Why are Minorities Overrepresented in TANF Welfare?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Why are Minorities Overrepresented in Welfare Statistics? How do you explain the numbers below?

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion
Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 % ............... (Whites = 70% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 % ............... (Blacks = 13% of the total U.S. population
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 % .......... (Hispanics = 16 % of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 % ................ (Asians = 5% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
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It must be racism.

OTOH, one might look to disastrous personal life-choices, like HAVING CHILDREN WHILE UNMARRIED, dropping out of school before graduating, and relying on professional basketball as a career choice (How's that workin' out for ya?).

Nah. It's racism.
It must be racism.

OTOH, one might look to disastrous personal life-choices, like HAVING CHILDREN WHILE UNMARRIED, dropping out of school before graduating, and relying on professional basketball as a career choice (How's that workin' out for ya?).

Nah. It's racism.

72% of black family households are indeed single parent households. That is yet another question. How do we explain those numbers? 72% Of Black Kids Raised In Single Parent Household, 25 Percent In U.S. | News One

The national black graduation rate is 47%. How do we explain that? http://www.csg.org/pubs/capitolideas/enews/issue6_3.aspx

It is indeed odd that these numbers have gotten MUCH worse since the abolition of Jim Crow! We are a more tolerant society today than ever before. How then can we explain the numbers getting worse in light of "social progress?"
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In the 1960's Patrick Moynahan discussed at length the crisis in the black community, when out of wedlock births were 25%. Moynahan was a Democrat. You talk about this stuff now and you are a hater.

Society will simply not survive those statistics for long. This is why government had always encouraged through tax breaks, the building of family units. Once the family is destroyed, the fabric of society unravels like an old sweater. But don't say that to anyone choosing to fuck for fun and have kids they don't take care of, because that would be judgmental which of course is far worse than the destruction of society.
In the 1960's Patrick Moynahan discussed at length the crisis in the black community, when out of wedlock births were 25%. Moynahan was a Democrat. You talk about this stuff now and you are a hater.

Society will simply not survive those statistics for long. This is why government had always encouraged through tax breaks, the building of family units. Once the family is destroyed, the fabric of society unravels like an old sweater. But don't say that to anyone choosing to fuck for fun and have kids they don't take care of, because that would be judgmental which of course is far worse than the destruction of society.

A population boom paid for by your tax dollars that wont add a shred of productivity to the United states. 25% was a crisis? That's less than the current white out of wedlock birth rate.

73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online

In the 1960's Patrick Moynahan discussed at length the crisis in the black community, when out of wedlock births were 25%. Moynahan was a Democrat. You talk about this stuff now and you are a hater.

Society will simply not survive those statistics for long. This is why government had always encouraged through tax breaks, the building of family units. Once the family is destroyed, the fabric of society unravels like an old sweater. But don't say that to anyone choosing to fuck for fun and have kids they don't take care of, because that would be judgmental which of course is far worse than the destruction of society.

A population boom paid for by your tax dollars that wont add a shred of productivity to the United states. 25% was a crisis? That's less than the current white out of wedlock birth rate.

73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online


I know it sounds crass, but this is why I no longer give a damn about minority violence. I hope they kill enough of each other to finally awaken a sense of moral outrage within themselves. Put them in prison, let the kill each other, it's all good.

I used to actually care about people who grow up in those kinds of households, but I can only care so much and I'm all out. Vermin simply need to be written off as statistics and you move on. The tax money that it takes to house and feed them is a whole other issue; insult to injury is what that is.
In the 1960's Patrick Moynahan discussed at length the crisis in the black community, when out of wedlock births were 25%. Moynahan was a Democrat. You talk about this stuff now and you are a hater.

Society will simply not survive those statistics for long. This is why government had always encouraged through tax breaks, the building of family units. Once the family is destroyed, the fabric of society unravels like an old sweater. But don't say that to anyone choosing to fuck for fun and have kids they don't take care of, because that would be judgmental which of course is far worse than the destruction of society.

