beginning to feel comfortable with that description, though I still think it inaccurate.

They let the trotskyites dictate the game. Additionally, the modern conservative has given up and lives only for his own personal gain. In the decades after ww2 the conservatives devised a hope that they could stem social progression by stemming economic progression. This has had limited success. But instead of trying to devise an actually effective system, they've lulled themselves by sticking to this old plan. It only oppresses young people and calls constantly for more immigration, but the conservatives are far to set in their ways to adjust.

Are you referring to the Taft Republicans and their opposition to FDR's policies?
The entire article is full of horsecrap.

Can they get any more wackadoodle? Oh come on, it's the Leftists, of course they can get more wackadoodle.

I agree, but the point is, why isnt there a 'hue and cry' against his rancid anti-white racism so often displayed on the left and led by our so-called conservative leaders?

The answer seems to be that it is because that they are a particular kind of conservative that isnt really conservative; they are cuckservatives.
Conservatism is reactive by nature.

IT depends on your definition of 'conservatism'. I am most comfortable witht he political ideology, if it can be called that, of the New Deal Democrats, but that makes me a conservative in our time because I oppose the self-destructive policies of the new Marxist left. And yet I have been called a conservative enough that I am beginning to feel comfortable with that description, though I still think it inaccurate.

They let the trotskyites dictate the game. Additionally, the modern conservative has given up and lives only for his own personal gain. In the decades after ww2 the conservatives devised a hope that they could stem social progression by stemming economic progression. This has had limited success. But instead of trying to devise an actually effective system, they've lulled themselves by sticking to this old plan. It only oppresses young people and calls constantly for more immigration, but the conservatives are far to set in their ways to adjust.

Are you referring to the Taft Republicans and their opposition to FDR's policies?
Its just a general observation of the tone of Englands Tory party and Australia's LNP.
Why is it that cuckservatives are OK with this kind of libtard anti-white racism?

Dear White America: Your toxic masculinity is killing you

White America is suffering from a type of cancer. .... If you want the truth, this is it: toxic white masculinity, and the backward right-wing politics which nurture and protect it, are hurting millions of you every year...

For many of you, the very idea that there is such a thing as toxic white masculinity is both surprising and enraging. .... Toxic white masculinity is a fear of the world changing to the disadvantage of white men, and where what too many white men take as natural rights are actually going to be exposed as unfair advantages, advantages which were gifted by a lottery of genetics and fortune of birth, as opposed to earned merit.

Toxic white masculinity defaults to violence as a means of maintaining social and political control. It clings to guns as a symbol of “real” male identity. It fears women as equals; it lashes out at non-whites who are somehow “stealing” white men’s jobs and power. Toxic white masculinity sees “liberals,” “progressives,” “social justice,” and “feminism” as enemies — out of a fear that “white masculinity” will somehow be made obsolete or extinct. The dream worlds and paranoid fantasies of angry white men are distractions that look to some type of Other as the preeminent threat to America’s safety and security. The reality is of course, very different.

In reality, right-wing domestic terrorists and mass shooters are the number one threat to America’s safety and security since September 11, 2001.

Roflmao, I'd bet that more whites have been killed by blacks than blacks killed by whites and yet to this retard, it is all about white males being toxic.

If some dude wrote this at National Review and talked about 'toxic black males' they would have been hounded out of their jobs right now. But libtard morons like this guy can get away with this because of the cuckservatives that run the GOP and the movement conservatives.

They are lap dogs for the liberals and shy away from defending the interests of their won race and kind - thus 'cuckservative' fits them.

They are the perennial Paul Ryans who fight to let the OTHER SIDE WIN instead of their own side.

Why do we accept these losers as conservative leaders, even better yet HOW did they become conservative movement leaders?


The Leftists, male and female, they all are basically obsessed with the black man's penis.

Let's face it, they worship the black penis and actually WANT it, including the Leftist men either consciously or sub-consciously want to have a black man's penis....I think this is a psychological complex the white Leftist male has, probably because either a) he's bisexual and/or closet homosexual pretending to be heterosexual or b) he secretly hates his own penis.

This whole thing about "black men have a bigger penis" is actually horsecrap, if you read studies the average black man's penis is no bigger than the average white man's penis.
I voted Because They're Gutless Cowards.

