Why all the crickets??????

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
When Bush was President, seemed like everyday you heard some ration of crap about how bad a President he was - especially for the Middle East wars. Now, you hardly ever hear anything about the wars at all. Has all the loud mouths gotten to hoarse to yell and scream? Could it be that if you are a Democratic President war is acceptable? Why all of the crickets? All I hear is crickets...
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When Bush was President, seemed like everyday you heard some ration of crap about how bad a President he was - especially for the Middle East wars. Now, you hardly ever hear anything about the wars at all. Has all the loud mouths gotten to hoarse to yell and scream? Could it be that if you are a Democratic President war is acceptable? Why all of the crickets? All I hear is crickets...

I agree.When Bush was President if the price at the pump went up a penny the liberal media made sure the world knew about it.If unemployment went up .01 percentage point the media screamed about it.When some got jobs at McDonald's Nancy Pelosi's voice could be heard far and wide that these were not real jobs.Now McDonald's hires 62,000 and the unemployment numbers rise and Pelosi is preaching that the jobs market is improving dramatically.I thought burger flippers were the dregs of society.

You have to be an idiot if you don't see that this President is being given special treatment.And they brag about the fact that he will be unstoppable in the next election.Duh the media raises him higher on the pedestal every day.:confused:
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When Bush was President, seemed like everyday you heard some ration of crap about how bad a President he was - especially for the Middle East wars. Now, you hardly ever hear anything about the wars at all. Has all the loud mouths gotten to hoarse to yell and scream? Could it be that if you are a Democratic President war is acceptable? Why all of the crickets? All I hear is crickets...

You really have to ask?

It is the Blatantly Biased, Liberal Democrat Supporting Press of course.

If McCain had won, and every day since had done Exactly what Obama had done. He would have been under attack the whole time from the entire Left wing Media Machine. Only Fox would be sticking up for the President.

The Big story this week would be Demanding Photo graphic Evidence of Osama's Demise. The Liberal Media would be beating home the point that we should question government and not just take their word for it. This Board will be filled with Posts, By the very same Liberal Hippocrates now saying take their word for it, Demanding proof, and engaging in all kinds of Conspiracy Speculation.

That is one of the things I have enjoyed about this Disastrous President. The Fact that so often in Supporting him, our Lefty pals in here have had to be exposed as the Disingenuous Hippocritical Assholes they are.
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Are you all blind? This board is rife with people complaining about gas prices and heaping the blame on Obama. It's been rife with complaints about his handling of the wars. It's been rife with complaints about the Libya affair. But if this board has been less active recently, it's because the partisan hacks have temporarily run out of ammo, in the wake of the new birth certificate being released, and bin Laden's death. It's hard to spout out partisan sound bytes when your BS is so thoroughly debunked.
Are you all blind? This board is rife with people complaining about gas prices and heaping the blame on Obama. It's been rife with complaints about his handling of the wars. It's been rife with complaints about the Libya affair. But if this board has been less active recently, it's because the partisan hacks have temporarily run out of ammo, in the wake of the new birth certificate being released, and bin Laden's death. It's hard to spout out partisan sound bytes when your BS is so thoroughly debunked.

Yet you did it with no problems.
When Bush was President, seemed like everyday you heard some ration of crap about how bad a President he was - especially for the Middle East wars. Now, you hardly ever hear anything about the wars at all. Has all the loud mouths gotten to hoarse to yell and scream? Could it be that if you are a Democratic President war is acceptable? Why all of the crickets? All I hear is crickets...

I agree.When Bush was President if the price at the pump went up a penny the liberal media made sure the world knew about it.If unemployment went up .01 percentage point the media screamed about it.When some got jobs at McDonald's Nancy Pelosi's voice could be heard far and wide that these were not real jobs.Now McDonald's hires 62,000 and the unemployment numbers rise and Pelosi is preaching that the jobs market is improving dramatically.I thought burger flippers were the dregs of society.

