Why are MadMax and Pelosi Handing Trump a Mid-term Landslide

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
They may be sleazy and even drugged out but they are good enough politicians to know the results of their actions and speeches so their actions are part of a political strategy but what is it?
Maybe they really secretly want to see America Great Again. It doesn't really matter. We should just thank them and not try and think about it too much.
The GOP definitely should be sending the Regressive Left Thank You cards by the truckload for what they have done the the Democratic Party, but I wouldn't be doing a happy dance just yet. This will be the most energetic mid term election we've ever seen, and the Dems will be getting out the vote.

We'll see soon enough.
This is the face of the Democratic party:

No beauty contest though.
When Trump won the election, he shattered the Democrat party.

And now the party is leaderless and without hope.

The only unifying item for the Democrats is, "hate Trump".

It's all they've got...... :cool:
I swear, the Democratic party is clueless on how to win elections! They have been lousy at it for decades with an exceptional candidate here and there that saves their butts.

they may win, by sheer luck of the masses getting out to vote, and/or the opponent candidate is just too intolerable, to have them win...

but it is never because they have a unified party or message or a good solid game plan to win.....

They have no idea on how to market, a good message, for the masses for winning. They are splintered.... too many emotional issues are upfront, instead of some solid plan to move us forward as a Nation....(and NO! trump's way is NOT making America great again) :D

I have my doubts on the November election, even though the Dems should win by a land side...mainly because the R congress critters are just simply horrible....but the Dems will manage to work at screwing it up, guaranteed!!!!
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I swear, the Democratic party is clueless on how to win elections! They have been lousy at it for decades with an exceptional candidate here and there that saves their butts.

they may win, by sheer luck of the masses getting out to vote, and/or the opponent candidate is just too intolerable, to have them win...

but it is never because they have a unified party or message or a good solid game plan to win.....

They have no idea on how to market, a good message, for the masses for winning. They are splintered.... too many emotional issues are upfront, instead of some solid plan to move us forward as a Nation....(and NO! trump's way is NOT making America great again) :D

I have my doubts on the November election, even though the Dems should win by a land side...mainly because the R congress critters are just simply horrible....but the Dems will manage to work at screwing it up, guaranteed!!!!
/---/ And those Dem wins were in part because of the horrible, unwilling or unable Republican opponents. In 92 GHWB had the race to lose. He could have won a second term but basically phoned in his candidacy. In 1996 Bob Dole was a war hero and competent legislator but was too old and infirmed to run against the young and zestful Slick Willie. Dole had no business being in the race.
This is the face of the Democratic party:

No beauty contest though.

That's it ... I just felt the last traces of my heterosexuality leave my body. I will never find women attractive again.
The Republicans have enough campaign material to bury the Democrats. Whether or not they will make use of it is the question of every election cycle.
The Democrat formula for winning presidential elections is to run a younger candidate. Kennedy, Slick Willie, and Obozo, garnered a lot of votes and won due to their youthful appearance and energy, with a dash of charisma thrown in. (Hillary was a political experiment that failed)

Whereas, the Republicans like their candidates to be grandfatherly geriatric, with grey in their hair; giving them a veneer of avuncular wisdom and kindliness. (although Trump is an anomaly) ... :cool:
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They may be sleazy and even drugged out but they are good enough politicians to know the results of their actions and speeches so their actions are part of a political strategy but what is it?

Well the reason why is they see that it is not the time to try to win...

Now does that come off insane?

Maybe, but during Bush eight years they knew George ego would cost the GOP but they are not sure if Trump ego will do the same damn thing.

As bad as Trump tabloid way of doing things has annoyed the hell out of me it still is leaps and bounds better than Bush putting us in Iraq!

Also what will the left run on?

Getting rid of ICE or making it weaker?

Open Borders?

At this moment they can not run on the failing economy, but maybe they can run on the possible trade war and Trump wanting to pull us out of stuff like Germany and other stuff...

Also for the Democrats to win they realize in purple to red meat states they will have to run a more Conservative candidate and you damn well know blue dogs were purged in 2010 because Democrats felt they need more of Sanders and less of Bill Clinton types.

So why are they trying to lose?

Simple, they see no way of winning in deep red states like Texas and purple states like Wisconsin are not guarantee to flip blue, so sit another two years and hope Mueller find something or Trump ego crashes the economy but knowing Trump, well he is a Casino owner so he plays the odds in his favor and knows how to win...
That's it ... I just felt the last traces of my heterosexuality leave my body. I will never find women attractive again.

That's not a woman.

That's an elderly wookie that has lost all it's fur.

You can resume chasing skirts.

They may be sleazy and even drugged out but they are good enough politicians to know the results of their actions and speeches so their actions are part of a political strategy but what is it?

What Trump supporters need realize is---------> The Left believes if it can activate it far Leftist base to vote in the midterms, they will win!

Why? Because midterms are not sexy, voting participation falls off dramatically from Presidential years. All you need do is look at the numbers to understand this fact.

While it is counter intuitive to believe this-------->your single vote is worth faaaaaaaaar more in the midterms, then it is in national elections.

Why is that?

Because far less people vote, AND your vote is cast only for what happens more locally...…..meaning that------>the whole country can vote against your ideas, and yet your area can still "have it your way!"

And so...….this is what the Left is banking on---------->activate their far Leftist base that hate Trump, and that will be enough votes to carry them back into power, at least in the House. Not to be a Debbiedowner, but that is a very sound strategy under most circumstances for mid terms. If you do not believe me, just look what happened when the tea party voted!

So finally, let me explain WHY the Left is coming out in the open-------------> because they know from current trends, they can't get the average persons vote. Most people will NOT vote for them, and if they don't like Trump, will just stay home. All the polls show their ideas are very unpopular, so what do you do with that knowledge?

Well, incite every crackpot you can to vote, and knowing the numbers are going to be much smaller in votes cast, hope like hell Trump supporters fall asleep at the wheel and stay home.

And oh by the way...…….why do you think Kennedy retiring just threw a big wrench in the Leftists works? Because, all the people who supported Trump for just the open Supreme Court pick, just got re-activated again to vote this mid-term, since the choice of Gorsich was exactly the type of person they wanted, and now they want Bork 2.0-)
So why are they trying to lose?

They're not trying to lose. They see everything slipping away and are trying to work their ground game into a frenzy to try to force-salvage anything they can.

Considering the language they're employing, they will play the 60's activist games and increasingly hit the streets. They have little else.

I believe they are one or two steps shy of starting a real dust-up.
You got a president locking up babies and you think that's a winning formula. 3 year olds standing in court in immigration hearings and you are talking about a republican landslide?


Maxine Watters is 79 years old. Harping on her looks is stupid.
They may be sleazy and even drugged out but they are good enough politicians to know the results of their actions and speeches so their actions are part of a political strategy but what is it?

Democrats are probably going to win in a landslide in 2018. Maybe we should pin your stupid thread up to show how stupid you are on November 7.

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