Why are Blacks hypersenstive about reperations?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I mean none of them have been slaves EVER. No one living today was a Slave, no one living today , as far as I know, even had a parent that was a slave.

Why is that 600,000 dead Amreicans is not payment enough for them? And if they get reperations when do Indians, Irish and other groups get their reperations?

Why is it Blacks expect people that were never slave owners to pay them because some of their ancestors were slaves?
I mean none of them have been slaves EVER. No one living today was a Slave, no one living today , as far as I know, even had a parent that was a slave.

Why is that 600,000 dead Amreicans is not payment enough for them? And if they get reperations when do Indians, Irish and other groups get their reperations?

Why is it Blacks expect people that were never slave owners to pay them because some of their ancestors were slaves?

It's called being brainwashed from birth by those pandering for votes to believe they are entitled to something they don't have to work for and someone else long dead paid the price for.

On the other side of the coin, the apologistas are just try to purchase absolution from some scewed sense of responsibility for something they had no part in because someone has convinced them it's their fault.
Why is it that people think that they can make overtly racists statements in rhetorical questions and not be thought racist?
I want reparation from the coastal raiders who raped, pillaged and plundered along the coasts of Ireland, England and Scotland when my ancestors were living there.

Then I want reparation from all the white people who persecuted my Indian ancestors.

Then I want reparation from every single person who ever brought pressure to bear to close down the logging industry, forcing my relatives to move and/or into penury.

I want reparation from the US Forest Service for under-bidding on property owned by my grandparents after assuring the property was worthless as private property by placing sactions on it.

I should be getting a mint.
Nice trying to copy me, gay sergeant. You are missing about 100 IQ points to pull it off, however.
Why is it that people think that they can make overtly racists statements in rhetorical questions and not be thought racist?

It is a racial issue, but not necessarily a racist one. I'm against reparations for blacks. Just as I am against reparations for Christians from the current Italian government for Rome feeding them to lions and enslaving them. Just as I am against reparations for the Highland Clearances, which WOULD affect my family.

None of the people who owned slaves are alive. There are no living former slaves. Show me them and I will agree the former owes the latter something.

It's nothing but one side playing on the guilt of the other, and the latter believing they can buy abslution and a clear conscience from feeling guilty about something they weren't even responsible for. In other words, it's stupid.
It is a racial issue, but not necessarily a racist one. I'm against reparations for blacks. Just as I am against reparations for Christians from the current Italian government for Rome feeding them to lions and enslaving them. Just as I am against reparations for the Highland Clearances, which WOULD affect my family.

None of the people who owned slaves are alive. There are no living former slaves. Show me them and I will agree the former owes the latter something.

It's nothing but one side playing on the guilt of the other, and the latter believing they can buy abslution and a clear conscience from feeling guilty about something they weren't even responsible for. In other words, it's stupid.

But whites have their high social status and positions of power in this country because of things that happenned in the past and are enjoying white privilege so damn much that when one black gets admitted to a school or job based on affirmative action the whites get hysterical as if someone stole something from them. If blacks can't have reparations whites shouldn't have any positions of power based on the past, make it even Steven both ways. The "we got ours, but damned if we give you yours" mentality has got to go. If the government will not reparations, then why not exmept every black American from taxation for 400 years, the amount of timr blacks were enslaved?
But whites have their high social status and positions of power in this country because of things that happenned in the past and are enjoying white privilege so damn much that when one black gets admitted to a school or job based on affirmative action the whites get hysterical as if someone stole something from them. If blacks can't have reparations whites shouldn't have any positions of power based on the past, make it even Steven both ways. The "we got ours, but damned if we give you yours" mentality has got to go. If the government will not reparations, then why not exmept every black American from taxation for 400 years, the amount of timr blacks were enslaved?

Sure thing, you just want a free ride and you are not going to get it.
I mean none of them have been slaves EVER. No one living today was a Slave, no one living today , as far as I know, even had a parent that was a slave.

Why is that 600,000 dead Amreicans is not payment enough for them? And if they get reperations when do Indians, Irish and other groups get their reperations?

Why is it Blacks expect people that were never slave owners to pay them because some of their ancestors were slaves?

Maybe because on the surface it seems like a good reason to say GIVE ME. Typical liberalism, right?

And Native Americans get a decent amount of "reparation" for their troubles, I guess. Tax-free living, their own nation within our nation, etc. It's probably not horrible being Native American living in this country.

