Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
The fuss is about having/pressuring/forcing the 99.5% accommodate the delusions of the 0.5%.
What are you having to do in order to accommodate transgendered individuals?
What they call themselves doesn’t impact me in any way whatsoever. Live and let live.
Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Repubs see it as a culture war issue they can use to get their bigoted base out to vote against. Just like marriage equality and gay rights before it. They offer nothing in terms of positive policy positions to move the country forward so they must try to divide us.

Core American values, principles and what is normal was established in this nation for this society long ago. This shit isn’t normal and it should never be considered normal. A family unit consists of one man and one woman...and possibly children.
This is nothing new, the Left has been trying to rewrite the unwritten rules for this society for decades...it’s why good, real core Americans long for the day when Leftists are contained to Auschwitz type concentration camps. (I'll volunteer to be the gasser)

“We swear, just think faggots are cool and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just get God out of schools and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give 3.5 million wetbacks Amnesty and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just let us regulate your guns a little and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just believe chicks with dicks are normal and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just give Mexico free healthcare and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

“We swear, just allow us to monetarily penalize our most productive citizens just a little more and we’ll never push anything on you good, real, core Americans again.”

The good news for you is; nutless conservatives will continue to allow you to shove whatever you want up their pussified asses...You just have to be patient, let them pretend to resist for a short period...they always fall into full submission....trust me, they do.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US

It is perfect for virtue signalers to crowd around and pat each other on the back for being so accepting and awesome.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in peace. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
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Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
Why all the fuss about transgenders?

Repubs see it as a culture war issue they can use to get their bigoted base out to vote against. Just like marriage equality and gay rights before it. They offer nothing in terms of positive policy positions to move the country forward so they must try to divide us.

Next up? Filthy pedophiles, bank it
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you people who are the science deniers.
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Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Because the repugs gotta give ya something to fear and hate.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Because when my girls are forced to play trans girls in physical sports, one is too many.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
Because the repugs gotta give ya something to fear and hate.
You need to identify as a man and re-post. 51...going on 11.

Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Democrats pass a law.
Republicans respond to law.

Why are republicans making this an issue?

Ya, that does not fly. Republicans are not 'making this an issue' as democrats are with initially passing legislation. That the other party responds should be expected.
Transgenders make up about one half of 1% of the American population, yet Liberals, Conservatives, church and media groups argue and fight over this as if it's a life or death issue - It's not! Maybe it's time to start focusing on repairing our infrastructure, paying down our national debt, beating this virus, and educating our kids. :45:

Transgender population in the US
I will tell you another thing. If LGBT issues are a distraction it is because the bigots make it a distraction.....but trying to limit their rights and protections. All that they want to live in people. If they sem militanr at times it's because they are being fucked with. Just pass the damned Equality Act and move on. We can certainly deal with all of the other issues while fostering equality. People just need to get the fuck over their hysteria about trans people
Why do science deniers need equality?
It's you jerks who are the science deniers.

If you have a twig and berries, you are a male.

You may be confused about it. You may wish you were a female. You may think you are a female.

But science says you are a male.
Thank you for proving my point. You have confirmed that you have a dumbed down understanding of gender and sexuality and have neither the will or ability to learn anything. I would try to school you but I am not certified in special ed

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