Why a Typical Honest Russian Immigrant Hates Obama


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Why a Typical Honest Russian Immigrant Hates Obama

By Alla Axelrod

I spoke to many people -- Russian immigrants like me -- being curious what they think about the current situation in our new Motherland. In my 32 years here, I have never seen this country shaken by such political turmoil, now especially inflamed by an election drawing closer and an economic recession at its lowest ebb in years. Every day I hear of someone being fired after years and years of service. I see more hatred toward the ruling president than I have ever seen before, and that includes the reign of the very unpopular president Carter, as well as Clinton's notorious scandal, which was more of an amusement than a real political problem.

Now even friends and family are much more belligerent -- going at each others' throats. People are really scared for their future and that of their children. That's a far cry from laughing at faux pas or speech blunders made by idiots in the White House or some semen-stained dress. And the hate comes right down from the head.

I don't want to repeat the stuff that I hear every day for the fear of being immediately blamed for being "uninformed" or falling prey to "rumors," but as the old saying goes, where there's smoke, there's fire. No president should even remotely be associated with talk about hating America or flag-burning, or worse yet, provoke doubts about birth records or be associated with the most dreadful public figures like Louis Farrakhan, William Ayers, and Rev. Wright.


The average traditional Russian of my generation is an honest immigrant who came here with empty pockets seeking freedom and a new life after years of a nightmare. The so-called "new Russians": crooks; drug dealers; shoddy, greedy fortune-seekers; and all sorts of dubious characters who came here in the '90s with money made by who knows what means. These are different people from a different Russia. What I am talking about is people who came here before perestroika and the fall of the Soviet Union, who had a very good reason to emigrate -- fear for their lives.

They -- or rather, we -- are very grateful, and most of us are real American patriots.

We know what Socialism is face-to-face.

We don't want to live in it again.

We don't want this country destroyed.

We don't want it here, because we'll have no place to run to.


Alla, an American patriot.

Read more: Articles: Why a Typical Honest Russian Immigrant Hates Obama
I posted something similar about a Russian immigrant I spoke to last Saturday, he was selling pieces made by artisans in Russia. He said pretty much the same thing, but he also told me how Maobama people were going into the immigrant communities telling the elderly that if the republicans won they would lose their benefits and health care. He lives in Chicago.
I posted something similar about a Russian immigrant I spoke to last Saturday, he was selling pieces made by artisans in Russia. He said pretty much the same thing, but he also told me how Maobama people were going into the immigrant communities telling the elderly that if the republicans won they would lose their benefits and health care. He lives in Chicago.
Chicago, that says it all, the hive of progressive liberal ilk...

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