Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Let's begin with this question: what possible reason would the President have to allow WWII to go on an extra year or two???

1. There is no way to argue that one of these two possibilities is the truth:

a. either Franklin Roosevelt was entirely aligned with Stalin and the communist agenda...or
b. Joseph Stalin was brilliant and overwhelming in his manipulations of Roosevelt.

2. "But the USSR was our ally against Hitler! No. The USSR was not our ally. It was our secret master-manipulator. We were secretly master-manipulated, not into defeating the Nazis, who, but for the de facto Soviet occupation of Washington, I am now persuaded could have been eliminated in 1943, but rather into decimating,obliterating, Germany, Soviet Russia's natural barrier against expansion into its European empire. Japan, very much too, for that matter, in the East."
West, "American Betrayal," p.277

a. Based on Stalin's wishes.....any surrender by Germany would not be accepted until its potential as a barrier to the spread of communism was obliterated so that "...Soviet Russia's natural barrier against expansion into its European empire" was removed.

And the same applied to Stalin's view of Japan, a potential impediment to the East. After meeting with Stalin in Moscow on May 28, 1945, Harry Hopkins told Truman that Stalin "prefers to go through with unconditional surrender" regarding Japan. "However, he feels that if we stick to unconditional surrender the Japs will not give up and we will have to destroy them as we did Germany."
Sherwood, "Hopkins," volume 2, 892-893.

Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House.....

Stalin demanded "unconditional surrender."
So.....Roosevelt acquiesced.

Would it not have been in America's interests to see the Nazis and Hitler destroyed earlier, with a surrender of German forces and territories???

Would not have thousands of American soldier's lives been saved?

What to say about Franklin Roosevelt if it can be shown that the offer was on the table....?
His love of either Central Planning or Uncle Joe himself, turned FDR into Stalin's personal sock puppet
FDR was a black period in American history.

His economy was a failed experiment in Central planning and gave us an economy worse than the Seven Biblical Lean Years.

His War Planning was an unmitigated disaster. It was so awful that Patton called the end of WWII a huge strategic failure for the USA and Brits, leaving "2 of the 3 greatest European capitals in the hands of the decedents of Genghis Khan" Eastern Europe slaved under the yoke of Soviet Communism for generation and our Stupid American Progressives view the liberation of Eastern Europe as a failure.
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...

The Germans would have surrendered to the US and Brits in a heartbeat. They knew Stalin was a fucking savage who already starved 3 million kids in the Ukraine in 1933
Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

He didn't

See, now I'm going to have to embarrass you again.

Not only did he extend it by the two years in the title....but there is proof that he could have begun surrender diplomacy by double that time frame.

Stay tuned....I'm going to prove it.

Get ready to take notes.
There was no other option, but unconditional surrender...Hitler was never going to negotiate any peace treaty.
The plan used to pursue the war allowed the US as an untested military force,, to learn how to fight the modern war of combined arms and to build up armed forces which were still weak at unit level. Hitler did the same during the 1930's with the new strategy of blitzkrieg...His troops were allowed to gain experience before taking on France..and Russia.
Hindsight is 20-20 to the uninitiated...

"There was no other option, but unconditional surrender..."

You couldn't be more wrong.

You could try to be....but you wouldn't be successful.
Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

He didn't

See, now I'm going to have to embarrass you again.

Not only did he extend it by the two years in the title....but there is proof that he could have begun surrender diplomacy by double that time frame.

Stay tuned....I'm going to prove it.

Get ready to take notes.

He didn't
Why Did Roosevelt Extend WWII By 2 Years??

He didn't

See, now I'm going to have to embarrass you again.

Not only did he extend it by the two years in the title....but there is proof that he could have begun surrender diplomacy by double that time frame.

Stay tuned....I'm going to prove it.

Get ready to take notes.

He didn't

Your mouth is writing checks that your intellect can't cash.

When will you realize that I know so very much more than you?
See, now I'm going to have to embarrass you again.

Not only did he extend it by the two years in the title....but there is proof that he could have begun surrender diplomacy by double that time frame.

Stay tuned....I'm going to prove it.

Get ready to take notes.

He didn't

Your mouth is writing checks that your intellect can't cash.

When will you realize that I know so very much more than you?

Why don't you cut and paste some rightwing propaganda to convince us?
As I remember the American people wanted to get into that war full scale as soon as Poland was invaded, but FDR held them back.

Then the America-Firsters put on numerous demonstrations urging FDR to remove Hitler, saying this was our war, in fact, any European war was our war.

