Why Afro - Americans don't support Moluccans “Black Dutchmen” fight against Indonesian Asiatic Muslim occupation and oppression ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Why Afro - Americans don't support Moluccans “Black Dutchmen” fight against Indonesian Asiatic Muslim occupation and oppression ?
" he Moluccas, or Spice Islands, in the eastern Indonesian archipelago had drawnthe Dutch to the region in the early 17th Century when great fortunes could be made inthe clove and nutmeg trade. In the 19th Century, the region experienced a drasticeconomic decline and Dutch interests shifted to Java and other islands. The task ofconquering, pacifying and controlling the far-flung island empire of the Dutch East Indieswas in the hands of a specially formed colonial army of native and European soldiers ledby Dutch officers, theKoninklijke Nederlands Indisch Leger(Royal Netherlands IndiesArmy), usually referred to as KNIL.Believing that Christian natives are by far trust worthier than Moslems, ...

They feel at least half European and they want to be Europeans. Since van Heutz’spolicy of opening up the territory of the Indies, they feel pacifiers and conquerors of the archipelago.Among the usual pictures displayed in the schools for instance, the children like the picture of theconquest of Tjakranegara best of all, for they feel that those inhabitants of Lombok are their enemies,just as if they, the Ambonese, were unalloyed Dutch colonials. All these peoples and tribes of theIndies which rebelled with armed force or had to be subdued by the sword they consider ‘theirenemies’, just like the average Dutchman”(Kraemer 1958:13-14).

he reverence for the Dutch flag and pictures of the royalfamily on the wall of almost every Ambonese house are further examples of the closenessthey felt with the Dutch. .....To protect their privileged but precarious position near the top of the colonialhierarchy, they had to sacrifice some of their cultural heritage and shift the accent of theircultural identity to those aspects most useful, and thus most appreciated by the Dutch:Loyalty to the Dutch, Christianity, western-style education, and martial skills andbellicosity.Reinterpretation of History.... "


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Most black Americans don't support anything but stuff for themselves; no Bling in real 'social justice warrior' stuff, you know.
The Bandung Sea of Fire (Indonesian: Bandung Lautan Api) was the deliberate burning of much of the southern side of the city of Bandung by retreating Indonesian Republican troops during the Indonesian National Revolution.

Following the Indonesian declaration of independence, tensions and fighting in the city of Bandung began to emerge between the newly formed Indonesian armed forces (People's Security Agency and its successors) and Indonesian nationalist youths on one side, with Japanese and British forces on the other. After initial success in Japanese attempts to gain control of the city in October, the arrival of British forces resulted in continued fighting, which initially resulted in a stalemate where Bandung was segregated into the British-controlled north and Indonesian-controlled south. Following an ultimatum to militarily evacuate South Bandung in March 1946, Indonesian forces conducted a general evacuation of the area involving hundreds of thousands of civilians, burning down various buildings and looting warehouses to deny British, and later Dutch, forces the use of the buildings and supplies.

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