Why did Sanders DEFEND hillary on the email scandal that she sold national secrets to China.?

If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

you dems want this to die, but it will not. The FBI is not pissing in the wind, there will be indictments, HRC will never be president.

you dems better get plugs to step up if you want any chance in 2016.

Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.

And when your prediction is wrong....again...then what?

Oh I know, more shitty predictions from shitty people.

My predictions have never been wrong. HRC will never be president--------book it!

So I'm sure you predicted Obama would win both terms, right?

Yes, I did. I wasn't happy about it, but I did see it coming. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket, and Romney ran a terrible campaign.
Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off.

OMG, that's idiotic. If she'd bought him off, he wouldn't still be running.

God forbid a candidate focus on the things that concern real people, instead of the "Ooo, look, Kim Kardashian!" idiots the media pander to.

Sanders knows he cannot win. He is just playing the game while hillary sucks his dick.
Please tell me more, oh wise one. I love hearing expert analysis from people who are batting .000 with their predictions.

she is going to testify before congress later this month. Watch and learn. She is done.

And when your prediction is wrong....again...then what?

Oh I know, more shitty predictions from shitty people.

My predictions have never been wrong. HRC will never be president--------book it!

So I'm sure you predicted Obama would win both terms, right?

Yes, I did. I wasn't happy about it, but I did see it coming. McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket, and Romney ran a terrible campaign.

hahaha, now I know you're full of shit.
If a republican candidate had violated national security regulations and endangered americans would you say that?

Probably not. But your scenario is also not what's happening here.

Is the FBI making it up? Is that what you think?
The FBI has not said any regulations were violated; because there weren't. And they have not said any lives were endangered.

Seems like YOU'RE the one making things up.
Sanders is probably correct that most people don't give a shit about the email scandal. The issue is going to blow back in the GOP's face if they keeping harping on it. The people see it as another hyper partisan political witch hunt.

The GOP long ago revealed they are not interested in the truth, only political points.
Sanders is probably correct that most people don't give a shit about the email scandal. The issue is going to blow back in the GOP's face if they keeping harping on it. The people see it as another hyper partisan political witch hunt.

The GOP long ago revealed they are not interested in the truth, only political points.
Sometimes political points and the truth are the same.
Sanders is probably correct that most people don't give a shit about the email scandal. The issue is going to blow back in the GOP's face if they keeping harping on it. The people see it as another hyper partisan political witch hunt.

The GOP long ago revealed they are not interested in the truth, only political points.
That must be why Hillary’s poll numbers dropped 10 points last week.....we don't care if she's a nasty lying biatch. ....
Snowden was the hero of the RW's for selling secrets to our enemy.

Now the RW's diss Clinton for selling secrets to China.

poor confused little creatures. .... small wonder they often lose or are unable to preform when they accidently do win .
these lefties win one President election and a Re-election after a Republican had just held the office for eight years and they act like they've been winning for EVER and ever. and how the people wants them over everyone else. so all who are Republican might as well just give it up...it's so cute but so not the real world

Not when 31 states have Republican governors and ONLY 18 have Democrat governors

and go and see how many Democrat run states are in the gutter going or gone bankrupt

If that's what you want to see for our country, more of the thug like Obama running our country into the toilet, shaming us every time we turn around. vote for the Socialist party of the united States
Hillary sold national secrets to China??!!!???

OK, which turnip patch you belong to?
They gave them missile technology for 3-stage booster rockets.

Now they have ICBMs.

Hillary gave out those secrets to the chinese through her emails?

Make sure you understand who we are talking about here and how it was done....I don't think you are following the conversation.
Sanders is probably correct that most people don't give a shit about the email scandal. The issue is going to blow back in the GOP's face if they keeping harping on it. The people see it as another hyper partisan political witch hunt.

The GOP long ago revealed they are not interested in the truth, only political points.
That must be why Hillary’s poll numbers dropped 10 points last week.....we don't care if she's a nasty lying biatch. ....
Hillary's numbers were dropping because she has been silent. I said a while back her numbers will start to climb again once she becomes more visible. She's doing the Rope-A-Dope routine.

That's why Sanders has been climbing at her expense. He's been out in the public view while she's been in hiding.

You will start to see her numbers rise against the GOP candidates again. I think Sanders will also get a bump from last night.
Sanders standing up for Clinton highlights the difference between the Democratic candidates and the Republican candidates.

The Republicans are hacking each other to bits. Especially Trump. He has made more attacks against, and been more vicious toward, his fellow Republicans than he has the opposition.

Sanders has never gone negative. And the moderator tried to get him to go negative several times, but Sanders refused to take the bait.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich do their best not to go negative.

Sanders doesn't even go negative against his opponents in the other party in elections.
I am tired of the "email scandal" myself. Now we got one person making unfounded claims and another trying to confuse this with what supposed to have happened in the 90's.

Not only do I call BS, it makes me wonder why do I even respond to such post.
Sanders knows he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination, he's fishing for a payday, VP spot or cabinet post.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
Sanders knows he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination, he's fishing for a payday, VP spot or cabinet post.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
The loudest speaker was Clinton. By far.

She wasn't shrill, but boy can she project. I guess when you speak in public for decades, you learn how to make your mouth into a megaphone.

Yes, Sanders is nuts. That doesn't mean he isn't genuine. He is. I may hate his political beliefs, but I respect the fact he is one of the few people in politics who actually sticks to his principles. The GOP should take a page from that book. They'd do a lot better with a lot more people if they did.
Pretty obvious the hillary camp bought him off. Hillary is looking at charges of treason and sanders should have pounded away on that.
Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders let Hillary Clinton off on emails - CNNPolitics.com

Sanders received one of the biggest applause lines of the night when he criticized the ongoing investigation into the former Secretary of State's private email server.

"The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails," he said Tuesday night. "Enough of the emails! Let's talk about the real issues facing America."

anyone who actually cares about our government isn't interested in rightwingnut manufactured scandals.
Sanders knows he doesn't have a chance of winning the nomination, he's fishing for a payday, VP spot or cabinet post.
I don't think so. I think he is the most genuine of the candidates. Zealots tend to be that way.

I give him credit for being genuine, but that's what sunk his ship. His Howard Dean like viva la revolution moment hurt him. They guy is a little nuts, he speaks LOUD, declares everything is a CRISIS and the sky is falling. That plays well with unhinged progressive liberals but not independents.
The loudest speaker was Clinton. By far.

She wasn't shrill, but boy can she project. I guess when you speak in public for decades, you learn how to make your mouth into a megaphone.

Yes, Sanders is nuts. That doesn't mean he isn't genuine. He is. I may hate his political beliefs, but I respect the fact he is one of the few people in politics who actually sticks to his principles. The GOP should take a page from that book. They'd do a lot better with a lot more people if they did.

Okay megaphone that got me laughing its funny because its pretty much true. :laugh: You won't find me defending the GOP establishment they lie as much as the Democrats do. I liked your man Webb though.

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