I myself am deliberately Political Incorrect at every and all opportunities, publically and without shame. I believe in Free Speech and as such I'll say what I want and when I want.

Fuck Political Correctness, Just Say No and Speak The TRUTH....The Leftists FEAR the TRUTH....always REMEMBER:

I totally agree.

But how many others are getting this same feeling of disgust with the current cuckservative leaders and demand REAL leadership today?

Trumps campaign seems to suggest it is a growing minority that might soon become a majority.
The Leftists, male and female, they all are basically obsessed with the black man's penis.

Let's face it, they worship the black penis and actually WANT it, including the Leftist men either consciously or sub-consciously want to have a black man's penis....I think this is a psychological complex the white Leftist male has, probably because either a) he's bisexual and/or closet homosexual pretending to be heterosexual or b) he secretly hates his own penis.

This whole thing about "black men have a bigger penis" is actually horsecrap, if you read studies the average black man's penis is no bigger than the average white man's penis.

Which is entirely bizarre anyway. Having a large penis is not necessarily a good thing unless you like fucking sluts. I am not the Jolly Green Giant either but I have never had any problems with that.The racial element is just another old reason for discriminating against black men because they are too 'animalistic', lol.
The entire article is full of horsecrap.

Can they get any more wackadoodle? Oh come on, it's the Leftists, of course they can get more wackadoodle.

I agree, but the point is, why isnt there a 'hue and cry' against his rancid anti-white racism so often displayed on the left and led by our so-called conservative leaders?

The answer seems to be that it is because that they are a particular kind of conservative that isnt really conservative; they are cuckservatives.

Well yes there is that, it's certainly not normal for a proper Conservative. The latter, would just tell them to get lost and shut up. Of course the MSM is a big problem in all this, they bleat on and on in political correct garbage talk 24/7.

The Leftists, somehow have got enough editors, producers and now talking heads on the television, that they can push The Agenda and IF an actual Conservative makes any sort of comment that's not politically correct they're almost crucified.

I'm shocked at how The American South is getting ramrodded now, it's amazing because I thought if there was one place in America that would flip The Political and Cultural Marxists the bird, well it'd be The South.

There's nothing actually wrong with the Stars and Bars for example, it's a part of the Heritage of The South and it's a FLAG, A FLAG cannot HURT ANYONE remember. The whole freakout and now almost descent into sheer insanity about just this one issue is exceptionally grotesque and anti-white pandering to the most disgusting degree.
The Leftists, male and female, they all are basically obsessed with the black man's penis.

Let's face it, they worship the black penis and actually WANT it, including the Leftist men either consciously or sub-consciously want to have a black man's penis....I think this is a psychological complex the white Leftist male has, probably because either a) he's bisexual and/or closet homosexual pretending to be heterosexual or b) he secretly hates his own penis.

This whole thing about "black men have a bigger penis" is actually horsecrap, if you read studies the average black man's penis is no bigger than the average white man's penis.

Which is entirely bizarre anyway. Having a large penis is not necessarily a good thing unless you like fucking sluts. I am not the Jolly Green Giant either but I have never had any problems with that.The racial element is just another old reason for discriminating against black men because they are too 'animalistic', lol.

Of course I completely agree with you on all these points :wink:

The other thing is why can't society in general have an intelligent debate about race? As soon as anyone, well anyone who's not a Leftist, attempts to bring up the subject, the Leftists go BERSERK and start screaming like banshees....they are genuinely afraid of a debate, probably because they know that their argument doesn't stand up to either debate or scrutiny.
Its just a general observation of the tone of Englands Tory party and Australia's LNP.
My impression is similar to yours though its about our 'conservatism' over here.

A lot of conservatives were all too comfortable with the fascist movement in Europe. Many of them were anti-democracy, as were many movements then and today, with many seeing fascism as an update on monarchism. When the fascists lost in WW2, many conservative leaders were silenced, Lindberg and others who had been opposed to the war. This emasculated the conservative side of the spectrum and men like Russel Kirk tried to revive conservatism and it helped I guess, especially when William F Buckley Jr burst on the scene.

But there was a divide among conservatives then between the pro-corporate Buckley faction and the social conservative Taft holdouts (paleoconservatives) who eventually lost the competition with the Buckley faction in the 1964 nomination of Barry Goldwater.