A population boom paid for by your tax dollars that wont add a shred of productivity to the United states. 25% was a crisis? That's less than the current white out of wedlock birth rate.

73 per cent of black babies are born outside marriage
53 per cent of Latino babies are born outside marriage
29 per cent of white babies are born outside marriage

Most children in U.S. born out of wedlock | Mail Online


I know it sounds crass, but this is why I no longer give a damn about minority violence. I hope they kill enough of each other to finally awaken a sense of moral outrage within themselves. Put them in prison, let the kill each other, it's all good.

I used to actually care about people who grow up in those kinds of households, but I can only care so much and I'm all out. Vermin simply need to be written off as statistics and you move on. The tax money that it takes to house and feed them is a whole other issue; insult to injury is what that is.

You know what Reagan said; if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you had a child out of wedlock before liberal welfare policies, you were out on your ass with only your "partner" and your family. It was a great incentive to keep the aspirin between the knees while you're out "clubbin'." Now, if you get pregnant out of wedlock the American taxpayer becomes your "baby daddy." Of course, you have no incentive to find the father because it is likely that he pays less than Uncle Sam.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzspsovNvII]Chapter Jackson - It's Free Swipe Yo EBT (Explicit) - YouTube[/ame]
Because stats are lies,put together by racist whites.

I dunno, anyone willing to swing by a social services office can see it with their own eyes if they don't believe the stats. Indeed they can pick any day of the week; save weekends and holidays.
The easiest way to end up poor is having a child out of wedlock and among black Americans it's an epidemic.

I agree. So why is it an epidemic among black Americans? What is the cause of this epidemic? Those are the questions we aren't supposed to ask.
The easiest way to end up poor is having a child out of wedlock and among black Americans it's an epidemic.

I agree. So why is it an epidemic among black Americans? What is the cause of this epidemic? Those are the questions we aren't supposed to ask.
“I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lynden Johnson touting the underlying intentions for the Democrats' "Great Society" programs.

We're not allowed to speak truthfully - I mean, disparagingly - of the Democrats.
The easiest way to end up poor is having a child out of wedlock and among black Americans it's an epidemic.

I agree. So why is it an epidemic among black Americans? What is the cause of this epidemic? Those are the questions we aren't supposed to ask.
“I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lynden Johnson touting the underlying intentions for the Democrats' "Great Society" programs.

We're not allowed to speak truthfully - I mean, disparagingly - of the Democrats.

Of course, only racists criticize Democrats.
Why are Minorities Overrepresented in Welfare Statistics? How do you explain the numbers below?

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion
Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 % ............... (Whites = 70% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 % ............... (Blacks = 13% of the total U.S. population
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 % .......... (Hispanics = 16 % of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 % ................ (Asians = 5% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
No fair. You're giving us facts, that's racist.
Why are Minorities Overrepresented in Welfare Statistics? How do you explain the numbers below?

Total number of Americans on welfare 12,800,000
Total number of Americans on food stamps 46,700,000
Total number of Americans on unemployment insurance 5,600,000
Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
Total government spending on welfare annually (not including food stamps or unemployment) $131.9 billion
Welfare Demographics

Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 % ............... (Whites = 70% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 % ............... (Blacks = 13% of the total U.S. population
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 % .......... (Hispanics = 16 % of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 % ................ (Asians = 5% of the total U.S. population)
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics | Statistic Brain
No fair. You're giving us facts, that's racist.

