Why didn't Bush speak at the Republican Convention?

Bush doesn't like to stick his nose in the middle of politics today, he has remained quiet while Obamination fucks things up because he wants to stay classy.

Bush isn't going to upstage the new GOP blood by showing up and he is not giving the Democraps fodder by saying stuff at the convention.

Bush is best raising money for Romney back in Texas and then casting his vote with an ID card on election day.

You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:
You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:

No need. The Republican party has so many young and upcoming personalities that, unlike the Democrats, it is not necessary to look to the past. Republicans are looking to the future.

Republicans have a stable of exciting candidates for 2016

Too bad they had none for 2012

It's hard getting real conservatives to support this ticket and Inde's are non existent. Neither of them seem that happy about the other.
Where was Jeb Bush?

He is one of the better republicans out there
Bush wasn't there and the Republicans didn't mention him because they don't want to remind everyone that Republican policies always expand government and make the population of the USA poorer.
Bush doesn't like to stick his nose in the middle of politics today, he has remained quiet while Obamination fucks things up because he wants to stay classy.

Bush isn't going to upstage the new GOP blood by showing up and he is not giving the Democraps fodder by saying stuff at the convention.

Bush is best raising money for Romney back in Texas and then casting his vote with an ID card on election day.

You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:

It's called having the class and dignity of a former President something we won't see once Obama joins the unemployment lines that he created.
Bush is a serious negative and chain around the republican party.

Nah - we love him.

It's the Dems that can't stand him.

But that's OK.

They hate President Romney too.

Who gives a fuck?

Disagree the man that signed into law the Patriot act is no friend of American liberty.

Why didn't Obama push to repeal it? Gitmo still seem to be open and no more idiotic talk of trying terrorists in lower Manhattan.
Bush wasn't there and the Republicans didn't mention him because they don't want to remind everyone that Republican policies always expand government and make the population of the USA poorer.

Wearing that hat that is way to tight again? obama is not a republican.
Nah - we love him.

It's the Dems that can't stand him.

But that's OK.

They hate President Romney too.

Who gives a fuck?

Disagree the man that signed into law the Patriot act is no friend of American liberty.

Why didn't Obama push to repeal it? Gitmo still seem to be open and no more idiotic talk of trying terrorists in lower Manhattan.

I don't know you would have to ask a supporter of obama about that one.
You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:

I am not going to read the thread, but it did take almost half a minute to Google and verify that W was invited and he declined.

Here's a rundown of the Republicans who said they'll skip their party's biggest event this year.

Former President George W. Bush

The man who turned over the White House to President Obama four years ago has stayed largely out of the public spotlight ever since. Former President George W. Bush is sticking with that tradition and passing up an invitation to the Republican National Convention.

"President Bush is confident that Mitt Romney will be a great president," Bush spokesman Freddy Ford told media outlets via email. "But in keeping with his desire to stay off the political stage at this point in the post-presidency, he respectfully declined the invitation to go to Tampa."
__ excerpt from: Gone Fishing: Republicans Skipping the GOP Convention - ABC News
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George Bush didn't attend because he knows what "retired from politics" means. Democrats have no trouble dragging others out of the grave to attend, like they did with the Paul Wellstone funeral. Look at who the democrats resurrected, Bill Clinton, who looks like he's ready to expire any second.
You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:

No need. The Republican party has so many young and upcoming personalities that, unlike the Democrats, it is not necessary to look to the past. Republicans are looking to the future.

Republicans have a stable of exciting candidates for 2016

Too bad they had none for 2012

Romney will be an excellent choice for 2012. He has the knowledge and ability to get our economy growing as well as the ability to work with people. He understands that leaders lead. It might be difficult to find a way to get people to work together but that is the job of the president. We've had enough excuses, it's time for a leader.
President Bush was asked to speak and he politely declined saying he wanted to stay out of the political spotlight.

It's not a mystery.
You know the Democrats can't wait to trot out Clinton.

So why didn't the Republicans have Bush speak and give Romney his endorsement? :dunno:
Not only Dubya. No Colin Powell, no Donald Rumsfeld, no Dick Cheney, no John Bolton.

I guess Mitt didn't want to highlight failure. :dunno:

It's a shame that you continually think with your small head and not the half empty one between your shoulders. So why did Obama continue nearly every policy that those "failures" as you call them, helped put in place?

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