Who's the religious one again?

Biden is a fake Catholic, no doubt about it. Sleepy Joe's advocacy for abortion and his actual participation in Gay Marriage have officially condemned him and all of his supporters to Hell, according to top Catholic internet theologian Michael Voorhis.

You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Actually, Biden supports using the tax dollars of Christians to pay Planned Parenthood to butcher our nation's unborn babies and sell their parts.

And he actually participated and presided in a faked sacrament of holy matrimony for a group of homos, contrary to RCC teaching.
Wherever did you get the idea that anyone considered Trump deeply religious?
I don't, I was referring to evangelicals and just about all the other kool-aid drinkers in Trump's cult
Even they don't think Trump is religious.

President Trump was never that terribly religious, no one says he is. As a kid, his family were part of the Tremendous Norman V. Peale's congregation, and he remains at faithful member of Marble Collegiate.

And the teaching stuck, Trump still believes in Almighty God even if he doesn't sing in the choir or teach Sunday School.
Biden is a fake Catholic, no doubt about it. Sleepy Joe's advocacy for abortion and his actual participation in Gay Marriage have officially condemned him and all of his supporters to Hell, according to top Catholic internet theologian Michael Voorhis.

You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Actually, Biden supports using the tax dollars of Christians to pay Planned Parenthood to butcher our nation's unborn babies and sell their parts.

And he actually participated and presided in a faked sacrament of holy matrimony for a group of homos, contrary to RCC teaching.

What did Jesus have to say about gay people??
Biden is a fake Catholic, no doubt about it. Sleepy Joe's advocacy for abortion and his actual participation in Gay Marriage have officially condemned him and all of his supporters to Hell, according to top Catholic internet theologian Michael Voorhis.

You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Actually, Biden supports using the tax dollars of Christians to pay Planned Parenthood to butcher our nation's unborn babies and sell their parts.

And he actually participated and presided in a faked sacrament of holy matrimony for a group of homos, contrary to RCC teaching.

What did Jesus have to say about gay people??

Did not like it one bit, particularly after the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit his holy angels into the homo fold.

"Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.
The Obama/Biden administration went out of its way to persecute Christians, forcing a religious order to fund birth control against it's religious beliefs.

Trump defends the rights of the religious, his personal faith is not relevant to the issue.
Funny how the right keeps pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious and Biden is just a Catholic in name only, meaning he's not really that into God like Trump is. So how did they spend their Sunday..Biden went to mass then went to the cemetery to visit the graves of his son and other family members, which he was mocked for by a Trump staff member by the way. What did Trump do on Sunday while Biden was doing all that..yup..you guessed it..went golfing...Trump Campaign Official Mocked Joe Biden For Visiting Graves Of Late Family Members
Is there a Link for the Right pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious or are you simply a retard?
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.

Biden is in favor of Abortion until the moment of birth, Partial Birth Abortion is the high sacrament of liberalism. George Tiller, the abortionist in Wichita, was canonized because late term abortion was his specialty.
If we allow religious zealots have their way, rape and incest victims as young as 10 will be forced to go through with their pregnancies.
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.

Biden is in favor of Abortion until the moment of birth, Partial Birth Abortion is the high sacrament of liberalism. George Tiller, the abortionist in Wichita, was canonized because late term abortion was his specialty.
How many late-term abortions are done in the U.S in a year?
Funny how the right keeps pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious and Biden is just a Catholic in name only, meaning he's not really that into God like Trump is. So how did they spend their Sunday..Biden went to mass then went to the cemetery to visit the graves of his son and other family members, which he was mocked for by a Trump staff member by the way. What did Trump do on Sunday while Biden was doing all that..yup..you guessed it..went golfing...Trump Campaign Official Mocked Joe Biden For Visiting Graves Of Late Family Members
Is there a Link for the Right pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious or are you simply a retard?
Jeezus..again. I'm saying there are those who says he is..even calling him the Chosen One. Here's an article of what the most far right 'Christians' think..False Idol -- Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.