The neocons were welcomed into the GOP by the Bucklyites from their failed attempt to keep control of the Democratic Party and these neocons were socially liberal but economically conservative and big on national security. They took over the GOP with big money from Wall Street and the financial sector and tried to run out the paleoconservatives, and what the GOP has to show for it is a party that no one trusts, no one really believes in and that is appropriate because as the cuckservative Ryan proved last week, it stands for nothing anyway.
I voted Because They're Gutless Cowards.

I myself am deliberately Political Incorrect at every and all opportunities, publically and without shame. I believe in Free Speech and as such I'll say what I want and when I want.

Fuck Political Correctness, Just Say No and Speak The TRUTH....The Leftists FEAR the TRUTH....always REMEMBER:

I totally agree.

But how many others are getting this same feeling of disgust with the current cuckservative leaders and demand REAL leadership today?

Trumps campaign seems to suggest it is a growing minority that might soon become a majority.

This is why the Cuckservatives are so terrified of The Donald, this just illustrates how pathetic and limp-wristed so-called Conservatives have become.
Well yes there is that, it's certainly not normal for a proper Conservative. The latter, would just tell them to get lost and shut up. Of course the MSM is a big problem in all this, they bleat on and on in political correct garbage talk 24/7.

The Leftists, somehow have got enough editors, producers and now talking heads on the television, that they can push The Agenda and IF an actual Conservative makes any sort of comment that's not politically correct they're almost crucified.

I'm shocked at how The American South is getting ramrodded now, it's amazing because I thought if there was one place in America that would flip The Political and Cultural Marxists the bird, well it'd be The South.

There's nothing actually wrong with the Stars and Bars for example, it's a part of the Heritage of The South and it's a FLAG, A FLAG cannot HURT ANYONE remember. The whole freakout and now almost descent into sheer insanity about just this one issue is exceptionally grotesque and anti-white pandering to the most disgusting degree.

But it never could have happened had it not been for the cuckservative Haley bailing on the people of South Carolina and pre-emptively c onceding the flag fight in the name of healing. And there was no healing. Instead of fighting for the flag, we still ended up fighting over whether cops are evil and deliberately murder innocent black and brown kids with cops being murdered in the wake across the country.

A perfect illustration of why cockservatives not only lose but also put the rest of us in danger.
Conservatism is reactive by nature.

IT depends on your definition of 'conservatism'. I am most comfortable witht he political ideology, if it can be called that, of the New Deal Democrats, but that makes me a conservative in our time because I oppose the self-destructive policies of the new Marxist left. And yet I have been called a conservative enough that I am beginning to feel comfortable with that description, though I still think it inaccurate.

They let the trotskyites dictate the game. Additionally, the modern conservative has given up and lives only for his own personal gain. In the decades after ww2 the conservatives devised a hope that they could stem social progression by stemming economic progression. This has had limited success. But instead of trying to devise an actually effective system, they've lulled themselves by sticking to this old plan. It only oppresses young people and calls constantly for more immigration, but the conservatives are far to set in their ways to adjust.

Are you referring to the Taft Republicans and their opposition to FDR's policies?

FDR's policies of course were pure Socialism. When people say "America's never voted for Socialism", I always think, well they voted FOUR times for FDR, twice in the 1930's for actual Socialism, The New Deal was pure Socialistic in nature and practice.
FDR's policies of course were pure Socialism. When people say "America's never voted for Socialism", I always think, well they voted FOUR times for FDR, twice in the 1930's for actual Socialism, The New Deal was pure Socialistic in nature and practice.

I dont have a problem with the New Deal in its nonaggressive policies. I always hated the stupid projection of federal power where it passed the scope granted to it by the Constitution.

But this was an evolution of the political system where you had massive numbers of voters who needed a social safety net and the states refused to handle it and it eventually bumbled its way to being addressed at the federal level instead.
Well yes there is that, it's certainly not normal for a proper Conservative. The latter, would just tell them to get lost and shut up. Of course the MSM is a big problem in all this, they bleat on and on in political correct garbage talk 24/7.

The Leftists, somehow have got enough editors, producers and now talking heads on the television, that they can push The Agenda and IF an actual Conservative makes any sort of comment that's not politically correct they're almost crucified.

I'm shocked at how The American South is getting ramrodded now, it's amazing because I thought if there was one place in America that would flip The Political and Cultural Marxists the bird, well it'd be The South.

