How is the prez gonna do that?


...worst of all I'm DULL
Dec 30, 2011
Deep South
The president said last night that he was going to cut the rise of college tuition by 50%.

How would the prez (or anyone in the fed govt) go about doing that?
The president said last night that he was going to cut the rise of college tuition by 50%.

How would the prez (or anyone in the fed govt) go about doing that?

Obama is in 2008 campaign mode. Even as the economy was melting down and everyone knew we were crashing, he was writing checks the American taxpayer could not cash.

He is even repeating the unbelievable lie that by ending the war we will have a surplus he can use to pay down the debt and build roads and bridges.

That is mathematically impossible as he has been running annual $1.3 trillion deficits, and the war does not cost $1.3 trillion a year.

The lies are coming faster and the impossible checks bigger the closer we get to November. He is going to need a LOT of smoke and mirrors to hide his failures.

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The president said last night that he was going to cut the rise of college tuition by 50%.

Without mentioning that it's government intervention causing the cost of tuition to rise in excess of the overall rate of inflation. Just a slight oversight there...:eusa_eh:

How would the prez (or anyone in the fed govt) go about doing that?

Easy. By getting the government the fuck out of the education market. Done.
The president said last night that he was going to cut the rise of college tuition by 50%.

How would the prez (or anyone in the fed govt) go about doing that?

They could demand that the professors cut their pay by 50%. Or get injunctions to prevent colleges and universities from spending money on sports. Or, just make all the professors government employees and shift their pay to the taxpayer instead of the institution.

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