Why are the Trumpsters so hung up on BLM?

Funny, since I've spent most of the thread pointing out how the counter-productive actions of each end of this feed into the other and exacerbate the problem.
Of EACH END..........LOL

Right on cue.............Ummm........were are we burning and looting........oops.

As always..........trying to divert blame away from those burning our cities down.......
They don't have the balls to admit what they are. They're cowards.

What are we................hmmm.......

We go ..damn that police officer fucked up and killed Floyd......we agree.

Then they start burning and looting and we go .........HEY ASSHOLES KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF...

And then you go we are the problem.........BRAIN DAMAGE.....stop hitting yourself in the head with that hammer.
Do people (not just Trumpsters) have a reason to be "hung up" on a group that appears to be trying to start a communist revolution?

If you don't pay lip service to BLM then you're automatically assigned all sorts of labels. It's a religion.
It is a CULT.......they just hide when they sacrifice chickens........LMAO

Hey Mac......put that in your collection......:auiqs.jpg:
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?
Yes, the hardcore Left puts a great deal of effort into ignoring black on black crime because it's not politically expedient.

Just like Trumpsters put a great deal of effort into denying, downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists.

As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

"white racism that still exists"

Institutional doesn't.

On personal level, its up to an individual. First amendment.

Now, if you can prove there is institutional racism, post it here.
I've never used the term.

And you guys are certainly free to be what you are, loud and clear. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Let me get this straight...

First you talk about "downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists", and when asked for proof, you said that you "never used the term".

There is no institutional racism that left claim there is. And "white racism" is much less present today than "black racism".
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Because they are a dirty Marxist group of Traitors. How come they don't mention Chicago?
Whites have always been welcome as a part of BLLM. What we see is the usual right wing fascism when people of color organize to stop white supremacy and the ways it is implemented.

"stop white supremacy"

Do you have any proof that "white supremacy" actually exists?
Whites have always been welcome as a part of BLLM. What we see is the usual right wing fascism when people of color organize to stop white supremacy and the ways it is implemented.

"stop white supremacy"

Do you have any proof that "white supremacy" actually exists?
Yes. There are maybe 3000 eighty year old Klansmen left. And about 5000 Ayran Brotherhood members. Mostly in PRISON. Not a big threat.
The Trumpsters use the actual BLM organization -- which goes too far and is almost certainly a net negative -- and try to paint the whole philosophy with the same brush.

Let them.

What philosophy? That if they don't get what they want, they'll burn the system down, that one?

Can you actually explain what they want? Let's say they want reparations... and since you're supporting them (meaning you have to accept everything they want, otherwise you're racist), than you expect that whites take "responsibility" for shit that happened hundreds of years ago, while you and those that you support can't accept the responsibility for record number of murders and crimes blacks are committing today.

I hear it all the time, black-on-black crime is not racial thing, it's just crime. Just crime, eh? Like nothing's wring with it, it's just crime... kids are being killed in Chicago daily, and I don't see you going to protest in their neighborhoods and dragging those pieces of shit out of their home and demand justice, and why are you not burning their houses? Why you're so tolerant of murders and crimes they do. You're not scared of attacking whites for things they didn't do, but you're too chickenshit to attack your own. So, which black lives matter, really? If you think that I suppose to mourn and feel sorry for some career criminal who died while resisting arrest, let me tell you... I don't give a shit, one criminal less to worry about. More of lies I hear from left, more fake outrage I see from the left, I kinda getting happier. Soooo, keep coming.
Funny, since I've spent most of the thread pointing out how the counter-productive actions of each end of this feed into the other and exacerbate the problem.
Of EACH END..........LOL

Right on cue.............Ummm........were are we burning and looting........oops.

As always..........trying to divert blame away from those burning our cities down.......
You do realize that "each end" clearly indicates that the Left is complicit too, right?

Those are really simple words. Is English your first language? Are you high?
They don't have the balls to admit what they are. They're cowards.

What are we................hmmm.......

We go ..damn that police officer fucked up and killed Floyd......we agree.

Then they start burning and looting and we go .........HEY ASSHOLES KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF...

And then you go we are the problem.........BRAIN DAMAGE.....stop hitting yourself in the head with that hammer.
So you think this is all about that one case.

My goodness, how simple your world must be.
They sure do attack that group a lot. Looks like they're trying to make anyone who is against white nationalism a member or supporter of the group.

Do they know that the phrase and the group are not necessarily the same things? Who knows.

My assumption is that they want to use the group BLM as the boogeyman so that they don't have to examine their own role in our race issues.
Maybe they aren't hung up on BLM as much as they are against violence, desecration of historical statues and
racism. We are a country where laws used to matter and we had order in the streets. If they were protesting peacefully, that would be fine. But that is not the case.

But while we are in the topic protesting, why is Floyd the poster boy for violence when black on black murders top 300 this year? Is that not something that should be discussed and protested?
Yes, the hardcore Left puts a great deal of effort into ignoring black on black crime because it's not politically expedient.

Just like Trumpsters put a great deal of effort into denying, downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists.

As I say all the time, the two ends of the spectrum can be comically similar in their behaviors.

"white racism that still exists"

Institutional doesn't.

On personal level, its up to an individual. First amendment.

Now, if you can prove there is institutional racism, post it here.
I've never used the term.

And you guys are certainly free to be what you are, loud and clear. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Let me get this straight...

First you talk about "downplaying and dismissing the white racism that still exists", and when asked for proof, you said that you "never used the term".

There is no institutional racism that left claim there is. And "white racism" is much less present today than "black racism".
... from your perspective.