Then in spite of FDR's veto, Congress renewed the draft a few days before Pearl to keep Americans in service by an overwhelming vote.

Our military was at peak strength on Dec 7, and our soldiers had become battle-wise in the first world war, they were ready to tangle with the cowardly incompetent German army.

Then FDR passed the Neutrality Act preventing America from helping Britain, but the America Firsters defied FDR and sent Britain fifty destroyers and other aid. FDR was furious.

The list is as endless, as is the stupidity of some people that believe this tripe.
Let's begin with this question: what possible reason would the President have to allow WWII to go on an extra year or two???

1. There is no way to argue that one of these two possibilities is the truth:

a. either Franklin Roosevelt was entirely aligned with Stalin and the communist agenda...or
b. Joseph Stalin was brilliant and overwhelming in his manipulations of Roosevelt.

2. "But the USSR was our ally against Hitler! No. The USSR was not our ally. It was our secret master-manipulator. We were secretly master-manipulated, not into defeating the Nazis, who, but for the de facto Soviet occupation of Washington, I am now persuaded could have been eliminated in 1943, but rather into decimating,obliterating, Germany, Soviet Russia's natural barrier against expansion into its European empire. Japan, very much too, for that matter, in the East."
West, "American Betrayal," p.277

a. Based on Stalin's wishes.....any surrender by Germany would not be accepted until its potential as a barrier to the spread of communism was obliterated so that "...Soviet Russia's natural barrier against expansion into its European empire" was removed.

And the same applied to Stalin's view of Japan, a potential impediment to the East. After meeting with Stalin in Moscow on May 28, 1945, Harry Hopkins told Truman that Stalin "prefers to go through with unconditional surrender" regarding Japan. "However, he feels that if we stick to unconditional surrender the Japs will not give up and we will have to destroy them as we did Germany."
Sherwood, "Hopkins," volume 2, 892-893.

Not to forget, Harry Hopkins was Stalin's spy in the Roosevelt White House....he actually lived in the White House.....

Stalin demanded "unconditional surrender."
So.....Roosevelt acquiesced.

Would it not have been in America's interests to see the Nazis and Hitler destroyed earlier, with a surrender of German forces and territories???

Would not have thousands of American soldier's lives been saved?

What to say about Franklin Roosevelt if it can be shown that the offer was on the table....?

I don't see how he extended the war or was anything but a ally of convenience with Stalin. When the tide of the war turned, there was a mad dash to Berlin by the US and Britain from the West and Russia to the East. At that point they viewed each other as adversaries about as much as they view themselves as allies.

In fact, there were many within the white house that thought we should go to war with Russia, but America was simply exhausted from the most deadly war the world has ever seen and just after the second most deadly war the world has ever seen.

Britain was even more war wary. They voted out Churchill right after his BRAVERY saved the island nation.
One might imagine that the thesis being presented will rely heavily on views and opinions regarding the Casablanca Conference and what shaped the decisions made there. Stalin not attending due to his attention to defeating of the German Army at Stalingrad during the very time of the conference, the attendance and influence by de Gaulle, Churchill's insistence of invading Italy and attempting a southern invasion route, progress and analysis of the war in the Pacific the status of war production materials in America, the battle in the Atlantic and the air war over Europe. But it was at Casablanca, without Stalin's attendance that the decision to invade France was made and the decision to demand unconditional surrender was made.
He wanted to nuke Japan.
But not nuking Japan would have extended the War. All the Military planners at that time agreed about that.

Right, but how much more fun to nuke the bejesus out of them?

FDR couldn't decide if he loved Hitler and wanted to be a Nazi or if he loved Stalin and wanted to be a pretend socialist that was actually a brutal dictator (depending on what PC is thinking that day).

But I think we can all agree that he just loved frying some Japanese people.

He wanted to nuke Japan.
But not nuking Japan would have extended the War. All the Military planners at that time agreed about that.

Right, but how much more fun to nuke the bejesus out of them?

FDR couldn't decide if he loved Hitler and wanted to be a Nazi or if he loved Stalin and wanted to be a pretend socialist that was actually a brutal dictator (depending on what PC is thinking that day).

But I think we can all agree that he just loved frying some Japanese people.


FDR was not alive when the Nukes were dropped on Japan. Truman made that decision. However, Operation Meeting House, the fire bombing of Tokyo, took place a month before his death.
If anything, it was the actions of FDR who ended the war two or more years early

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