Why didn't the GOP invite their last two term President to make a speech?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?
Because we have ideas for the future. We dont need to lean on the leaders from the past
Because we have ideas for the future. We dont need to lean on the leaders from the past

We know those ideas.

Let them die

feed the poor and they will breed

cut education

voucher program

strip mine America

Something tells me it's not going to turn out well.
we hate republicans because they are republicans not because we think anything else, we dont think we wait til big brother decides for us.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

I guess you missed GW stating he wouldnt participate.

You create non issues..........we laugh..........
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

I guess you missed GW stating he wouldnt participate.

You create non issues..........we laugh..........

Obviously I did miss him stating that. That answers my question in my previous quote.

WHY did he choose not to participate? Sure didn't look good for the Repubs.
Because we have ideas for the future. We dont need to lean on the leaders from the past

Romney and the GOP Congress advocate returning to the Past. And yet, the establishment GOP is running as fast as they can from their past. Inviting W to the convention to speak would put the last nail in Mitt's coffin...

The Repubs have a problem. How do you advocate returning to the past when the past is your greatest enemy...:eusa_silenced:
For that matter, where WAS their last, two-term president during the convention. Was he even THERE?

No. He stays out of the limelight now.

Besides, Romney doesnt need past Presidents to articulate his positions. He can do that himself.

Unlike another candidate in this race who, from what i hear, made one of the worst speeches of his life.
The reason Republicans didn't invite their last two presidents or Sarah Palin is because they are ashamed of them. They couldn't invite Bush Sr. without inviting his disastrous son.
George Bush is retired and does not appear in the public eye very often. The last time was a bike ride to benefit Wounded Warriors. Clinton, on the other hand, has always kept himself prominent in the media. Hardly a day goes by that he's not on television or making an appearance.

Then, too, obama is failing. He needs the extra support to give him some legitimate claim that since Clinton did well, so will obama.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

I guess you missed GW stating he wouldnt participate.

You create non issues..........we laugh..........

Obviously I did miss him stating that. That answers my question in my previous quote.

WHY did he choose not to participate? Sure didn't look good for the Repubs.

Because he's retired from politics..

Bush 41 wasnt there either.
For that matter, where WAS their last, two-term president during the convention. Was he even THERE?

No. When he said he was retired and would not longer participate in politics, he obviously meant it.

Democrats might indeed have a problem accepting that some people really do keep their word.
Bill Clinton did a great job at the Dem convention. Why didn't the GOP invite W to make a speech? He was their last two term President, right?

Gee, I don't know.

I've been wondering why Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Al Gore, weren't anywhere near the DNC. Hmm. :eusa_whistle:
John Kerry was there because he's trying to get the secretary of state job when Hillary leaves in January. Now put that in your next nightmare. Kerry as secretary of state.
Cheney might not have been well enough to travel.

Cheney is well enough to go fly fishing on the Snake River. He didn't go because he is retired from politics. That means fly fishing on the Snake River is more important than the republican convention.

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