You have to be an idiot if you don't see that this President is being given special treatment.And they brag about the fact that he will be unstoppable in the next election.Duh the media raises him higher on the pedestal every day.:confused:

I seem to recall one prior admin. being accused of creating 'mcjobs'...and another of a 'jobless recovery'.*shrugs*...look we all know why it is what it is.

When 80% of a newsroom or network is of one particular political stripe, this is what we get, IF those newsrooms were of the other stripe, we'd be getting that angle....like whats put out at that "cable" channel...;)
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Are you all blind? This board is rife with people complaining about gas prices and heaping the blame on Obama. It's been rife with complaints about his handling of the wars. It's been rife with complaints about the Libya affair. But if this board has been less active recently, it's because the partisan hacks have temporarily run out of ammo, in the wake of the new birth certificate being released, and bin Laden's death. It's hard to spout out partisan sound bytes when your BS is so thoroughly debunked.

You missed the point.

I agree.When Bush was President if the price at the pump went up a penny the liberal media made sure the world knew about it.If unemployment went up .01 percentage point the media screamed about it. When some got jobs at McDonald's Nancy Pelosi's voice could be heard far and wide that these were not real jobs. Now McDonald's hires 62,000 and the unemployment numbers rise and Pelosi is preaching that the jobs market is improving dramatically.I thought burger flippers were the dregs of society.

You have to be an idiot if you don't see that this President is being given special treatment.And they brag about the fact that he will be unstoppable in the next election.Duh the media raises him higher on the pedestal every day.:confused:

"In here" doesn't mean jack shit; "out there" does and that's where it's silent.
When Bush was President, seemed like everyday you heard some ration of crap about how bad a President he was - especially for the Middle East wars. Now, you hardly ever hear anything about the wars at all. Has all the loud mouths gotten to hoarse to yell and scream? Could it be that if you are a Democratic President war is acceptable? Why all of the crickets? All I hear is crickets...

Doggy...do I read between the lines that you are suggesting (heaven forfend) some sort of media intention to shield Lefties???

You mean like this:

"When the DrudgeReport broke the Lewinsky story the Democrat-Media Complex tried its best to smother the story. Consider this interaction on ABC’s “This Week:”

“Later that morning, William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, appeared on ABC's ``This Week" and gave the story another push. ``The story in Washington this morning is that Newsweek magazine was going to go with a big story based on tape-recorded conversations, which a woman who was a summer intern at the White House, an intern of [former White House Chief of Staff] Leon Panetta's...." That's all Kristol got out before ABC commentator and longtime Clinton adviser George Stephanopoulos interrupted, questioning the credibility of the Drudge Report. ``No, no, no," Kristol replied. ``They had screaming arguments in Newsweek magazine yesterday. They finally didn't go with the story. It's going to be a question of whether the media is now going to report what are pretty well-validated charges of presidential behavior in the White House."

Host Sam Donaldson interjected that he didn't think the talking heads should disseminate the Drudge Report bombshell without knowing why Newsweek had decided to ``kill" its story. “
A Scandal Unfolds *|*American Journalism Review
You know, if the Drudge Report came out with a story about Bush's gay lover having a secretly video taped confession that Bush lied about Iraqi WMD, I have no doubt that the right would just as quickly cast the exact same criticism about the source's validity. Why do you call it "bias" for them to do exactly as you would do?
Are you all blind? This board is rife with people complaining about gas prices and heaping the blame on Obama. It's been rife with complaints about his handling of the wars. It's been rife with complaints about the Libya affair. But if this board has been less active recently, it's because the partisan hacks have temporarily run out of ammo, in the wake of the new birth certificate being released, and bin Laden's death. It's hard to spout out partisan sound bytes when your BS is so thoroughly debunked.

Yet you did it with no problems.


Bush is off the hook because he helped Afirca with AIDS support...
You know, if the Drudge Report came out with a story about Bush's gay lover having a secretly video taped confession that Bush lied about Iraqi WMD, I have no doubt that the right would just as quickly cast the exact same criticism about the source's validity. Why do you call it "bias" for them to do exactly as you would do?

