Whose Fault Is The "Muslim Question" About BHO?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Are the people that were queried by Pew ignorant, as so many want to argue now? I don't think so. The question of his religion choice controversy, was of his own making. Personally, I don't think he's religious, at all. Not Christian, not Muslim.

Obama has himself to blame for Muslim problem | Washington Examiner

...In December 2007, with the Iowa caucuses approaching, former Democratic Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Hillary Clinton supporter, said of Obama, “I like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama, and that his father was a Muslim and that his paternal grandmother is a Muslim. There’s a billion people on the planet that are Muslims, and I think that experience is a big deal.” Kerrey’s remarks caused an uproar — one TV commentator wondered whether they were “poisoning the well” — and Kerrey later apologized.

Eighteen months later, when President Obama traveled to Cairo for a long-awaited speech to the Muslim world, the White House was saying, and the press was reporting, the same thing Kerrey had to apologize for. “President Obama is now embracing his Muslim roots,” ABC News’ “Nightline” announced. “President Obama’s speech … was laced with references to the Quran and his Muslim roots,” said USA Today. “Obama touched on his own Muslim roots,” reported the Associated Press...
I disagree that it was of his own making, that was Hillary who started the rumors and innuendo circulating. But I can see how in some people's eyes his words and actions haven't helped. It depends how you view Muslims, really. And whether you have the "with us or against us" mentality.

I'm not thrilled with a lot of things Obama's done, but for me personally I have no reason to disbelieve his own words on something so private and personal as his faith. For a bunch of people who often try to claim we know nothing about him, the people who are sure he's a Muslim seem to think they know a hell of a lot.
I disagree that it was of his own making, that was Hillary who started the rumors and innuendo circulating. But I can see how in some people's eyes his words and actions haven't helped. It depends how you view Muslims, really. And whether you have the "with us or against us" mentality.

I'm not thrilled with a lot of things Obama's done, but for me personally I have no reason to disbelieve his own words on something so private and personal as his faith. For a bunch of people who often try to claim we know nothing about him, the people who are sure he's a Muslim seem to think they know a hell of a lot.

Typical of what happens when people resort to ad hominem attacks to justify why they disagree with someone. Its basically the same thing that happened with Bush, who according to the hard left was both an evil genius trying to bring Facism to the US and a drooling blithering idiot at the same exact time.
I disagree that it was of his own making, that was Hillary who started the rumors and innuendo circulating. But I can see how in some people's eyes his words and actions haven't helped. It depends how you view Muslims, really. And whether you have the "with us or against us" mentality.

I'm not thrilled with a lot of things Obama's done, but for me personally I have no reason to disbelieve his own words on something so private and personal as his faith. For a bunch of people who often try to claim we know nothing about him, the people who are sure he's a Muslim seem to think they know a hell of a lot.

Typical of what happens when people resort to ad hominem attacks to justify why they disagree with someone. Its basically the same thing that happened with Bush, who according to the hard left was both an evil genius trying to bring Facism to the US and a drooling blithering idiot at the same exact time.

A little contradictory there too, isn't it? :lol:

And yet some people believed it wholeheartedly. I'll jump on the anti-media bandwagon here too, and hand them some of the blame. Whether it's tv, radio, or a big chunk of the blogosphere, media has tended to jump more and more on these ad homs as "news" and argue their target audience's "side" rather than put out the time and shoe leather to report facts. I chalk it up to greed and laziness, with some incompetence thrown in for good measure.

And yes, I blame both sides. It just happens to be a D in the Oval Office right now.
Has anyone ever questioned his Muslim roots?

I always thought that in this country you get to decide your own religious affiliation. How can the same Republicans who decried his affiliation with Rev Wrights Christian Church, turn around and say they think he is a Muslim?
It's not his fault. He "sat in a church" blah blah blah. And, he eats pork. End of story, his daughters are baptized blah blah blah.
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.
US president has to excorcise himself in-front of US public of any Muslim roots.
Tells a lot in itself.
Ooh ooh... I know! I know!

rightwingnut conspiracists who think it's a way to fire up their 'base' and will whine about him going to Rev Wright's church for 20 years cause they can't make up their minds).

(regardless of where it started, the loons keep it going... and going...and going....)


p.s. the answer to the question of whether he is a muslim should be 'who gives a flying'?
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By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

His father declared himself an atheist at a young age, and also he wasn't murdered by Muslims, and Barack's not bound by Muslim law, he's an American.
Yes, it does. It tells you we won't roll over and let Islam do to this country what it has done to every country it has invaded.
Ooh ooh... I know! I know!

rightwingnut conspiracists who think it's a way to fire up their 'base' and will whine about him going to Rev Wright's church for 20 years cause they can't make up their minds).

(regardless of where it started, the loons keep it going... and going...and going....)


lol your image is broken ass clown. :razz:
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

Once again, even if this were universally true and followed it is not generally how we view things in this country. Why do you allow people you consider the enemy to control your standards and way of thinking?
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

His father declared himself an atheist at a young age, and also he wasn't murdered by Muslims, and Barack's not bound by Muslim law, he's an American.

You're an idiot.

Muslim law supercedes any other law.

And if his father declared himself an atheist, he, too was an apostate.
Yes, it does. It tells you we won't roll over and let Islam do to this country what it has done to every country it has invaded.

hide in a closet! hurry! the islamists are taking over the country by storm!
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

But he did admit he is Muslim.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY]YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim[/ame]​
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

His father declared himself an atheist at a young age, and also he wasn't murdered by Muslims, and Barack's not bound by Muslim law, he's an American.

You're an idiot.

Muslim law supercedes any other law.

And if his father declared himself an atheist, he, too was an apostate.
:lol: @ Muslim law supercedes any other law.

Not in America. Sorry.
By Muslim law, he should be a Muslim, as his father was.

By claiming he's not, he essentially puts a big bull's eye on his back. He's considered an apostate, which is the lowest of the low in Islam. Apostasy is the only crime for which the punishment (death) can't be mitigated.

But he did admit he is Muslim.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCAffMSWSzY]YouTube - Obama Admits He Is A Muslim[/ame]​

love the legal disclaimer at the beginning saying the poster of the video is not claiming president obama is a muslim.

he said he spent time in a muslim country.
he said john mccain did not raise the issue of him being a muslim as a campaign tactic.

what a lying piece of work you are.

negged for being trash and for taking three minutes of my life that i'll never get back. :thup:
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