Why are Nigerian immigrants doing so well if racism is the only cause of the racial income gap?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017

"Hence why the median annual income of Nigerian diaspora household, according to the Migration Policy Institute, is about $ 52,000, slightly higher than the average $50,000 in the US. They are also more likely to be counted in the higher income brackets as 35% of Nigerian-American households earn the US $90,000 per year."

I've also read that their crime rates are below the national average. If the only reason black Americans are struggling is because of racism, how are Nigerian immigrants doing so well?

"Hence why the median annual income of Nigerian diaspora household, according to the Migration Policy Institute, is about $ 52,000, slightly higher than the average $50,000 in the US. They are also more likely to be counted in the higher income brackets as 35% of Nigerian-American households earn the US $90,000 per year."

I've also read that their crime rates are below the national average. If the only reason black Americans are struggling is because of racism, how are Nigerian immigrants doing so well?

Probably because Nigerians weren't molly-coddled all their lives and freely given everything they need to barely survive from cradle to grave.

They also weren't promised the world by the Democrats, only to be pissed on after voting for them.
They take education very seriously and are grateful for it.....if their children don't excel in school their parents are on them like white on rice....notice I said Parents......
I knew a woman who taught kindergarten in South Bronx. She said she had kids from Bangladesh who grew up without electricity who did better in school than native liberal kids from the neighborhood.
I once attended a mosque that had a lot of Somali immigrants. They believed in working hard to get ahead, were very family oriented, and insisted on their kids doing well in school and going to college.
They really looked down on African Americans as being lazy, won't get a job, and want everything handed to them for free. ... :cool:
They take education very seriously and are grateful for it.....if their children don't excel in school their parents are on them like white on rice....notice I said Parents......
I knew a woman who taught kindergarten in South Bronx. She said she had kids from Bangladesh who grew up without electricity who did better in school than native liberal kids from the neighborhood.
Interesting...some times I think that African American relations with law enforcement would be greatly improved if their community would cut the rate of out of wedlock childbirth.....it is always enlightening to look within yourselves for the answers to ones dilemmas....but when the anti conservative media is cheering you on all you can feel is total justification for your failures and actions....
if their community would cut the rate of out of wedlock childbirth.....it is always enlightening to look within yourselves for the answers to ones dilemmas..

well, lets not forget that the crippling anti-family welfare culture was in large part foisted upon blacks by guilt laden white liberals. Blacks are victims of slavery and Jim Crow for sure, but neither attacked and destroyed the black family the way liberalism did.
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"Hence why the median annual income of Nigerian diaspora household, according to the Migration Policy Institute, is about $ 52,000, slightly higher than the average $50,000 in the US. They are also more likely to be counted in the higher income brackets as 35% of Nigerian-American households earn the US $90,000 per year."

I've also read that their crime rates are below the national average. If the only reason black Americans are struggling is because of racism, how are Nigerian immigrants doing so well?
we, (as in the general sense of we) brought slaves here, in chains, against their will, and owned them, so they could do the very hard work of toiling the soil and every thing else back breaking, we did not pay them and made a fortune off of their work...

they were owned as property, and prevented from owning their own property, prevented from learning how to read, prevented from marrying their mate, and their children were not even considered their own, they were the slave master's property who often sold them off at around 11 years old.... let alone selling off any slave at any time, to someone else, breaking up families.

this went on for a couple of hundred plus years.... and then, from the mid 1860's and onward for 100 more years, after they were freed, we had the racist Jim Crow laws to hold them down....in to poverty and as outcasts....

you say from the 1960's with the Civil Rights act, till now, they should have been able to pick themselves up, by their bootstraps and move forward....

but what you failed to recognize, is that they were still barefoot..... they didn't even own a pair of boots in mid 60s....how could they pick themselves up by their boot straps??

yes, it's a sob story that you're sick of hearing about.... :rolleyes-41: as far as me? I don't have any answers to these woes....but I am willing to listen and try to work with them, on a solid plan....


