Why Are Gun Shows So Crowded?


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
I've been to many gun shows over the years with my husband....they've ALWAYS been crowded! I really didn't like going because there were so many people it was hard to walk around and see anything. I think it's been a couple years since i'd gone to one, so maybe they are worse now. Obama's been a great salesman, so it's possible!
It's called male bonding. We go to two a year, now it is just me and my grandsons since my son-in-law passed three years ago. Look and handle all the cool new items, good food like Polish sausage smothered in onions and peppers with a coke, hotdogs with kraut, funnel cake, all that good tasting artery clogging food that you are not suppose to eat. Good times.

A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

The more the news outlets report sensationalizm rather than news, report constant violence americans are going to be more inclined to buy guns. There are those that have handled guns all their lives, they are NOT the problem. The problem is people that never had a gun in their hand running out and buying them believing it will make them safe.
Americans are being indoctrinated that if you dont own a gun your not an american.
Im a gun owner and ive owned guns and handled guns since I was a teenager. I had to qualify with guns every 6 months for the 25 yrs I was in law enforcement. Im all for gun ownership and Im against bans. Im also against every idiot running around with an assault rifle that never fired it and doesnt even know how to load it or break it down to clean it and doesnt even try to learn how.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Universal Background Checks and theres nothing wrong as far as im concerned with a waiting period as a cooloff.
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

Most shows have always been crowded, you can get some great deals at them.
Most people are seeing that they need guns to defend themselves with.
With Police being cut back and more disasters in weather.
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

It probably means the sleeping giant is annoyed about Congress' pols impinging on the Bill of Rights so egregiously and flippantly as they'd change masks every time they change their target audience.
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
They're not psychos, they're concerned that something's wrong when Congress goes after Amendment 2 to decimate American civil liberties of self-defense against an aggressive, armed criminal community that has no compunctions about breaking into other people's homes and killing for stolen goods if they have to with a little rape thrown in for the more egregious of the idiots in the armed robbery and cat burglar in the hot houses category. (a hot house is thief slang for a home with occupants known to be inside when burgling is initiated)
Americans are being indoctrinated that if you dont own a gun your not an american.

Whoa......I wonder if you may be right! I hadn't thought of that.

In my readings of the past, in Colonial times, gun ownership was not only expected, it was considered a responsibiity of manhood. This was reinforced as I was growing up, particularly in western states my family has lived in. My dad owned a gun, but I only saw it a couple of times, when he was getting ready to go deer hunting with my uncles, and once when I happened to go out in the garage, and he was cleaning his gun. He had medals from Korea for his ace marksmanship, but I wouldn't have known it if I hadn't gone through the "what is this, mommie?" and "why" phases. :)
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
They're not psychos, they're concerned that something's wrong when Congress goes after Amendment 2 to decimate American civil liberties of self-defense against an aggressive, armed criminal community that has no compunctions about breaking into other people's homes and killing for stolen goods if they have to with a little rape thrown in for the more egregious of the idiots in the armed robbery and cat burglar in the hot houses category. (a hot house is thief slang for a home with occupants known to be inside when burgling is initiated)

Ok, that's your opinion. Mine differs slightly.
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?
It is impossible for anyone that has paid attention to the news for the last 7 weeks to honestly ask this question.
A relative of mine has gone to two gun shows recently and both were so crowded that people were lined up 15 and 20 people outside the door, couldn't even get inside! And once inside, after waiting for doors to open again after enough left so the building wasn't over capacity, they had to inch around in a claustrophobic space with people standing shoulder to shoulder, hardly able to move. In both cases he went with men who bought guns there.

Why the huge, panicked demand? I can remember when a householder might have a revolver in his sock drawer, or a 22 by the back door, but people didn't have the huge gun collections they have now, and there weren't these crowds in gun shows so thick nobody can walk around.

Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?

Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
Very unwittingly, you have quite aptly demosntrated why more people have been buying more guns.
Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
Very unwittingly, you have quite aptly demosntrated why more people have been buying more guns.

You are agreeing that the huge crowds at gun shows -- and this is really happening, there has been media coverage of it, too -- is psychos wanting to get guns before they have to "show they are stable," I suppose you are meaning before better checks start up?

That's a very pessimistic point of view, I would think --- surely there can't be THAT many people who have official crazyperson records?

Lordie, I hope that's not why, that every psycho in the country is crowding in to buy guns as fast as they can so they can all go on shooting sprees. Naaaaaah, something else has to be going on. I hope.
Why the big crowds, huge collections, and what does it mean for gun control legislation passing?
It is impossible for anyone that has paid attention to the news for the last 7 weeks to honestly ask this question.

Nonsense. I have been wondering for weeks what these big crowds mean for passing gun control legislation: it isn't clear, I don't think, how the public is sorting out on this issue. You may or may not be able to answer this question, but I can and have honestly asked this question. I suggest you not get those two points confused: Your being able to answer and my being able to ask.

If you can't answer except to say briefly that I shouldn't ask, don't worry about it: perhaps someone else can, at greater length than one line.
Lots of psychos wanting to get their guns before they're required to show that they are stable?
Very unwittingly, you have quite aptly demosntrated why more people have been buying more guns.
You are agreeing that the huge crowds at gun shows -- and this is really happening, there has been media coverage of it, too -- is psychos wanting to get guns before they have to "show they are stable,"
It is in anticipation of people like the person I responded to, and you, who offer nothing but mindless, ignorant and bigoted opinions on the issue, actually getting your way and enacting meaningless, needless, ineffective and unconstitutional restructions on the right to arms.

This is the answer to your question, BTW.
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Very unwittingly, you have quite aptly demosntrated why more people have been buying more guns.
You are agreeing that the huge crowds at gun shows -- and this is really happening, there has been media coverage of it, too -- is psychos wanting to get guns before they have to "show they are stable,"
It is in anticipation of people like the person I responded to, and you, who offer nothing but mindless, ignorant and bigoted opinions on the issue, actually getting your way and enacting meaningless, needless, ineffective and unconstitutional restructions on the right to arms.

Why don't you argue your points on the Politics forum instead of here? Your post is unsuitable to this forum. I gather you can fight freely on the main board. This is more a forum for discussion than for verbal abuse.
Why Are Gun Shows So Crowded?

Be very afraid.
Real Men are scared shitless without a gun!

I suppose so.

I personally think it has a lot to do with the aging of America. There are a lot of older men now who know they can not move around or fight too well anymore and they feel vulnerable, perhaps --- they want an Equalizer, which was an early nickname for the revolver.

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