Why anti-Obama Arizona gov wants focus on her and not the "job" she's doing.



Tea Party legislators and Gov. Jan Brewer have:

Sold state capitol buildings to big Wall Street banks. Taxpayers will have to spend $1.6 billion to lease and buy those buildings back with interest from those Wall Street banks.

Voted to give millions in tax cuts to big, out-of-state corporations similar to BP, while providing next to no help for small, local businesses.

Voted to cut more than $1.5 billion from our kids’ schools and 10,000 school employees’ jobs were lost, overcrowding classrooms, closing schools and endangering our kids’ future.

Voted to raise income taxes on middle-class Arizona families while cutting taxes for those earning more than $100,000 a year.

Focused on divisive and failed immigration legislation instead of on jobs and the economy.

“It’s time to propose holding companies that receive tax credits accountable for creating jobs they promised,” Campbell said. “It’s also time to reform our unfair tax code. We need to stop picking winners and losers and make it fair for everyone — hard working individuals, families, and small businesses deserve a tax code that gives them the opportunity to achieve the American dream.”

Schapira said if Arizona is going to move forward after the Tea Party and Brewer went to war on our schools, we have to stand our ground at any further cuts to our kids’ classrooms.

Arizona Democrats slam Gov Jan Brewer on cuts-Navajo Post

Start going down the list. Find out if it's true or not. Turns out. It's all true.

» Wisconsin Ranks Third Among States for Higher Education Budget Cuts PROFS

Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for cuts to public higher education. Only two states had larger cuts — Arizona and New Hampshire.

Arizona lawmakers pass budget plan with deep cuts

"In this country, we used to have a war on poverty," said Tim Schmaltz, coordinator of the Protecting Arizona's Family Coalition. "This budget looks like a war on people who are poor and middle-class. So we've gone from a war on poverty to a war on people."

Arizona unemployment rate remains at 8.7 percent - KTAR.com

Losses in public education accounted for most of the 7,000 jobs lost in government, the sector with the biggest loss. Construction lost 2,100 jobs.

Professional and Business Services was the sector with the biggest gain, an increase of 4,000 jobs.

Why Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is Bluffing on State Immigration Laws » Immigration Impact

And just because an unauthorized immigrant leaves a job doesn’t mean there’s an unemployed U.S. citizen standing in line to fill it. Governor Brewer is attempting to sell the same false “jobs creation story” that many supporters have used to justify passing strict immigration laws.
Thus far, Alabama farmers have been unsuccessful in attempts to recruit American workers

and finally:

Jan Brewer’s Arizona Death Panel – 2 Down, 97 To Go

It was really hard finding out what is going on in Arizona. The Internet was choked with "Brewer waves finger at Obama". What made me go look was watching one of her supporters on TV go on and on about the wonderful job she's doing and how "loved" she is in the state. I couldn't find evidence of either one.

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