Clean your own house.

Just kidding. I know you don't want to.
They don't have the balls to admit what they are. They're cowards.

What are we................hmmm.......

We go ..damn that police officer fucked up and killed Floyd......we agree.

Then they start burning and looting and we go .........HEY ASSHOLES KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF...

And then you go we are the problem.........BRAIN DAMAGE.....stop hitting yourself in the head with that hammer.
So you think this is all about that one case.

My goodness, how simple your world must be.

Every 2 years the left and people like you do this..........With one incident and HYPE IT UP and say the word VICTIM.......

I grew up in places that blacks moved in a fucked the neighborhoods up..........Your beloved party throws gasoline on the fire and wonders why it burns.................buy your side knows how to say we are the cause of evrything when anything goes down.

The DNC is a party of LIARS.........who will do or say anything for power and control.......it's crystal clear to everyone but brain washed sheep. Your purpose here is to LIE and deceive........just like the PRAVDA of the DNC...........corrupt to the core.......and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process.

Sell the snake oil to the sheep......I'm not one of them.
Do people (not just Trumpsters) have a reason to be "hung up" on a group that appears to be trying to start a communist revolution?

If you don't pay lip service to BLM then you're automatically assigned all sorts of labels. It's a religion.
It is a CULT.......they just hide when they sacrifice chickens........LMAO

Hey Mac......put that in your collection......:auiqs.jpg:

Do you burn first, loot later... and finally murder?

Or is it supposed to be murder first, then burn and loot? But then the loot gets burned... fuck.

I am still working on the technique, taking notes from the BLM masters of the craft. I don't know how they do it, but somehow they accomplish burning, looting and murdering all at the same time.

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..no there is no white racism to a significant degree--that's one of the biggest lies of the decade--and your quotes are not proof at all
The thing is, pieces of shit like Mac promote racial division, it's all they have left. Any criticism of his beloved meat puppet faggot messiah, no matter what it is, will be met with infantile squeals of "racism". Never mind the moonbat messiah was half white, promoted racial animosity rather than being the best potential we've ever had to reduce it.

Queen Antifa could have spoke to the black community, and encouraged them to acknowledge White America made him POTUS (which sickens me that there are so many bed wetters that escaped Planned Unparenthood) and that the era of widespread racism was over. Instead the meat puppet faggot stoked the embers of racial strife every chance he got, and was never called out by the sycophantic media.


If it wasn't for treasonous pieces of leftist shit like Mac that invented the concept of race, we would not have this problem. We should not even believe the nonsensical concept that we are so different as a people that there is more than a single human race, yet again, like I've said 100's of times, bed wetting parasitic pieces of shit like Mac need it for a weapon to keep the country divided. Then the sniveling pillow biter wants to piss and moan about the division he helps perpetuate.

Par for the course as far as these pieces of shit are concerned, they create a problem, blame the people they hate for it, and piss and moan that we can't solve it for them.

Fucking malignant jabbering imbeciles.

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Do people (not just Trumpsters) have a reason to be "hung up" on a group that appears to be trying to start a communist revolution?

If you don't pay lip service to BLM then you're automatically assigned all sorts of labels. It's a religion.
It is a CULT.......they just hide when they sacrifice chickens........LMAO

Hey Mac......put that in your collection......:auiqs.jpg:

Do you burn first, loot later... and finally murder?

Or is it supposed to be murder first, then burn and loot? But then the loot gets burned... fuck.

I am still working on the technique, taking notes from the BLM masters of the craft. I don't know how they do it, but somehow they accomplish burning, looting and murdering all at the same time.

Set the white woman on fire...............I don't see riots..........looting..........or any outrage from the dang left or their BS BLM nonsense.............

It's fine and dandy when it's white people who get treated like this ........CHAOS when it happens the other way........Black on Black violence is EXTREMELY HIGH..........they don't talk about that either.
You know.. It's no wonder why they, the social retards of the left, think that everybody is racist/sexist when you have the social retards of the right, continually using words of race/sex as insults.

You hurt your own argument every time you do it, so how much do you REALLY care?
I don't care what the left thinks anymore............Natta..........they have shown what they are today..........

When they show up like say.............JFK...........where they can be reasonable ..........then get back to me.
It's because you're a cowardly racist tool and too much of an entitled Karen to ask the icky questions. Everyone in this thread seems to safely dance around asking any hard questions about race. No one is interested in real communication to try and dismantle the racism elephant problem shitting on the floor in the middle of the country.
This thread has been crammed with these people illustrating its point. As usual, I don't have to name names. They're willing to self-identify for me.

They're trying desperately to tie a left wing nutter organization to the entire race conversation, and it won't work. Too many Americans are better than that.

Good. Let them. I think they know the clock is ticking on them and their white nationalism. That's why they're so frantic, even with their Glorious Leader in the White House.
It's because you're a cowardly racist tool and too much of an entitled Karen to ask the icky questions. Everyone in this thread seems to safely dance around asking any hard questions about race. No one is interested in real communication to try and dismantle the racism elephant problem shitting on the floor in the middle of the country.
This thread has been crammed with these people illustrating its point. As usual, I don't have to name names. They're willing to self-identify for me.

They're trying desperately to tie a left wing nutter organization to the entire race conversation, and it won't work. Too many Americans are better than that.

Good. Let them. I think they know the clock is ticking on them and their white nationalism. That's why they're so frantic, even with their Glorious Leader in the White House.
Cool story bro.,....betcha it actually sells to the brain dead left.........

To us .......not so much.......You as always ..........ARE A FRAUD.

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