Why do Blue States lead in Education and Standard of Living?

The reason blue states have a higher standard of living, IF THEY DO, is because they have more elitists with higher incomes than those who live in red states, where people actually work for their income.

Once again, Ali, you post with no back up or data but just opinion.

elite = The best or most skilled members of a group.

Just because McRichie used the word against Obama for eating arugula, doesn't mean it's a bad word.:eusa_whistle:

By the way, what the hell is arugula? I wonder if I ever ate it while my wife wore a 300,000 dollar dress? Don't think so.
Once again, Ali, you post with no back up or data but just opinion.

elite = The best or most skilled members of a group.

Just because McRichie used the word against Obama for eating arugula, doesn't mean it's a bad word.:eusa_whistle:

By the way, what the hell is arugula? I wonder if I ever ate it while my wife wore a 300,000 dollar dress? Don't think so.

Once again, Ali, you post with no back up or data but just opinion.

elite = The best or most skilled members of a group.

Just because McRichie used the word against Obama for eating arugula, doesn't mean it's a bad word.:eusa_whistle:

By the way, what the hell is arugula? I wonder if I ever ate it while my wife wore a 300,000 dollar dress? Don't think so.

Pot calling the kettle black. At least her posts are somewhat coherent.
So people with money DON'T work... and people without money DO work?

You do know that's retarded, right? I mean, if that's what our economic system is, I don't know why you'd want to preserve it or what's so great about America. *shrug*

People who inherit money, and whose mommies and daddies pay for big bucks education don't exactly work.

Get it?

I have no problem with people inheriting money. I do have a problem with re-distributing it.
People who inherit money, and whose mommies and daddies pay for big bucks education don't exactly work.

Get it?

I have no problem with people inheriting money. I do have a problem with re-distributing it.

Funny... you keep saying I'm an elitist. But I worked for what I have and work every day. Hopefully, I won't inherit anything for a very long time...

Obama? He E-A-R-N-E-D everything he has.

McCain? M-A-R-R-I-E-D it.

So who's the elitist?

Get it?
Once again, Ali, you post with no back up or data but just opinion.

elite = The best or most skilled members of a group.

Just because McRichie used the word against Obama for eating arugula, doesn't mean it's a bad word.:eusa_whistle:

By the way, what the hell is arugula? I wonder if I ever ate it while my wife wore a 300,000 dollar dress? Don't think so.

Once again, Ray, you've proven the left is collectively retarded.

ELITISM. Look it up, dipshit.

I would say this thread title is more proof of Garage Logician, Joe Soucherey's theory that liberals can not link. They either don't see cause and effect or create it where there isn't any.

Let's see, we've had:

Man industrialized, the earth got warmer at the same time, thus man caused the warming.

Republican's were in office when the economy got bad, therefore Republican's caused the poor economy.

now we have typically liberal states have higher SOL and better education, therefore liberal government provides better education and better SOL than Republicans.

This post is proof that you cannot think.

Just because the Republicans have been in charge of the presidency and the Congress for 6 of the last 8 years is no reason to blame them for anything that happened during that time.

First off, that's not true anymore.

Secondly, Toyota Exec's don't make as much as American exec's.

Are Toyota exec's better? Then the CEO's of Ford and GM should get replaced by foreigners.

What do you do for a living jackass? I bet Mexicans do it better.

Yes, it is still true. Do jackasses work for a living? Toyota makes a better product hands down.
People who inherit money, and whose mommies and daddies pay for big bucks education don't exactly work.

Get it?

I have no problem with people inheriting money. I do have a problem with re-distributing it.

Umm, yes they do. I know of a ton of people whose parents are paying 200k for law school, and yet they are going to work for firms afterwards. Or is working for 70 hours a week somehow "not working"?

elite = The best or most skilled members of a group.


Actually elite means that they went to expensive schools, are members of exclusive clubs, and thus associate with only like people. They have not necessarily received the best education, and are certainly not in tune with the remainder of society. We have people like that in the Valley.
Actually elite means that they went to expensive schools, are members of exclusive clubs, and thus associate with only like people. They have not necessarily received the best education, and are certainly not in tune with the remainder of society. We have people like that in the Valley.

Wow, I didn't know Navy SEALS were members of exclusive clubs and went to expensive schools.

Thanks for sharing with us all your strangely unique definition of the word elite :clap2:
What's more interesting is that they are bankrupt. California, Massachussets! :eusa_whistle:

:lol: You have to be kidding me? Georgia, Alabama, hell the entire deep south is going bankrupt or on the verge. It is not just blue states. At least the blue states produce intelligent young people. The public education system of the south, and I would dare to say most red states, is a joke because curriculum's are based on the bible and a sense of moral superiority more then they are FACT. They would rather hide truths and scare the young people into believing sex/drugs/alcohol/free thinking is bad instead of letting them find out for themselves. It is a joke.
:lol: You have to be kidding me? Georgia, Alabama, hell the entire deep south is going bankrupt or on the verge. It is not just blue states. At least the blue states produce intelligent young people. The public education system of the south, and I would dare to say most red states, is a joke because curriculum's are based on the bible and a sense of moral superiority more then they are FACT. They would rather hide truths and scare the young people into believing sex/drugs/alcohol/free thinking is bad instead of letting them find out for themselves. It is a joke.

Wow. This post is so wrong on so many levels I can't comment on it at all.
:lol: You have to be kidding me? Georgia, Alabama, hell the entire deep south is going bankrupt or on the verge. It is not just blue states. At least the blue states produce intelligent young people. The public education system of the south, and I would dare to say most red states, is a joke because curriculum's are based on the bible and a sense of moral superiority more then they are FACT. They would rather hide truths and scare the young people into believing sex/drugs/alcohol/free thinking is bad instead of letting them find out for themselves. It is a joke.

Show me evidence that Alabama and Georgia are gong bankrupt.

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