Biden is in favor of Abortion until the moment of birth, Partial Birth Abortion is the high sacrament of liberalism. George Tiller, the abortionist in Wichita, was canonized because late term abortion was his specialty.
How many late-term abortions are done in the U.S in a year?

Liberals think not nearly enough. Did you not see the discussion about it from Gov. Blackface in Virginia?

The liberal glorification of "Dr." George Tiller tells the tale of lib attitudes.
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.

Biden is in favor of Abortion until the moment of birth, Partial Birth Abortion is the high sacrament of liberalism. George Tiller, the abortionist in Wichita, was canonized because late term abortion was his specialty.
How many late-term abortions are done in the U.S in a year?

Liberals think not nearly enough. Did you not see the discussion about it from Gov. Blackface in Virginia?

The liberal glorification of "Dr." George Tiller tells the tale of lib attitudes.
So hardly any..got it.
Funny how the right keeps pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious and Biden is just a Catholic in name only, meaning he's not really that into God like Trump is. So how did they spend their Sunday..Biden went to mass then went to the cemetery to visit the graves of his son and other family members, which he was mocked for by a Trump staff member by the way. What did Trump do on Sunday while Biden was doing all that..yup..you guessed it..went golfing...Trump Campaign Official Mocked Joe Biden For Visiting Graves Of Late Family Members
Is there a Link for the Right pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious or are you simply a retard?
Jeezus..again. I'm saying there are those who says he is..even calling him the Chosen One. Here's an article of what the most far right 'Christians' think..False Idol -- Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump
Trump is not an idol. There are real Christians who are nervous of the Prog Party. There are elderly people who see persecution from what the Progs promote. There are people of all ages and/or of faith who see that also. So Trump is not pushing what the Progs are. The Progs are still moving the government left though.
You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion [sic] and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Nothing expresses better, just how f•••ed-up left wrong-wing ideology is, than your support for the “right” to savagely murder innocent children in cold blood.
Aborting a clump of cells in the first trimester is not 'savagely murdering innocent children in cold blood'. Stop with the stupid dramatics.
Always the stupid Progs who want to kill babies in or out of the womb......Maybe some felon who has been released by the Dem's of Californication can show up at your door and post birth abort your sorry clump of cells...
Funny how the right keeps pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious and Biden is just a Catholic in name only, meaning he's not really that into God like Trump is. So how did they spend their Sunday..Biden went to mass then went to the cemetery to visit the graves of his son and other family members, which he was mocked for by a Trump staff member by the way. What did Trump do on Sunday while Biden was doing all that..yup..you guessed it..went golfing...Trump Campaign Official Mocked Joe Biden For Visiting Graves Of Late Family Members
Is there a Link for the Right pushing the narrative that Trump is deeply religious or are you simply a retard?
Jeezus..again. I'm saying there are those who says he is..even calling him the Chosen One. Here's an article of what the most far right 'Christians' think..False Idol -- Why the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump
Uh...the Christian Right Worships Donald Trump
That's not what I asked for.
They love Trump for what they believe will bring the Rapture.
Trump is hardly deeply religious but he doesn't demand public schools teach 1st graders how to perform Oral Sex.
It's a bogus argument that shows how desperate lefties are to try to connect the President to a bogus article in the Atlantic that was debunked two years ago. Trump might not be such a religious leader and Biden is a hypocrite Catholic who supports abortion on demand. Feel better?
I think Trump once passed gas!
Biden is a fake Catholic, no doubt about it. Sleepy Joe's advocacy for abortion and his actual participation in Gay Marriage have officially condemned him and all of his supporters to Hell, according to top Catholic internet theologian Michael Voorhis.

You mean he is for letting the pregnant woman herself make the decsion and not some holier than thou kook like you do it for her..I get it.

Actually, Biden supports using the tax dollars of Christians to pay Planned Parenthood to butcher our nation's unborn babies and sell their parts.

And he actually participated and presided in a faked sacrament of holy matrimony for a group of homos, contrary to RCC teaching.

What did Jesus have to say about gay people??

Did not like it one bit, particularly after the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit his holy angels into the homo fold.

"Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
Yet, even virgin women were safer.

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