Why are people so racist?

Admiral Rockwell Tory

Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2015
Sitting down in front of my computer
This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
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The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
Yeah, it's quite a shame that we live in a society that are full of racists. I believe it's not a matter of "cannot". But rather a matter of "don't want to".
Some just don't want to get passed that ideology of Racism. They seem to feel better in their own skin, when they are racist.
This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
Sorry to read of your Grandson's Leukemia. It is profoundly sad that within the last 10 years all of the progress toward a color-blind society seems to have been reversed quite deliberately.
This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
Sorry to hear about your grandson......some people can be such idiots.
This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
So God speed to your grandson.
This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.
A rare moment when I agree with you…for heavens sakes, can’t tbey just be happy for the poor kid? :(
Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.
Your grandsons reminds me of two brothers I knew in high school.
They were what people use to refer to as "Irish twins", (born 9 months apart, or in the same year)
Anyway, the father was mexican and the mother was white.
The boys looked like identical twins; except one was very dark skinned with black hair; and the other brother had white skin and blondish hair. People always did a double take the first time they saw them together.
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This past Friday through Sunday, my daughter, two grandsons and I were given a Wish from the Make-A-Wish foundation for my grandson who has suffered for three years with Leukemia. His wish was the new Star Wars Starcruiser experience at Disney Orlando. He made the wish as soon as it was known that this attraction would be built.

My daughter decided to post a TikTok video of our adventure, showing the rooms, and other amenities of the "experience". My oldest grandson is a Star Wars fanatic and has forgotten more than I know about the various movies, show and books. After posting her video, she was reading the comments on over 4 million views her video received.

Almost all of the comments were positive, except for the few that questioned the high cost of the attraction, despite her saying that our trip was paid by the Make-A-Wish foundation for about 80 families that were chosen to attend. Several of the kids and families had become friends while they suffered through the agonies to cure or drive their disease into remission.

The other negative comments were like, "It sure would be nice if some Black kids got their wish like that granted" Here is where the irony comes in! My grandson's father is Black. He apparently got a lot of his genes from my side of the family, as he has always looked a lot like his grandfather (me!) and he is tall, wavy hair, has almost white skin.. My other grandson takes back after his father, because he is short, has dark skin, and hair that can best be described as an Afro.

Even though the viewers did not recognize it, they failed to notice the other black family that was granted a wish, and was a friend of my grandson's.

The fact that some people cannot see past skin color just pisses me off to the maximum.

People are blasted with phony race issues and charges all the time now. The list of stuff that's racist is now longer than the Target store catalogue. Including hand dryers, princess hair, Uncle Ben, and Hallmark cards.

If anyone THINKS that Make-A-Wish is racist, tell it to the 2 black Directors on their Managing Board. Here's their names.

Part of the problem is "quotas". To overcompensate for racism, now every other family in commercials is mixed race or black. It's so predictable and transparently stupid. 80 kids = about 10 EXPECTED to be black or sufficiently black by dealing a fair deck and by chance.

I think a large percentage of people of who make complaints like this REALLY WANT -- "a group of black children" to be highlighted by their lonesomes on a "segregated' trip.

We're not QUITE OVER segregation. In fact, it's coming back in style in some warped minds.
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We're not QUITE OVER segregation. In fact, it's coming back in style in some warped minds.
That is the left's agenda.

That meat puppet faggot obozo was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin of our country's "Original Sin" and unite the darkest skinned folks with the melanin impaired.

Turned out that the more you embraced traditional American values, a work ethic, lawful order, a free market economy and individual rights the less "black" you were and therefor "racist".

I'm not a fuckin psychiatrist or anything, so I'll never understand how these marxist sociopaths manipulated the hordes of sheep who even concern themselves with "social justice" but I've gotten to the point where I reject everything that is trendy until I can evaluate it's global collectivist stench.

And then we see "people" starting threads like "Black people don't know how to act" on this very forum all the time. Some people are just rotten.
Widen your view people. Racism is kept alive by behavior, not skin color alone. We are experiencing a black crime wave in America that is unprecedented.
Widen your view people. Racism is kept alive by behavior, not skin color alone. We are experiencing a black crime wave in America that is unprecedented.
And no Latino, white, or Asian people are part of the recent crime wave?

The crime wave isn't driven by color, it is being driven by idiotic leftist policies and attitudes. That's where the problem is, that's where to look for answers. Not in drawing illogical conclusions.

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