There's nothing actually wrong with the Stars and Bars for example, it's a part of the Heritage of The South and it's a FLAG, A FLAG cannot HURT ANYONE remember. The whole freakout and now almost descent into sheer insanity about just this one issue is exceptionally grotesque and anti-white pandering to the most disgusting degree.

But it never could have happened had it not been for the cuckservative Haley bailing on the people of South Carolina and pre-emptively c onceding the flag fight in the name of healing. And there was no healing. Instead of fighting for the flag, we still ended up fighting over whether cops are evil and deliberately murder innocent black and brown kids with cops being murdered in the wake across the country.

A perfect illustration of why cockservatives not only lose but also put the rest of us in danger.

Isn't Nikki Haley a mixture of something, you know like Bobby Jindal is? Would Mark Sanford have done what Haley has done, ie. turn Traitor to the majority of the people and their Heritage? No.

The Leftists and the Special Interests that support them have ALWAYS hated the police, so I'm not surprised at the utter vitriol now being shown to and spoken about the police.

I think in general the police, any police in the Western world, are exceptional people, who are doing an increasingly difficult job and and increasingly dangerous job, protecting communities 24/7, 365 days a year, they'll be out there throughout the Christmas period, the majority of them not even getting what I'd call a decent, proper wage for the risks they take, the bravery they show in the pursuit of trying their best to keep ALL safe at ALL times.

They deserve our help, respect and loyalty....when any of us are in trouble they're there for us, so we need to be there for them with our support.
Well yes there is that, it's certainly not normal for a proper Conservative. The latter, would just tell them to get lost and shut up. Of course the MSM is a big problem in all this, they bleat on and on in political correct garbage talk 24/7.

The Leftists, somehow have got enough editors, producers and now talking heads on the television, that they can push The Agenda and IF an actual Conservative makes any sort of comment that's not politically correct they're almost crucified.

I'm shocked at how The American South is getting ramrodded now, it's amazing because I thought if there was one place in America that would flip The Political and Cultural Marxists the bird, well it'd be The South.

There's nothing actually wrong with the Stars and Bars for example, it's a part of the Heritage of The South and it's a FLAG, A FLAG cannot HURT ANYONE remember. The whole freakout and now almost descent into sheer insanity about just this one issue is exceptionally grotesque and anti-white pandering to the most disgusting degree.

But it never could have happened had it not been for the cuckservative Haley bailing on the people of South Carolina and pre-emptively c onceding the flag fight in the name of healing. And there was no healing. Instead of fighting for the flag, we still ended up fighting over whether cops are evil and deliberately murder innocent black and brown kids with cops being murdered in the wake across the country.

A perfect illustration of why cockservatives not only lose but also put the rest of us in danger.

Isn't Nikki Haley a mixture of something, you know like Bobby Jindal is? Would Mark Sanford have done what Haley has done, ie. turn Traitor to the majority of the people and their Heritage? No.

The Leftists and the Special Interests that support them have ALWAYS hated the police, so I'm not surprised at the utter vitriol now being shown to and spoken about the police.

I think in general the police, any police in the Western world, are exceptional people, who are doing an increasingly difficult job and and increasingly dangerous job, protecting communities 24/7, 365 days a year, they'll be out there throughout the Christmas period, the majority of them not even getting what I'd call a decent, proper wage for the risks they take, the bravery they show in the pursuit of trying their best to keep ALL safe at ALL times.

They deserve our help, respect and loyalty....when any of us are in trouble they're there for us, so we need to be there for them with our support.

Yes Nikki Haley is a mixture, real name Nimrata Randhawa, she married Michael Haley.

Her parents, Ajit Singh Randhawa and Raj Kaur Randhawa, are immigrants from Amritsar District, Punjab, India. They emigrated to Canada, and arrived in the United States via the Vancouver border.[10] She has two brothers, Mitti and Charan, and a sister, Simran, born in Singapore

Nikki Haley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So like Bobby Jindal, she's 100% Indian, but like him was born in America. So it's no surprise she made her 'um statement regarding the Stars and Bars, she has NO American Heritage as such, ALL of Haley, like Jindal's Heritage is in India. Therefore, she feels no actual genuine loyalty to ethnic South Carolinian's. This of course is the problem handing your State to a person who has no Heritage within that State.

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