Why are there alphabet people?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something
^ member of GOP
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something

I love how the left wing retarded nazi allies all hate each other

The lesbians hate the tyrannical out of thier friggin mind TYrannies...... the trannies hate the lesbians the gay men hate everyone and that shirt you're wearing ...if the left tarded nazis didnt want to kill all of us first it would be even more entertaining than it already is
Wouldn't it be funny if they formed a baseball team, and the only thing they did differently is NOT slap each other on the ass?
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something

Dive in. Get involved. It is not an "all got together one day to form a cohesive group." And the folks you refer to aren't just playing baseball or something. They are Star Athletes, in your back yard. Lighten' up, my friend.
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something
^ member of GOP

You say that like it's a bad thing.
I have two "problems" with this whole phenomenon. One of them is semantic. It seems that there will always be another letter added to the chain by some group claiming a different sort of victimhood. No matter which letters one decides to use, there will always be those who say it is incomplete because their pet group was omitted.

The population we refer to as "African Americans" have a history of changing their preferred words of reference. "Negro" used to be formal, with "colored" being entirely acceptable. If one Negro called another Negro "Black," them was fighting words, and a blatant insult to the person described. Then it became Afro-American and "Black." Now it's African American...which could change any day now, if it hasn't changed already (and I missed it).

The point is, that community has driven the bus with respect to public reference to their moniker. The LG...community should do the same. I realized "Sexually Fucked-Up" is probably a little harsh, but they need to come up with a word that they can all agree on, just for semantic convenience. Sexual Irregulars?

Second, the combining of some of the groups is illogical. If I am a man and I sexually prefer other men, that is one orientation. If I am a biological man who thinks he is really a woman, and therefore likes other men, that is a whole different phenomenon. And where does Bruce Jenner fit in? He claims to be a woman, but I understand he has a "girlfriend" - is he a LESBIAN? Jesus Fucking Christ!
I have two "problems" with this whole phenomenon. One of them is semantic. It seems that there will always be another letter added to the chain by some group claiming a different sort of victimhood. No matter which letters one decides to use, there will always be those who say it is incomplete because their pet group was omitted.

The population we refer to as "African Americans" have a history of changing their preferred words of reference. "Negro" used to be formal, with "colored" being entirely acceptable. If one Negro called another Negro "Black," them was fighting words, and a blatant insult to the person described. Then it became Afro-American and "Black." Now it's African American...which could change any day now, if it hasn't changed already (and I missed it).

The point is, that community has driven the bus with respect to public reference to their moniker. The LG...community should do the same. I realized "Sexually Fucked-Up" is probably a little harsh, but they need to come up with a word that they can all agree on, just for semantic convenience. Sexual Irregulars?

Second, the combining of some of the groups is illogical. If I am a man and I sexually prefer other men, that is one orientation. If I am a biological man who thinks he is really a woman, and therefore likes other men, that is a whole different phenomenon. And where does Bruce Jenner fit in? He claims to be a woman, but I understand he has a "girlfriend" - is he a LESBIAN? Jesus Fucking Christ!

I think the most recent term is POC=people of color. Liberals started the expansion by selectively referencing people who they could exploit as brown people and now I think they just lump them all as POC.

As for the GBLT I never understood why the need for the L, why can't they be covered by the G? And I who decided on the official order of the letters as LGBT. Why not put the letters in alphabetical order or at the lest keep the BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) together which people are used to using.
The only alphabet people recognized by DNA are XX and XY.

That will be your identity in death if your body was destroyed physically.
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something
Wouldn't it be funny if they formed a baseball team, and the only thing they did differently is NOT slap each other on the ass?

It just goes to show how ludicrous it is that the Left constructed such a group, but we all know why they did it, don't we.

Simply put, the Left wants voting blocks based upon race, sex, gender, etc. They want to take any brain function out of deciding on who to vote for by such standards. It's their only hope.

For example, convincing blacks that the GOP is the racist political party has been a wild success, so much so, the killing fields of places like Chicago and Baltimore which are predominately black continue to mindlessly elect the same folks who oversee their misery.

But do they care about blacks? If they did, they would embrace success stories like Ben Carson who grew up in the ghetto and by all rights should have died there, but managed rise up and become a Presidential candidate whom the Left trashed as an Uncle Tom and an idiot.

Instead, the praise someone like Barak Obama who grew up with white privilege in Hawaii.

The kicker was the secret e-mails revealed recently that showed how democrats were told by the DNC that BLM was really a terrorist group and to patronize them but not to promise them anything.
I have two "problems" with this whole phenomenon. One of them is semantic. It seems that there will always be another letter added to the chain by some group claiming a different sort of victimhood. No matter which letters one decides to use, there will always be those who say it is incomplete because their pet group was omitted.

The population we refer to as "African Americans" have a history of changing their preferred words of reference. "Negro" used to be formal, with "colored" being entirely acceptable. If one Negro called another Negro "Black," them was fighting words, and a blatant insult to the person described. Then it became Afro-American and "Black." Now it's African American...which could change any day now, if it hasn't changed already (and I missed it).

