Why Are The Liberals So Deafeningly Quiet About Democrat Debate


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2014
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
Hell they probably won't even watch it. No point, they anointed Hillary as the nominee months ago, and could care less if she's in jail during the election.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
Not a train wreck reality show like the Republican debates.

You've forgotten how adults debate, haven't you?
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!

There is no "Democrat debate." If you want to discuss the Democratic debate, kindly do so.
When and what channel is it on? Apparently, there are going to be fireworks between the two leaders.
I don't think Democrats are all that intellectual. There is nothing they care to debate, or even hear debated. Republicans are interested in what's going on, and who has a plan, and why they believe their plan will work.

Democrats are more emotional. They just see something they don't like, and run around screaming about it. Doesn't matter if the guy attacked a police officer, or even reached for his gun... what matters is, it was another case of police brutality and we're going to scream and yell about racism and blaw blaw blaw.

There is no "thinking" involved in this. Thus the Democrat debate is a waste of time. As one said.... they're bored already. They have to have more pictures, and videos, and emotional cry and scream fests. The DNC needs to threaten that senior citizens are going to be beaten with sticks and thrown out on the street, like I remember them screaming in the 90s, which is how Clinton got in office.

You need to have more emotional slogans, and pictures of the president as a demi-gawd, like Obama's "Yes we can!" and "Believe"... and him with a halo around his head.....


If the DNC get's back to it's rhetoric and empty promises, combined with slick advertising and propaganda.... they will start paying attention to the debates.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!

There is no "Democrat debate." If you want to discuss the Democratic debate, kindly do so.

Like I've pointed out before, there is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party. It is a Communist Socialist Party.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.

Actually it points out how scared you Liberals are. How insecure.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!

There is no "Democrat debate." If you want to discuss the Democratic debate, kindly do so.

Like I've pointed out before, there is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party. It is a Communist Socialist Party.

And there is no "Democrat party" in the U.S.
You Liberals really should watch your own debates. You might get to see some paramedic administer mouth to mouth or apply some other form of life saving procedure to one of your old escapees from a rest home for the aged.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!

There is no "Democrat debate." If you want to discuss the Democratic debate, kindly do so.

Like I've pointed out before, there is nothing democratic about the Democrat Party. It is a Communist Socialist Party.

And there is no "Democrat party" in the U.S.

I agree. That's just what it goes by. It's actually the Socialist Party made up of members of the KKK, Black Panthers, Nazi skin-heads, etc.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.

Actually it points out how scared you Liberals are. How insecure.
Clearly being childish, sophomoric, naïve, clueless, ignorant, and frightened are prerequisites for being conservative – you don't know anything about democrats, their candidates, or their positions on the issues, otherwise you wouldn't have started this ridiculous, moronic thread whining about the democratic debates.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.

Actually it points out how scared you Liberals are. How insecure.
Clearly being childish, sophomoric, naïve, clueless, ignorant, and frightened are prerequisites for being conservative – you don't know anything about democrats, their candidates, or their positions on the issues, otherwise you wouldn't have started this ridiculous, moronic thread whining about the democratic debates.

I saw some reporter interviewing Democrat voters on the street. Almost none of those interviewed could tell the reported who the current Secretary of State was.
Look at the threads on here. Rubio, Bush, Trump, Cruz. One after another of threads started by Liberals attacking one or the other of the Republican Presidential candidates. Here on the very evening of one of the few Democrat debates, not a single thread touting their great aspiring leaders' expected performances. Low expectations? No expectations? Ashamed? Hoping the debate will go unnoticed and there will be no fallout or reckoning? LOL!!
This illustrates just how childish, petty, and clueless most conservatives are.
Yeah? Where is YOUR watch the debate tonight thread? DOES NOT EXIST.
Where is YOUR pro Clinton OR Sanders thread? Does NOT exist.
You ARE in fact the VERY kind of person the OP is talking about.

A two bit cyber hack without the balls to do a damn thing but bitch about the other side or resort to drive by shotgun comments of NO value.

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