I think the Nigerians that get to emigrate here, are likely the brighter and best of the crop, seeking to come here... there are quotas and limitations for legal immigrants.
we, (as in the general sense of we) brought slaves here, in chains, against their will, and owned them, so they could do the very hard work of toiling the soil and every thing else back breaking, we did not pay them and made a fortune off of their work...
So how many centuries are you liberals going to excuse the systemic FAILURE of our social policies in creating a far higher rate of single parent families among blacks, poor education in black family schools and drug culture?

It is the misfortune of most blacks to have had the boundries of segregation come down during the most hedonistic and irresponsible generation in our nations history; Baby Boomers like me.

We need to help blacks change their welfare culture (which is actually a minority of blacks, but sizable) and help them and other people in the economic subclass of perennial welfare dependents to climb out of their bad behavior and get education, live by the law and work to attain what they dream of instead of rioting and destroying their own communities.

When does that start?
we, (as in the general sense of we) brought slaves here, in chains, against their will, and owned them, so they could do the very hard work of toiling the soil and every thing else back breaking, we did not pay them and made a fortune off of their work...
So how many centuries are you liberals going to excuse the systemic FAILURE of our social policies in creating a far higher rate of single parent families among blacks, poor education in black family schools and drug culture?

It is the misfortune of most blacks to have had the boundries of segregation come down during the most hedonistic and irresponsible generation in our nations history; Baby Boomers like me.

We need to help blacks change their welfare culture (which is actually a minority of blacks, but sizable) and help them and other people in the economic subclass of perennial welfare dependents to climb out of their bad behavior and get education, live by the law and work to attain what they dream of instead of rioting and destroying their own communities.

When does that start?
What's your plan?

If we had done what was suppose to be done, which was give each of the slave families a parcel of land to live on and farm, as they were suppose to do when the war ended as reparations, we would not be in this mess.....

Owning property, would have given them all, the step up, that they needed to be just like whites, their wealth and farm would have been passed on to their next generation and so on an so forth.... but of course we managed to renege on that deal, and now blame them, for not having the boots to pick themselves up by the straps....

Again, what's your ideas on how things can be fixed now?

"Hence why the median annual income of Nigerian diaspora household, according to the Migration Policy Institute, is about $ 52,000, slightly higher than the average $50,000 in the US. They are also more likely to be counted in the higher income brackets as 35% of Nigerian-American households earn the US $90,000 per year."

I've also read that their crime rates are below the national average. If the only reason black Americans are struggling is because of racism, how are Nigerian immigrants doing so well?
Those damn email schemes worked well for them. Seriously, good point you made.
What's your plan?
1) Improve the education of urban communities with educational voucher system and introduce competition in our k-12 educational system.

2) Impose a Robotics Tax on automating corporations that would fund a UBI for all citizens so no one has to fear starvation or losing their shelter.

3) Change the focus of Black History Month material from reciting racial wrongs to giving blacks better people to emulate than bitter revolutionaries.

4) Require marriage for consideration of maximum household welfare benefits. Reward responsible behavior and stop rewarding irresponsible behavior with a bullshit welfare system supposedly based on need only.

5) Replace our upper college level educational system with online education that tests for actual comprehension of a subject with oral exams like they do at Oxford. You stay in the class as long as you want to or need to to pass the oral exam.

6) End political urban Tammany Hall machines.

7) Burn the Democratic Party to the ground and replace it with a pro-worker populist party that does not serve the Ultra Wealthy Oligarch class.
If we had done what was suppose to be done, which was give each of the slave families a parcel of land to live on and farm, as they were suppose to do when the war ended as reparations, we would not be in this mess.....
40 acres and a mule was a promise by Gen. Sherman towards the end of the war.
In reality, he had no business making such a promise, which needed congressional approval to be enacted as law. ... :cool:
If we had done what was suppose to be done, which was give each of the slave families a parcel of land to live on and farm, as they were suppose to do when the war ended as reparations, we would not be in this mess.....
40 acres and a mule was a promise by Gen. Sherman towards the end of the war.
In reality, he had no business making such a promise, which needed congressional approval to be enacted as law. ... :cool:
Sherman had no business being a cattle theif either, but he got the results required of him.

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