Wait...Monkey Boy, are you hinting that there is no media bias? That the Fourth Estate performs it's function with equanimity?

And if that is the case, you'd be right up there in the discriminaton-derby with Mrs. Billy Tipton, who, upon learning that her 'husband' was actually a female, exclaimed 'why, I never noticed!'
Another conservative victocrat thread. As a new member, I am shocked by the whining of the conservatives on this board. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and stop crying about how hard your life is. Grow a pair for god's sake.
Another conservative victocrat thread. As a new member, I am shocked by the whining of the conservatives on this board. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and stop crying about how hard your life is. Grow a pair for god's sake.

"The Smoking Gun For Media Bias

Posted 07/21/2010 06:52 PM ET

Journo-Gate: For decades, moderates and conservatives have been derided and ridiculed for complaining about the mainstream media's pervasive liberal bias. As it turns out, however, their worst fears were true.

If you don't know about Journolist, you should. It's a semi-secret listserv maintained by Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein. Don't bother to try to log on. If they want you, they'll ask you to take part. No outsiders need apply.

And who uses it? Almost exclusively liberal journalists and left-leaning movers and shakers. Sound innocuous? It isn't.

Journolist has become a forum for lefty journalists to talk about how to push their progressive agenda on America, protect President Obama and hurt his foes. It is a safe-space for the often-vile expression of hatred toward conservatives and their ideas.

What's disappointing is not just the lie that journalists put forth about being "objective." That's long since been proved false by survey after survey showing that members of the media are not only overwhelmingly Democratic in their political orientation but also far to the left of average Americans on virtually every major social and economic issue, from tax cuts to abortion."

The Smoking Gun For Media Bias - Investors.com

I would be really exciting if you actually knew something about the topic before you post.
If you follow this suggestion, you'll grow in this new avocation.
Another conservative victocrat thread. As a new member, I am shocked by the whining of the conservatives on this board. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and stop crying about how hard your life is. Grow a pair for god's sake.

What the hell are you talking about?
Another conservative victocrat thread. As a new member, I am shocked by the whining of the conservatives on this board. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and stop crying about how hard your life is. Grow a pair for god's sake.

"The Smoking Gun For Media Bias

Posted 07/21/2010 06:52 PM ET

Journo-Gate: For decades, moderates and conservatives have been derided and ridiculed for complaining about the mainstream media's pervasive liberal bias. As it turns out, however, their worst fears were true.

If you don't know about Journolist, you should. It's a semi-secret listserv maintained by Washington Post columnist Ezra Klein. Don't bother to try to log on. If they want you, they'll ask you to take part. No outsiders need apply.

And who uses it? Almost exclusively liberal journalists and left-leaning movers and shakers. Sound innocuous? It isn't.

Journolist has become a forum for lefty journalists to talk about how to push their progressive agenda on America, protect President Obama and hurt his foes. It is a safe-space for the often-vile expression of hatred toward conservatives and their ideas.

What's disappointing is not just the lie that journalists put forth about being "objective." That's long since been proved false by survey after survey showing that members of the media are not only overwhelmingly Democratic in their political orientation but also far to the left of average Americans on virtually every major social and economic issue, from tax cuts to abortion."

The Smoking Gun For Media Bias - Investors.com

I would be really exciting if you actually knew something about the topic before you post.
If you follow this suggestion, you'll grow in this new avocation.

Will it make me a whiny victocrat conservative like many others on this board?
No use whining about it. I actually think it is a positive, as most fair minded people recognize the bias and adjust for it. Journalists aren't very well trusted anyway. If someone you don't trust tells you something where they have an interest in the outcome of your response, you weigh how much you feel they are scamming you.
I think the Republicans can be grateful that the average journalist is so fully wrapped around the Democratic party. They get two sympathy votes for everyone they might loose from their own foolishness.

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