Why are liberals so easily offended at EVERYTHING?

So thin skinned. They remind me of Obama, Hillary & Trump all rolled into one with their constant state of outrage over everything under the sun.
I mean seriously, I just learned that calling someone a Mexican is considered offensive! Even if they're of Mexican heritage!
No outrage for the poor WHITE Canadians however.....

That's progressives. Liberals are not into censorship. Progressives are offended by everything because they don't want anybody to actually talk about things because then they learn and figure out that the progs are scum.
remember so well how Republicans laughed and smiled when veteran neglect at Walter Reed became a national disgrace. No outrage, no one offended.
I remember so well how Republicans laughed and smiled when they found that Bush had been briefed about a potential terror attack in advance of 9/11. No outrage, no one offended.
I remember so well how Republicans laughed and smiled when Bush said we didn't have to catch Osama Bin Laden. No outrage no one offended.

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