Just like those racist tests with their racist math questions and their racist use of the English language which puts many minorities who have made their own version of the English language incompatible with the last 300 years of standardization. Of course, science and history is racist as well. Just point to the area of which African Americans are failing as opposed to others and racism is surly to blame. So what do we do? Tell them that their plight is all the fault of the white man, government is the answer to all of their problems, and ask for their votes (Liberals), or, tell them to ignore the race hustlers and avoid the welfare plantation culture that has been the predominant feature in holding blacks back ever since the end of Jim Crow (Conservatives)? Indeed, this is a losing battle. It is always easier to vote for the guy who blames your problems on someone else in the short run, however, it eats society alive in the long run. Note how policies that wish to reform welfare are now immediately labeled "racist" on MSNBC. In their mind it is the white folk who are selfishly holding on to their money. Evidently they don't want to share it with the black folk who make up the most welfare recipients. Must be racism. After all, how can black people advance without welfare? No, ....wait, ....that ideology is certainly racist. It implies that blacks need welfare to survive because they are too incompetent to make a living on their own merits. Who are the racists again?
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The easiest way to end up poor is having a child out of wedlock and among black Americans it's an epidemic.

I agree. So why is it an epidemic among black Americans? What is the cause of this epidemic? Those are the questions we aren't supposed to ask.
“I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lynden Johnson touting the underlying intentions for the Democrats' "Great Society" programs.

We're not allowed to speak truthfully - I mean, disparagingly - of the Democrats.

Johnson was right. That is what happens when you set people up to be enslaved in generational welfare...they have no shame or motivation to be removed from this entitlement system.
If though the negro was a true evolved human being, the negro would not accept these standards
Democrats have cleverly exploited hatred and laziness, thereby harvesting 13% of the vote. Shameful, but you have to give them credit for their results. Blacks will continue to support liberals (to their own detriment) as long as they feel they are getting a free ride at Whitey's expense. I would be embarrassed to be a black man in today's society (if you want to call them men).
Democrats have cleverly exploited hatred and laziness, thereby harvesting 13% of the vote. Shameful, but you have to give them credit for their results. Blacks will continue to support liberals (to their own detriment) as long as they feel they are getting a free ride at Whitey's expense. I would be embarrassed to be a black man in today's society (if you want to call them men).

If though the negro was a true evolved human being, the negro would not accept these standards

In the name of multiculturalism as presented by the left, African Americans have been told that western culture and ideals are evil, and thus, they are encouraged that they must reflect a counterculture that demonstrates their independence and "blackness" in a manner that opposes the evils of western civilization. They have achieved this task and welfare dependency, high incarceration rates, drug abuse, and a 73% rate of illegitimacy is the result. Outraged that that anyone would question their failed multicultural liberal ideology, the only factor for the left in this trend must be racism, and thus, anyone who says otherwise must themselves be racists. The reason blacks have realized a worse social situation since the end of Jim Crow is because they have been encouraged to reject the successful model of Western culture. No better examples of this can be displayed than the black power movement, Kwanzaa, black names, Ebonics, violent "gangsta" rap, unashamed welfare dependency, unashamed use of dope, wearing African colored stoles upon HS/College graduation, and the insistence that all their ills are due to racism with the cards stacked against them, among many others. The moment the majority of African Americans get over the past, adopt western culture to a larger degree, and shun those who display deviance and ignorance, is the moment they will truly be freed from the shackles of the Democrat plantation. In the mean time their dominance in pop culture has had the effect of dragging many whites with them. The cancer of leftist multicultural/cultural Marxist ideology will be the end of this country. They have succeeded in taking many perfectly capable human beings, assigning them a race/class/gender/status label, and turning them into dependents of the state, beholden to the state, and for the state, so as to "cure" the ills of the particular "group" they belong to. At no time does the culture of American individualism enter into the picture for the left, we're all groups now.
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I agree. So why is it an epidemic among black Americans? What is the cause of this epidemic? Those are the questions we aren't supposed to ask.
“I'll have those n*****s voting Democratic for the next 200 years." - Lynden Johnson touting the underlying intentions for the Democrats' "Great Society" programs.

We're not allowed to speak truthfully - I mean, disparagingly - of the Democrats.

Johnson was right. That is what happens when you set people up to be enslaved in generational welfare...they have no shame or motivation to be removed from this entitlement system.

I'm curious as to the veracity of that quote, but, it makes sense anyway.

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