Why China can't defeat the US


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
China thinks it can defeat America in battle - The Week

The bad news first. The People's Republic of China now believes it can successfully prevent the United States from intervening in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or some other military assault by Beijing.

Now the good news. China is wrong — and for one major reason. It apparently disregards the decisive power of America's nuclear-powered submarines.
Moreover, for economic and demographic reasons Beijing has a narrow historical window in which to use its military to alter the world's power structure. If China doesn't make a major military move in the next couple decades, it probably never will.

Fortunately for that liberal order, America possesses by far the world's most powerful submarine force — one poised to quickly sink any Chinese invasion fleet. In announcing its readiness to hold off the U.S. military, the PLA seems to have ignored Washington's huge undersea advantage.

The Navy has 74 submarines, 60 of which are attack or missile submarines optimized for finding and sinking other ships or blasting land targets. The balance is ballistic-missile boats that carry nuclear missiles and would not routinely participate in military campaigns short of an atomic World War III.

America's eight-at-a-time submarine picket in or near Chinese waters could be equally destructive to Chinese military plans, especially considering the PLA's limited anti-submarine skills. "Although China might control the surface of the sea around Taiwan, its ability to find and sink U.S. submarines will be extremely limited for the foreseeable future," Cliff testified. "Those submarines would likely be able to intercept and sink Chinese amphibious transports as they transited toward Taiwan."

In practical military terms, that means the Pentagon can more or less ignore most of China's military capabilities, including those that appear to threaten traditional U.S. advantages in nukes, air warfare, mechanized ground operations, and surface naval maneuvers.
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No one can defeat the US Military on the Battle Field.

That's why since WWII ended it's been an Economic War to Destroy Americas Economy and CAPACITY to wage war from within. And I must say it's been VERY successful.

GATT, NAFTA, North American Union, QE Unlimited, Free Trade Agreements and many other things.
China built and installed their own super vulnerable achilles heel. They named it the Three Gorges Dam.
China doesn't need the military to defeat the US. The United States has no real right to exist. It is all stolen land and has no right to prevent the nation being stolen from them just as they stole it. The Chinese military can just enter the borderless nation and be welcomed as immigrants. Who is going to stop them? The president would order the military to fight Americans who would oppose them. The Hispanic illegals would welcome yet more non white immigrants.

It's only a matter of time.
China doesn't need the military to defeat the US. The United States has no real right to exist. It is all stolen land and has no right to prevent the nation being stolen from them just as they stole it. The Chinese military can just enter the borderless nation and be welcomed as immigrants. Who is going to stop them? The president would order the military to fight Americans who would oppose them. The Hispanic illegals would welcome yet more non white immigrants.

It's only a matter of time.


No, really :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
* RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

America?s staggering defense budget, in charts - The Washington Post
The Chinese build junk anyway, or buy junk from Russia. Our Submarine fleet and carrier strike forces would make a joke of the chinese military. As long as we don't get into a ground war with them, we win everytime.
No matter how big the defense budget is, if its not actually used it may as well not exist. Could such a massive defense budget be used to defend our borders? Sure. Very effectively. It's not. The borders are being erased. Now that there is no security at the border does it really matter who comes across? Non white immigration is important to liberals to destroy the white hegemony. How much does it matter whether the immigration is Hispanic or Chinese? In fact, how hard should white Americans fight to protect Hispanic immigrants? Should we really even try to repel invading Chinese when we have invading south Americans? The Chinese have as much right to immigrate here as do Guatamalans or Hondurans. We have an army of south American men, being referred to as children. It's as easy to refer to Chinese men as children.

The law of unintended consequences.
China's big advantage is that the conflict would be in their backyard. The american response would have to come from halfway around the world.
China thinks it can defeat America in battle - The Week

The bad news first. The People's Republic of China now believes it can successfully prevent the United States from intervening in the event of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or some other military assault by Beijing.

Now the good news. China is wrong — and for one major reason. It apparently disregards the decisive power of America's nuclear-powered submarines.
Moreover, for economic and demographic reasons Beijing has a narrow historical window in which to use its military to alter the world's power structure. If China doesn't make a major military move in the next couple decades, it probably never will.

Fortunately for that liberal order, America possesses by far the world's most powerful submarine force — one poised to quickly sink any Chinese invasion fleet. In announcing its readiness to hold off the U.S. military, the PLA seems to have ignored Washington's huge undersea advantage.

The Navy has 74 submarines, 60 of which are attack or missile submarines optimized for finding and sinking other ships or blasting land targets. The balance is ballistic-missile boats that carry nuclear missiles and would not routinely participate in military campaigns short of an atomic World War III.

America's eight-at-a-time submarine picket in or near Chinese waters could be equally destructive to Chinese military plans, especially considering the PLA's limited anti-submarine skills. "Although China might control the surface of the sea around Taiwan, its ability to find and sink U.S. submarines will be extremely limited for the foreseeable future," Cliff testified. "Those submarines would likely be able to intercept and sink Chinese amphibious transports as they transited toward Taiwan."

In practical military terms, that means the Pentagon can more or less ignore most of China's military capabilities, including those that appear to threaten traditional U.S. advantages in nukes, air warfare, mechanized ground operations, and surface naval maneuvers.


I'm not sayin' we run shit.

But we fucking run shit
China's big advantage is that the conflict would be in their backyard. The american response would have to come from halfway around the world.

No, America is there because it's only 20 miles from the California coast ... what, it's the other side of the world?

So what the merry fuck has it got to do with America?
Basically, if America entered a war between two countries on the other side of the world, and sod all to do with America, it would be nice to see American ships sunk.

Enough body bags with your sons in them might well teach your politicians to stop being fucking stupid.
China's big advantage is that the conflict would be in their backyard. The american response would have to come from halfway around the world.

Yeah Japan thought the same thing.

And that took years and was a response to an attack on US occupied Hawaii.
This would be an interference in two foreign nations, neither being a threat to America.
China's big advantage is that the conflict would be in their backyard. The american response would have to come from halfway around the world.

The US would not become involved in a land war in China

But we would prevent any Chinese agression against Taiwan, Phillipines, S Korea or Japan
with this administration in there now and the chaos they have brought on us..a boy scout troop could defeat us now

and people like wrongwhiner would cheer that too

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