Who's the religious one again?

You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.

Biden is in favor of Abortion until the moment of birth, Partial Birth Abortion is the high sacrament of liberalism. George Tiller, the abortionist in Wichita, was canonized because late term abortion was his specialty.
Right wingers have a problem with an ounce of prevention yet complain about a pound of cure.

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