Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

Only little minds think they know better than the creator. Very unwise.
Sounds like an excuse not to bother. Religion is anything but judgmental. But call it that and there you have it...a great excuse to flee. People who describe religion that way remind me of someone who would describe football as setting up the pins, swinging a nine-iron, and making a basket.
The 3 main Western ( actually Middle Eastern in origin ) Religions are called the Judgmental Religions for a reason. The gods they worship are believed to pas judgment on a person once they shed their mortal coils. For the most part , these religions followers and leaders advocate punishment of people here on earth or a least their condemnation. Muslims throwing gays off of buildings. The blocking of gay rights through the years., the condemnation of women who seek abortions and allowing children into torture camps if they aren't following the religious codes to the letter. Plus a whole lot more , look how they're making transgenders lives miserable now. It never ends.
Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

Whose name do you use for the first commandment?

Jesus who said “he comes to cure and not kill the afflicted”.

Yahweh says he will come to kill, not cure the afflicted.

The one who always kills, has some Jews calling Yahweh a evil god.

I think the term suits.

You could name Spirit, if you are a Trinitarian, but the spirit does not speak in the bible, except to those with a Jesus consciousness, or one who has risen to a Christ consciousness.

Gnostic Christians condemned Yahweh to hell way back when Christians had morals.

We put our myth against theirs and called their God evil, and then the good old inquisitions; instead of trying to win the argument.

Jesus and his Armageddon does not seem to be much better than the genocidal Yahweh.

Most who read this might not agree, --- but if you put any name other than yourself, --- as the spirit that judges the good or evil in the Christian God, --- then you might wonder why you venerate an evil God.

I name Spirit God as I will not go to hell where Yahweh and Jesus are bound to end.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be Matthew.

People hate moral questions.

We are all sinners, thank God; who will sin by accepting to follow one of the Christian Gods?

IMO, Christianity had the potential to be the worlds best religion. It changed and is now failing.

I think it a shame that they will drag Gnostic Christianity down with it.

Who do you name for Commandment # 1?

Thou Shalt Not Have Strange Gods
When I first heard it, I thought it was Latin for Jesus or something.
Etymological Detective

Yahweh is pronounced much the same way as Jove ("Yo-way") was pronounced in Latin. It's the same god, actually a response to the Mongol invasion that drove Caucasians out of the Caucasus Mountains around 4,000 BC. It means, "Get going! Run for your lives!"

In Greek mythology, it was mutated into Io, a goddess that wandered all over the known world, just like the Caucasians wandered, spreading out from Ireland to India.
very astute ...

original sin - is a cornerstone used by 4th century christianities - religion of servitude.

"Divine Right of Kings." Inheritance privileges are the same superstition, as if there were a pre-life where souls were judged. Those who passed the test were rewarded by being born rich. That's how pathetically stupid and dangerous Preppylovers are.
The 3 main Western ( actually Middle Eastern in origin ) Religions are called the Judgmental Religions for a reason. The gods they worship are believed to pas judgment on a person once they shed their mortal coils. For the most part , these religions followers and leaders advocate punishment of people here on earth or a least their condemnation. Muslims throwing gays off of buildings. The blocking of gay rights through the years., the condemnation of women who seek abortions and allowing children into torture camps if they aren't following the religious codes to the letter. Plus a whole lot more , look how they're making transgenders lives miserable now. It never ends.
I understand, and I agree with that part of it. The other side of religion is doing the work to actually know God, and who he is. Know God and judgment isn't very important.
I understand, and I agree with that part of it. The other side of religion is doing the work to actually know God, and who he is. Know God and judgment isn't very important.
If you really understood what the entity you refer to as God is you would understand that judgment of anyone here on earth by anyone or any organization is unconscionable. And I'm not talking about people who commit crimes , real crimes ; not bogus ones. As a simple race of beings we are all capable of commiting crimes and upsetting the balance here.
If you really understood what the entity you refer to as God is you would understand that judgment of anyone here on earth by anyone or any organization is unconscionable. And I'm not talking about people who commit crimes , real crimes ; not bogus ones. As a simple race of beings we are all capable of commiting crimes and upsetting the balance here.
Yes, which is why knowing God is such a blessing.
If you really understood what the entity you refer to as God is you would understand that judgment of anyone here on earth by anyone or any organization is unconscionable. And I'm not talking about people who commit crimes , real crimes ; not bogus ones. As a simple race of beings we are all capable of commiting crimes and upsetting the balance here.
The question isn't to judge or not to judge. The question is whether to judge fairly or unfairly. We are all going to judge. Better to judge behaviors than to judge the person.

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