Why are colleges and universities allowed to investigate rape on campus instead of police?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I've wondered about this for some time. Rape is a criminal offense. Why are colleges holding hearings under Obama's Title IX mandate?

There's no due process for the accused. Why has this been allowed? Check this out.

"Hays is also concerned with the lack of due process in these hearings. Rape needs to be prosecuted, Hayes emphasized, but the Title IX mandate doesn’t allow the accused to keep their due process rights.

“People who are accused of crimes should have their due process.

They should be able to defend themselves. That is a cornerstone of Western jurisprudence, that you can mount a defense of yourself,” Hayes told TheDCNF.
“The guidelines put out by the Obama administration really make it difficult, if not impossible, for the accused to defend himself.

He can’t confront the person who has made the accusations. He’s very limited in what he can do to defend himself.”

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