My take on reparations is this. You can either live here and shut the fuck up and be productive, or you could always go live in the mother land. I hear it's prospering these days over there :rolleyes:
But whites have their high social status and positions of power in this country because of things that happenned in the past and are enjoying white privilege so damn much that when one black gets admitted to a school or job based on affirmative action the whites get hysterical as if someone stole something from them. If blacks can't have reparations whites shouldn't have any positions of power based on the past, make it even Steven both ways. The "we got ours, but damned if we give you yours" mentality has got to go. If the government will not reparations, then why not exmept every black American from taxation for 400 years, the amount of timr blacks were enslaved?

Your argument is ridiculous. What has to go is the "you owe me" mentality for something that never happened to you and attempting to tie that to any status of whites is absurd. The continent was settled by white Europeans so slaves or no, they would have their status.

Your last statement goes back to my previous post. You don't deserve to be exempt. Not anymore than I deserve some primo real estate in the Scots Highlands.

And your affirmative action argument is bullshit. I've seen lesser quslifed officers promoted simply because of the color of their skin and not because of their qualifications. THAT is bullshit. Maybe YOU don't care that I have the best QUALIFIED officer taking me where people are trying to kill me, but I most certainly the fuck DO and I don't give a damn if they're black, Jewish, green or female just so long as they know what the fuck they are doing. Instead, I've had to work for incompetents because they got a step up with a racial quota. THAT is crap.

You want reparations? Take your ass over to Africa and find the tribe that sold your ancestor to some slaver and get the shit from THEM. If not for them, nothing that followed would have been possible.

But don't be pissin' down MY back and tell me it's raining.
I would think they'd just be thankful that they WERE brought over here, and weren't left in Africa to live a disease and hunger plagued life.

They were brought to the greatest nation of Earth, and they aren't satisfied. Slavery was wrong obviously, but that was a price their ancestors paid for today's black population to have an opportunity to live a prosperous life.
I would think they'd just be thankful that they WERE brought over here, and weren't left in Africa to live a disease and hunger plagued life.

They were brought to the greatest nation of Earth, and they aren't satisfied. Slavery was wrong obviously, but that was a price their ancestors paid for today's black population to have an opportunity to live a prosperous life.

Wow, that's pretty cool, Pauli. I'm gonna come to wherever you live and drag you off to live in my garage and force you to do my yard work and let the neighbors rape you and your family. But the benefits are that you'll be living in the greatest country in the world and I'll give you seeds to grow your own crops and if you get sick I'll take you to the emergency room and pet you on the head and say "good ******."

Libertarians rock.
Wow, that's pretty cool, Pauli. I'm gonna come to wherever you live and drag you off to live in my garage and force you to do my yard work and let the neighbors rape you and your family. But the benefits are that you'll be living in the greatest country in the world and I'll give you seeds to grow your own crops and if you get sick I'll take you to the emergency room and pet you on the head and say "good ******."

Libertarians rock.

Hey STUPID, slavery ended 143 years ago. Which is the point. But then you have never been very quick at catching the obvious.
Perhaps you could ask the Bass that question?

I did more than ASK Bass that question.

I answered his bullshit question by pointing out that the reason SOME Jews are paranoid is because people post rhetorical questions which are really nothing more that not well disguised racist statements of disinformation.

Apparently nobody read my response or if they did, they clearly didn't understood what my response meant.

Your racist statement is more unclever (and no less racist) than Bass's was.

It suggests that you believe that Blacks are hypersensitive about reparations.

And what's worse, the question really doesn't make sense anyway.

How can one be hypersensitive about an issue like that?

One can have a strong position one way or the other, of course, but what does having a strong position have to do with hypersenstivity?
I did more than ASK Bass that question.

I answered his bullshit question by pointing out that the reason SOME Jews are paranoid is because people post rhetorical questions which are really nothing more that not well disguised racist statements of disinformation.

Apparently nobody read my response or if they did, they clearly didn't understood what my response meant.

Your racist statement is more unclever (and no less racist) than Bass's was.

It suggests that you believe that Blacks are hypersensitive about reparations.

And what's worse, the question really doesn't make sense anyway.

How can one be hypersensitive about an issue like that?

One can have a strong position one way or the other, of course, but what does having a strong position have to do with hypersenstivity?

Stay awhile longer, you will learn why I post things. And it is not cause I am a racist. Well actually based on the sweeping generalities you make, I doubt you can learn much.

One makes their points where they can. If the unintelligent or unenlightened do not grasp the point, to bad.
Stay awhile longer, you will learn why I post things. And it is not cause I am a racist. Well actually based on the sweeping generalities you make, I doubt you can learn much.

One makes their points where they can. If the unintelligent or unenlightened do not grasp the point, to bad.

I quite agree with that emboldened statement.

You rhetorical question IS racist, though.

If you meant it ironically, and I missed that subtlety because I do not know you well enough, yet, then accept my apology for not understanding your point.

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