Why are there so many "new" liberal USMB accounts that submit posts at 6-30 times

Why are there so many "new" liberal USMB accounts that submit posts at 6-30 times my own posting rate?

I've noticed that there are many young USMB accounts (that are liberals) who manage to accumulate over 1500 posts in less than 30 days, or basically submit posts at 6-30 times my monthly rate.

I think we would all agree that I post a lot.

I am wondering, since I frequent this board everyday, work two jobs, have a house and fiance (who has two of her own children), I do wonder, seriously:

These accounts must be operated by users being PAID to post, there is no other way they would have the time to post. Of course, being on welfare technically counts as being paid and support the Government, but I seriously doubt any of them are on welfare, since welfare people barely care about politics.

Also, I notice that all of these posters have NO GRIEVANCES with the Status Quo, and in fact believe everything is fine and dandy and that all scandals are "phony."

So another question is: Even if you're not being paid to frequent these forums, if you have no GRIEVANCE with the Status Quo, what force compels you to frequent USMB with such persistence. If you think everything is chill, why would you spend MANY HOURS EVERYDAY on a forum where people discuss PROBLEM in POLITICS!!!???!!??!!

They are exactly what I posted on another thread - full-time trolls paid by government or Democrats to silence any opposition to Dear Leader Obama's policies.


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