Why can't I download pics from my camera?

I give up. Fuck this bullshit, it shouldn't be so fucking hard. And there aren't even any directions on the site that I can find.
okay....you made it to that...now click the little blue share at the top.....see that?


then you will see the bullentin and forums...3rd from bottom
nice horse!

Oh, thanks. I have a million (well 500) of them.

I have one of a horse's ass that I'm going to give to JB as a gift, to use as his avatar. But I want to post it as a picture not as a link.
okay....you made it to that...now click the little blue share at the top.....see that?


then you will see the bullentin and forums...3rd from bottom

I did that. I clicked on share, I clicked on bulletin and forums, I chose full size, I made sure nothing else was marked, I posted it straight into the window, I pasted it into the image window (I've deleted about 6-7 posts here), I pasted it into the image window and removed the extra http & IMG coding, I've tried everything.
dont let the pics in camera add up like that.....500....do it with smaller groups...i rarely do it with over 20 pics...unless i have been out all day...taking pics...
we all see the horse...dont fuck with it after you paste it....onto here...just copy and paste...that is all....dont ad...dont subtract....say it with me...copy and paste...we all see a roan colored horse...and a corner of a barn
Nope, horse isn't showing for me. Just the link.

You can imagine how much fun it was for me the first year working as a caseworker, where everything is on a variety of different (and some antiquated) programs, and there are all these codes and glitches that you have to remember. I mean HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS. There is no manual. You do all your work and go to code it in the computer and fuck me, you have 100 codes to put in, but some of them you have to know little tricks, and if you don't you have to find someone who does...and nothing is finished until EVERYTHING is right. If it isn't right, they don't get their bennies, and I'm the only one in my office. Which is probably a good thing.

What a flipping nightmare.
Well I can't see Ruby, but I took the image like you said and put it in the image box and deleted the extra https and img coding.

So at least the directions are on here now, if I forget.
Now I want to distort some images,doesn't that sound like fun????
easy now....its only the drugs.....

i do not know why you arent seeing the horse...i reloaded and see it...lets try again with another pic...practice makes perfect...
This thread is 2 pages...Did you figure it out yet?

You tell me. Do you see a horse.

Hey, Strolling, how do you know roan color? Technically she's not a roan because she's Arab and they don't use the term "roan". She's registered as a chestnut...but her unusual coloring is actually something rare..it's called fabicano, fabino, or something. Not sabino, that's paint stuff. It's characterized by skunk stripe of the tail (hers is a white patch at the top of the tail) and striping over the barrel. Hers fades out, but it's there in the spring.

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