The point is, that community has driven the bus with respect to public reference to their moniker. The LG...community should do the same. I realized "Sexually Fucked-Up" is probably a little harsh, but they need to come up with a word that they can all agree on, just for semantic convenience. Sexual Irregulars?

Second, the combining of some of the groups is illogical. If I am a man and I sexually prefer other men, that is one orientation. If I am a biological man who thinks he is really a woman, and therefore likes other men, that is a whole different phenomenon. And where does Bruce Jenner fit in? He claims to be a woman, but I understand he has a "girlfriend" - is he a LESBIAN? Jesus Fucking Christ!

I think the most recent term is POC=people of color. Liberals started the expansion by selectively referencing people who they could exploit as brown people and now I think they just lump them all as POC.

As for the GBLT I never understood why the need for the L, why can't they be covered by the G? And I who decided on the official order of the letters as LGBT. Why not put the letters in alphabetical order or at the lest keep the BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) together which people are used to using.

I think bisexuals are the step children in the group. No one ever talks about them.

But the Left does not care about anyone, unless they can be used as tools to gain power.

For example, no one on the Left gives a damn about the right of polygamists to marry, do they.

Nope, it was never about rights for people and all about divide and conquer as they form groups based upon color, sex, gender, income, etc., to vote only for the Dims.
I have two "problems" with this whole phenomenon. One of them is semantic. It seems that there will always be another letter added to the chain by some group claiming a different sort of victimhood. No matter which letters one decides to use, there will always be those who say it is incomplete because their pet group was omitted.

The population we refer to as "African Americans" have a history of changing their preferred words of reference. "Negro" used to be formal, with "colored" being entirely acceptable. If one Negro called another Negro "Black," them was fighting words, and a blatant insult to the person described. Then it became Afro-American and "Black." Now it's African American...which could change any day now, if it hasn't changed already (and I missed it).

The point is, that community has driven the bus with respect to public reference to their moniker. The LG...community should do the same. I realized "Sexually Fucked-Up" is probably a little harsh, but they need to come up with a word that they can all agree on, just for semantic convenience. Sexual Irregulars?

Second, the combining of some of the groups is illogical. If I am a man and I sexually prefer other men, that is one orientation. If I am a biological man who thinks he is really a woman, and therefore likes other men, that is a whole different phenomenon. And where does Bruce Jenner fit in? He claims to be a woman, but I understand he has a "girlfriend" - is he a LESBIAN? Jesus Fucking Christ!

I think the most recent term is POC=people of color. Liberals started the expansion by selectively referencing people who they could exploit as brown people and now I think they just lump them all as POC.

As for the GBLT I never understood why the need for the L, why can't they be covered by the G? And I who decided on the official order of the letters as LGBT. Why not put the letters in alphabetical order or at the lest keep the BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) together which people are used to using.
Would all POC be required to operate on Colored Peoples’ Time?
LGTB? Ever wonder why a bunch of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders all got together one day to form a cohesive group to be known as the LGTB people? Transvestites must be mad as hell for being left out of that list.

I know, why not have polygamists, asexuals, straights, and transvestites form a group known as PAST? At least it actually spells something.

Maybe they can all form teams and start playing baseball or something
^ member of GOP
^ No
I have two "problems" with this whole phenomenon. One of them is semantic. It seems that there will always be another letter added to the chain by some group claiming a different sort of victimhood. No matter which letters one decides to use, there will always be those who say it is incomplete because their pet group was omitted.

The population we refer to as "African Americans" have a history of changing their preferred words of reference. "Negro" used to be formal, with "colored" being entirely acceptable. If one Negro called another Negro "Black," them was fighting words, and a blatant insult to the person described. Then it became Afro-American and "Black." Now it's African American...which could change any day now, if it hasn't changed already (and I missed it).

The point is, that community has driven the bus with respect to public reference to their moniker. The LG...community should do the same. I realized "Sexually Fucked-Up" is probably a little harsh, but they need to come up with a word that they can all agree on, just for semantic convenience. Sexual Irregulars?

Second, the combining of some of the groups is illogical. If I am a man and I sexually prefer other men, that is one orientation. If I am a biological man who thinks he is really a woman, and therefore likes other men, that is a whole different phenomenon. And where does Bruce Jenner fit in? He claims to be a woman, but I understand he has a "girlfriend" - is he a LESBIAN? Jesus Fucking Christ!

Stop it! Just stop it.

Are you seriously going to try and make sense of the logic from the Left?

Next thing you know you will be sending in genetics test and wanting reoperations for being 1/1024 Indian.

Then again if you did you could run for President on the DNC ticket, assuming, of course, you are not white and male.

Poor Joe Biden
Why are Conservatives so threatened by LGBT standing up for themselves?
The only alphabet people recognized by DNA are XX and XY...
Thats true but you're dealing with reprobates and depravity. If it were only ignorance, it could be corrected.
As the nearly 3 yr long hissy-fit of our bitter leftards has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, some ignorance cannot be corrected. For instance, 4 full days after MSNBC posted the following in response to their show host's (Lying Lawrence O'Donnell) bogus "bombshell", some here still argue there has been no retraction. Yeah … you can lead the jackasses to water...

Lawrence O'Donnell retracts his reporting about Trump loans
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