CDZ Why are we testing people who are not seriously ill?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Why are we testing people for Covid-19 if they aren't seriously ill? We already know that the virus is not dangerous for 99% of the population, so what is the point of testing whether a person has been exposed at a particular point in time? I can understand random sampling of the population for statistical purposes, but selective testing of individuals who are not sick doesn't provide useful information for anyone other than news reporters.
It is dumb and many countries in the EU have cut testing way down. Germany has only rested ~7 million while we have exceeded 50 million.
Yep. Covid 19, the only sickness in the world you have to test to discover if you have it!
Why are we testing people for Covid-19 if they aren't seriously ill? We already know that the virus is not dangerous for 99% of the population, so what is the point of testing whether a person has been exposed at a particular point in time? I can understand random sampling of the population for statistical purposes, but selective testing of individuals who are not sick doesn't provide useful information for anyone other than news reporters.
Because the filthy Dem Media went into panic mode/
Why are we testing people for Covid-19 if they aren't seriously ill? We already know that the virus is not dangerous for 99% of the population, so what is the point of testing whether a person has been exposed at a particular point in time? I can understand random sampling of the population for statistical purposes, but selective testing of individuals who are not sick doesn't provide useful information for anyone other than news reporters.
The virus is not fatal for 99% of the population, small consolation to the 1%, but it is very contagious and the best way to contain it is through contract tracing. You can only do that by testing and that is what other countries have learned that we have not.
Why are we testing people for Covid-19 if they aren't seriously ill? We already know that the virus is not dangerous for 99% of the population, so what is the point of testing whether a person has been exposed at a particular point in time? I can understand random sampling of the population for statistical purposes, but selective testing of individuals who are not sick doesn't provide useful information for anyone other than news reporters.

There are two equal opposite reasons.

The most important reason, is that doing so allows news papers and fear mongers, to spread hysteria, which is only beneficial when stupid people pretend that Trump could magically make Covid-19 go away with a flick of his political wand.

The second reason, which is largely ignored, is that showing that dramatically larger numbers of people have had Covid-19, with zero short, or long term health effects, proves that Covid-19 is less and less deadly as an illness.

Thus higher and higher numbers of who have caught it, with nearly zero symptoms, proves this entire thing is ridiculous.
Why are we testing people for Covid-19 if they aren't seriously ill? We already know that the virus is not dangerous for 99% of the population, so what is the point of testing whether a person has been exposed at a particular point in time? I can understand random sampling of the population for statistical purposes, but selective testing of individuals who are not sick doesn't provide useful information for anyone other than news reporters.
The virus is not fatal for 99% of the population, small consolation to the 1%, but it is very contagious and the best way to contain it is through contract tracing. You can only do that by testing and that is what other countries have learned that we have not.

But those countries you claim have learned that, are reducing testing, even while the virus continues to spread.

That would seem to contradict you.
Because many do not show symptoms

Allowing them to go around spreading the TRUMPvirus only makes it worse
Because many do not show symptoms

Allowing them to go around spreading the TRUMPvirus only makes it worse

Let me ask you something. Do you think that if I have no symptoms, that I'm not going to keep going around?

Do you think that all people identified as having the virus, means they are locked up? Or not going to work? Or not going to the store? Or anything?

This is why I keep asking, what exactly you think another politicians is going to do, to magically make Covid-19 disappear.

What do you think is going to happen? You think they are going to suspend the constitution, do away with individual liberty, and enact a Chinese style dictatorship over the public, so you can just force everyone into internment camps for Covid patients, when they have no symptoms whatsoever?

No. So what do you think so other politicians is going to do? What policy do you think they are going to enact?

You think I'm going to say home? Cuomo didn't even stay home, and he was the one promoting quarantining.

What do you think is going to happen? Please, explain. I honestly want to know what magic you think is going to happen.
It is dumb and many countries in the EU have cut testing way down. Germany has only rested ~7 million while we have exceeded 50 million.
Lol. You never got a handle on the first wave, and were pathetically late for testing. That's why you have to play catch up, and still fail.germany has for testing ramping up again...

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