Who's Smart?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
No matter who it is, if the person under discussion is a Republican, a conservative, a religious individual, one can always count on Liberals to accuse 'em of being 'dummmm.'
Never fails.

Let's see.....

1. "Meanwhile talk show host Rush Limbaugh, political commentator Bill O'Reilly and actor and economist Ben Stein picked up near-perfect [SAT] scores of 1530, 1585 and 1573 respectively.

It's not just conservatives with high scores though: Al Gore kept the tally high for the Democrat camp with a score of 1355.

US president Barack Obama, on the other hand, has repeatedly refused to release his education records.

Not all celebrities fared brilliantly however, with presenter Howard Stern rumoured to have picked up a low 870, and baseball star Alex Rodriguez reaching just 910. Meanwhile stand-up comedian Janeane Garofalo is thought to have scored around 950."
Celebrities SAT scores revealed amid controversy over regrading Daily Mail Online

2. ".... former US President Bill Clinton scored fairly low - with results of 1020 puts him more than 200 points below successor George W Bush's 1206. SAT FAIL !"

3. "Famed Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz ranks Sen. Ted Cruz among the school’s smartest students,...."
Dershowitz Ted Cruz one of Harvard Law s smartest students The Daily Caller

4. How many time have we heard that Bush is 'stoooopiddddd.'
Turns out, it's just one more Liberal error....you know, like electing you-know-who.

"Being a legacy student definitely helped much more years ago. But it's foolish to think that a 1206 is an average score.
A 1206 would be scored a 1210 by today's standards of rounding off (all scores end in 0). And it's more than 2 standard deviations above the mean, putting his score in the top 5% when it was taken. The vast majority of "average colleges" offer full-scholarships to students they can attract with SATs at or above 1200 (on the old scale).

By no means would it only have been good enough to get him into an average college. It would have been considered an acceptable score by most institutions in the nation, pending the rest of the application such as GPA, extra-curriculars, etc.

You can debate the worthiness of his acceptance to an Ivy League school with such a score because most have traditionally preferred 1300 or above on the old scale since the late 90's, but you cannot debate the fact that it was a very good score. I'm not even a Bush supporter nor did I vote for him, but there's no denying the stats.
Good leaders are not defined by their SAT score or where they went to school, it takes a little something else that a number cannot quantify."
Breaking news Sarah palin shockingly low sat score racism Hillary Clinton anti-American - Elections - Page 19 - City-Data Forum

"....Good leaders are not defined by their SAT score or where they went to school, it takes a little something else that a number cannot quantify."

A vision for America.
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Rush Limbaugh, political commentator Bill O'Reilly and actor and economist Ben Stein,

Old Ben you can see his smarts, as far as Rush and Bill, they are hucksters..
BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.
No matter who it is, if the person under discussion is a Republican, a conservative, a religious individual, one can always count on Liberals to accuse 'em of being 'dummmm.'
Never fails.

" We hold these truths to be self evident" that all Conservatives are created equally stupid otherwise why would they be conservative...duh
My dog's pretty smart.

He's an Aussie.

We have to spell in front him.

Then he figured that out. Now we have to speak in code.

Y'know....I had always heard that Aussie hounds were smarter than Canadians......

A hint on that code you guys are using.....stop using the same alphabet letters in the same order.....
The smart people are the ones who can recognize the intelligence of others, no matter the political stripe.

The stupid ones are those who think that joining a tribe called "conservative" or a tribe called "liberal" is what actually makes them smart.
Let's hear it for public schools. :thup:

Wait....did you just cheer for government schools???????

See....this is why I couldn't list you under "Smart"....

"(Tribune News Service) -- America's wealthiest and best-educated young adults still lag behind their peers in other countries in the literacy, numeracy, and computer-age problem-solving skills needed to compete in the global labor market.

....U.S. millennials—those born after 1980, ages 16 to 34 during the study—specifically highlights that the skills gap goes beyond young people who are typically seen as more "at-risk," like immigrants and high school dropouts.

Across the board, young Americans fared poorly compared to those in the other countries studied. They tied for last, with Italy and Spain, in math skills. In problem-solving, they again performed at the bottom of the pack, with Ireland, Poland, and the Slovak Republic. U.S. millennials also had lower literacy scores than peers in 15 out of 22 countries, tied with a few, and outperformed only peers in Italy and Spain. Younger members of the cohort, who presumably grew up under the last decade of high-stakes accountability initiatives, were no more competitive globally than older millennials."
U.S. Millennials Come Up Short in Global Skills Study

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.
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BTW, Obama interned at Sidley Austin, a top Wall Street firm.

You don't get that by being below average.

But Cruz is a smart guy. He won't be President, but no one will mistake him for Sarah Palin.

I'll get to Obama.....just wait.....
No matter who it is, if the person under discussion is a Republican, a conservative, a religious individual, one can always count on Liberals to accuse 'em of being 'dummmm.'
Never fails.

" We hold these truths to be self evident" that all Conservatives are created equally stupid otherwise why would they be conservative...duh

See what I mean.
Let's hear it for public schools. :thup:

Wait....did you just cheer for government schools???????

See....this is why I couldn't list you under "Smart"....

"(Tribune News Service) -- America's wealthiest and best-educated young adults still lag behind their peers in other countries in the literacy, numeracy, and computer-age problem-solving skills needed to compete in the global labor market.

....U.S. millennials—those born after 1980, ages 16 to 34 during the study—specifically highlights that the skills gap goes beyond young people who are typically seen as more "at-risk," like immigrants and high school dropouts.

Across the board, young Americans fared poorly compared to those in the other countries studied. They tied for last, with Italy and Spain, in math skills. In problem-solving, they again performed at the bottom of the pack, with Ireland, Poland, and the Slovak Republic. U.S. millennials also had lower literacy scores than peers in 15 out of 22 countries, tied with a few, and outperformed only peers in Italy and Spain. Younger members of the cohort, who presumably grew up under the last decade of high-stakes accountability initiatives, were no more competitive globally than older millennials."
U.S. Millennials Come Up Short in Global Skills Study

Let me guess: you voted for Obama.
The highest scorers in your sampling went to public schools :lol:
The smart people are the ones who can recognize the intelligence of others, no matter the political stripe.

The stupid ones are those who think that joining a tribe called "conservative" or a tribe called "liberal" is what actually makes them smart.

Actually, the smart ones are the ones who can articulate exactly what they see as the basis for deciding who's smart....or not.
No matter who it is, if the person under discussion is a Republican, a conservative, a religious individual, one can always count on Liberals to accuse 'em of being 'dummmm.'
Never fails.

" We hold these truths to be self evident" that all Conservatives are created equally stupid otherwise why would they be conservative...duh

See what I mean.
see what I mean
It Will Never Happen
Ted Cruz does not play ball. He is arrogant. He causes lots of damage for Republicans who either have moderate views or are in the business of politics. Ted is not good for business in either the good or bad senses of the term - whether that's people who simply want to govern or those most focused on delivering goods for constituents (or getting people who are not named Ted Cruz elected). Ted will never be elected president. And I think it is very, very unlikely he will get the GOP nomination. The most likely outcome is that he will pull well with far right Republicans and pull the field to the right.

To summarize, pass the popcorn.

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